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I couldn't stop worrying about the whole room thing.
Okay, so a lot of people would be psyched to get to be roommates with their crush, I get that. But it was Alice. Perfect Alice with perfect grades and absolutely zero screw-ups. How on earth could I ever amount to anything in her eyes? I was failing two of my classes and always managed to trip over myself at the worst times, not to mention I was overweight, as I had people point out on multiple occasions. We were polar opposites! It was nearly impossible to even consider that I wouldn't manage to piss her off once we were together.
Uh, like, together in the same room.
Anyways, I was trailing behind her as she tried to get all of her shit together. She kept mumbling stuff to herself and cursing under her breath whenever she dropped something on the ground. I kept saying I would help her, but she insisted on doing everything herself.
"I'm not completely helpless, Amelia," she snapped when I offered to lift something for the third time. "It's my shit, let me just do it!"
So I stood back and watched her put things in boxes. If I even bothered to touch something, she would immediately move the thing into a different place. She was slowly getting more and more frustrated with herself. I had no clue why she was freaking out so much. Usually she was so quiet and reserved but now...
Alice struggled under the weight of a pile of clothes in her arms, frowning when a shirt hit the floor. "Goddammit."
I sighed. "Alice-"
"Amelia, I am fine." I took half the pile of clothes despite her protests. "Amelia!"
I rolled my eyes. "Alice, dude, I have no idea what the hell is wrong with you today, but I'm helping you no matter what you say."
She narrowed her eyes but didn't say anything else. I was glad. Arguing when we were about to move in together probably wasn't the best way to start our time together. Besides, we had a lot of shit to move into my room, so there wasn't any time for us to bicker about who did what.
Alice didn't talk much once I started helping her, besides the occasional complaint about how I wasn't treating her fragile knickknacks with enough care.
After that, everything went well for the time being.
The calm before the storm, I think is the correct way to put it.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now