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I had to be the best wingwoman ever.
Come on! I totally just hooked up my sister and my best friend! There had to be a Guinness world record or something for that, right?
They were so caught up with each other the entire class, that I think they totally missed the hardest topic we'd gone over the whole semester.
They were really cute together, though. Like that really disgusting cute where you can't help but want to throw up when you see it unless you're dating, as well. Little giggles kept coming from both of them- yeah, Alice actually giggled.
The world must be ending or something.
We all walked down the hall together after class ended. Alice and Amelia were hand in hand, as they had been for the past couple of days. They never mentioned it. Ever. And both had sworn on separate occasions to murder me if I brought it up.
So I didn't.
Whatever. They were sweet.
"What class do you have next?" Amelia was asking. They were leaning close to each other as they talked. That was a new thing, too. Well, sorta. They'd done it before, but when they were arguing. "I can walk you there. I don't mind."
"It's all the way across campus, you dummy," Alice said. A smile spread across her face. "I'll make you late."
"I don't care. I'll walk you."
"I care. I promise I'll be okay. I'm a big girl. I can handle myself."
Amelia pushed her with her shoulder while Alice laughed and squeezed her hand. "Jerk."
They were so weird.
Apparently this was friendly in their strange little world.
You know, friendly hand holding and friendly stares and friendly trying to touch each other at any chance. Which I guess could be platonic if someone wished, but not in their case. Definitely not.
"I have to go here. I'll see you later, Amelia." Alice broke away from my sister and started to walk away, looking over her shoulder once or twice to smile at Amy.
"I'm gonna go with her," I said. "Later, Ames!"
"Betrayal, sis!" Amelia shouted. "You're supposed to walk with me!"
I laughed and followed my friend.
Alice was still looking at Amy as she walked away. She almost bumped into a trashcan, but I pulled her away in the nick of time. "You couldn't be any more obvious, you know?"
"I suppose." She looked pretty happy. "She's too oblivious, so I think I'm okay."
I nodded in agreement. "You are definitely right there."
Alice sighed. "Do you think she'll get bored during tutoring? It's not a very romantic activity." I giggled. She looked at me and frowned. "What's so funny?"
"You actually admitted you want it to be romantic."
"Of course I want it to be!" She groaned in frustration. "I'm not patient, Maddie. As weird as it must sound to you, I really want your sister." There was a brief pause before she realised what she said. "Fuck, I meant I want her to date me. Fuck!" She looked embarrassed.
I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah, that was pretty weird." Alice blushed and looked at the ground. I hooked my arm through hers. "We'll get you there, Ally."
Then came Trouble. With a capital T.
"Bonjour, my darlings!" Fran cooed, coming out of absolutely nowhere. "How are you both?" She looked as cheerful as ever, arms flung wide as if to hug us.
"Fuck off," Alice said. She actually didn't sound as venomous as usual.
"Birdie!" Gillian popped up on the other side of Alice. She wiggled between me and my friend to reach me. "How goes it?"
I rolled my eyes. "Fine. A heads up would've been nice." She pulled me away from Fran.
"You two should really speak up. I don't think you're loud enough!" Alice snapped.
"Alright!" Gil shouted in my ear. I flinched.
Alice looked ready to murder her.
"Ma chérie," Fran said with a pout. She wrapped an arm around Alice's waist. My friend squirmed for a moment then relaxed. Ally and Amy were weird, but Fran and Alice were a whole other story. "Do not be so harsh. We simply wish to greet our two favourite people in the world."
"Well," Gil cut in. "I just came for my second favourite person in the world." She kissed the side of my head. "Sorry, Birdie, my bro comes in first, but you are definitely close behind."
"Understandable." I pressed against her side.
"I would've had the perfect day if you two had left me alone," Alice said bitterly.
"You're so fun to tease, though!" Gil chirped. I elbowed her in the side. It was our secret code for stop being such an asshole. Not like she ever used it on me. "Ouch."
Fran pulled Alice extremely close. My friend visibly started to tense. She tried to look behind her to see where Amelia was. "How would your day have been so perfect without me?
"I have a date," Ally said proudly.
"A what?" Gil shrieked. "You're going out with someone?"
"Shut up!" Alice barked. "Everyone is already staring at us!"
Gil grumbled but stopped talking.
"It's not a date, per-se," I put in. "She's just getting tutored by Ames since she flunked her quiz."
"Oooh," Gil said. "And then what? Dinner? Sex?"
Alice glared at her. "Your extermination, I hope."
Fran looked slightly upset. That was weird. Nothing ever phased her. "You are still trying to get with Amelia? She's so rude to you.."
Alice looked just as confused as I felt. "Yeah? I told you numerous times that I want to be with her. Are you feeling well?"
Fran shook her head and went back to smiling. "I am well, ma chérie. Quite well. I just question your taste in women. Now if you'll excuse us, Gillian and I are still searching for a new member to add to our friend group."
"Yeah, good luck finding anyone idiotic enough to want to hang around you two morons," Alice said, rolling her eyes.
Fran beamed. I swear, it was like she fed off of Alice's insults. She pressed a chaste kiss on my friend's cheek. "I shall see you around, my little rotten friend." Fran paused another moment before planting another kiss on Alice's face, this time on her lips.
Before Ally could react, Fran had run off, already asking some new kids how they were doing.
Gil frowned. "She's being pretty weird today."
I raised my eyebrows. "No kidding."
"Disgusting animal," Alice hissed, rubbing her lips with her hand as if to get rid of the taste of Fran. "I told her to stop doing that in public."
I looked at my friend. "Stop what? Kissing you?"
Alice shrugged. "Yes."
"As opposed to kissing you in private?"
She stopped midstep as if she realised what was wrong with what she said. "I have to go. I'm going to be late." Alice left as quickly as she could to avoid the rest of the conversation.
Gil and I exchanged a look.
"Call me crazy, but I think they're hiding something," she said.
"You are crazy, Gillian," I sighed. "Alice is way in love with Amelia. I don't think her and Fran are doing anything different than normal."
But even as Gil nodded in agreement and said, "True," I doubted my own words.
What was up with them?

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