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Yo yo wassup guys!! :D
So this is my very first ever nyotalia AU. (And first ever story I've written more than two chapters for.. haaahh..)
I actually don't like nyotalia very much but I've been really depressed lately and so I just spent all my time being isolated and drawing and eventually (after totally not drawing johnlock) I started drawing fem al and art ;p
I will do them differently than usual and try to keep all the characters as close to their normal selves. I do imagine a bunch of them differently than their canon designs but.. oh well. See them how you'd like, but they'll be described differently.
Summary: Alice and Amelia have hated each other for years! And by hate, I mean love. Funny how things work out that way.
After going to boarding school since the sixth grade, the two have been trying to suppress feelings that are blatantly obvious to everyone around them.
So what'll happen when they're forced to room together? Only time will tell.
Hope y'all enjoy!
"Ready? Okay!"

I glanced up as Amelia was lifted into the air by three of her fellow cheerleaders. My stomach turned at the sight. She teetered precariously as she lifted her arms into the air, chanting her god-awful rehearsed lines.

"One, two, three, four! Your team is such a bore! Five, six, seven, eight! Our Warriors are really great! Gooo team!" Amelia laughed as she was thrown in the air and then caught by her friends before she could land flat on her back. Everyone cheered and patted her on the back. I internally sighed in relief, glad she didn't break her neck at such a stupid stunt.

The perks of loving a cheerleader..

Amelia looked over to me as she wiped her forehead with a hand towel, her grin quickly falling and replaced by furrowed eyebrows and a straight line for a mouth.

..A cheerleader that didn't love you back.

I glared back at her and raised my middle finger despite the nausea that built up at it.

Eight years. Eight years I've been desperately in love with her. And eight years she's hated me.

It started when we were little.

I'd been at her birthday party, and we had been giggling at her dog. He'd taken her sister's piece of cake and run off with it. Maddie had run off crying, leaving me alone with Amelia. She had looked so beautiful. Blue polka dotted dress, bow in hair, socked feet and braided pigtails. I couldn't help it when I kissed her on the cheek. I'd done it a few times before, but this time, my lips started to wander towards hers. Huge mistake. Amelia's eyes widened into blue moons and she'd smacked me across the face.

"What the hell, Ally?!" She screeched, rubbing her cheek with her hand like it would rub away my kiss.

"I-I'm so sorry.." I whispered. "I didn't mean it. I just- I like you.."

"That's so gross!" She got up and started pacing anxiously. "You can't like me! You're supposed to like boys!"

"Amy-" I reached out tentatively to grab her shoulder, but she promptly smacked my hand away, eyes blazing with rage.

"Don't touch me," she hissed. "You'll make me weird like you. Just.. Go home, Alice. Don't talk to me. And don't ever touch me again."

I tried to speak, but I felt like rocks had been stuffed down my throat, and I could no longer see Amy with my blurred vision. Were those tears? I didn't have time to think about it before I ran out of the house, cheeks flushed red with embarrassment and sobs escaping my mouth.

That evening, I hid in a dark part of the neighbourhood and watched as fireworks shot into the air for the Fourth of July. I cried myself to sleep behind a few trashcans, hugging myself tight in the unusually cold night. No one found me for hours until a few joggers reported me to the police.

It was that day I swore I'd make Amelia pay for the humiliation and all the time I've wasted falling for her.

So, eight years of gum in each others hair and pointless yelling bouts passed, and I've yet to stop loving her. It's dumb, I know. She hates me. And I try to hate her back. But I've seen her when she's happy and laughing and joking around, and those feelings just come rushing back like the dam holding back my feelings just broke and they flood into my head.

I was desperately in love.

And I didn't know what to do.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now