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"You better not be lying to me, Maddie."

I rolled my eyes at my sister. Again. That had to be the seventh time this conversation.

"I'm not, Ames. I am so sorry I couldn't record the whole conversation as proof."

Amelia stared at me with wide eyes and covered her mouth with her hands as she smiled. "Holy shit."

"Yeah." I sighed and rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. When had she put the American flag up there? It looked unbelievably tacky.

"Oh my god!" Amy squealed and rolled around on the bed, almost knocking me off in the process. "Alice wants me there!"

"Mmhmm.." I smiled at her wearily. Whoops. Forgot to mention Ally almost had a panic attack at the mere mention of Amelia coming.

"Okay so I'm gonna go, I'm gonna wear a super cute dress that there's no way she can say no to, she's going to realise she still totally is in love with me, and we're going to have that magic moment where we gaze into each others eyes and then we are so going to make out because I have been dying to for like the past three years, AND THEN-"

"Okay, okay!" I shouted. I had a feeling I really didn't want to hear the next step in their relationship according to Amelia. "Relax! You're just going to go watch her preform! Not get married!"

"Well..." Amelia giggled and covered her face with both hands, making her glasses slide off her face. "I don't think I'd mind that, either..." I shook my head.

"Yeah. This whole process would go smoother if you'd stop making fun of her and taking her clothes when she's showering."

The smile immediately dropped.

"I.. I don't mean to be such a dick.." Amy said, looking up at me. Her face turned pale. "I just want her to notice me, y'know? I like her attention.."

"You could get her to notice you by, I dunno, giving her flowers?" I raised an eyebrow. "I think she'd prefer that over running around trying to find her clothes in just a towel.."

"But I like seeing her in just a towel.." Amelia looked off to the side, and her face started to turn red. God, she was bizarre.

"Focus. No thinking about Alice naked. That's just.. Ew." I shuddered. "Flowers over nudity, Ames. That's how you get the girl. For Pete's sake, Gil would just leave dumb little sticky notes on my locker that said how much she loved me." I smiled slightly. They'd been pretty adorable, actually. The notes had been anonymous, but one time Gillian had been clumsy enough to mention her little brother in one of the notes and totally gave herself away. I loved my dork.

"Okay but Alice is worth more than a trillion sticky notes.." Amelia closed her eyes and scrunched her eyebrows together. "If I could, I'd give her the moon."

"Then tell her that!" I shouted, smacking my face. "Telling her she's a creepy lesbo nerd will not make her want to go out with you! Make a move! Take chances! Live a little!" I groaned in exasperation and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Jesus."

Amelia giggled a little. "Oh my god, dude. You're starting to sound like Gil."

I laughed and looked over at her, glad to see her smile lighting up her eyes. "Now that is a scary thought."

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now