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Alice Kirland, would you please report to the DA office? Alice Kirkland, please report to the DA's office...
I looked up at the speaker in the corner of the room. I was sitting in my English class, absentmindedly doodling on the corner of a piece of notebook paper. My body felt numb. Amelia hadn't even tried to come back into her room, and I spent the whole night tossing and turning and got zero sleep. She probably hated me, but I had no reason to feel guilty about any of my actions, especially when she had straight up lied to my face about my journal.
I felt sick. She knew everything about me. Every single thought I'd ever had about her and how in love with her I was. What was I supposed to do? How could I ever look at her?
A few kids turned to look at me when my name came up, "ooing" as if I were in some huge trouble.
Maybe I was. Maybe Amelia and Maddie had told the DA that I was fucking Fran and we were both going to be expelled.
I couldn't feel my legs as I got up, grabbed my things, and exited the classroom. There was no reason for the dorm advisor to call me out of class. What had I done?
I ended up at the door leading into the office all too quickly. Warily, I stepped around the corner and put a foot in the room. "You called m-"
I froze.
No, not now.
Amelia's head of long, curly hair was tilted towards the ground. She tapped her foot in a continuous and rapid pace as she sat in one of the two chairs that were across from the DA. I took the seat beside her, sitting as far away from her as I could on the little leather cushion.
"So, Alice," the DA, or Ms. Hamilton, according to her nameplate, said. "Do you know why you're here?"
I fidgeted and clasped my hands together. "No," I answered. What was going on? I glanced over at Amelia, but she just picked at a hole in her jeans. I wanted so badly to touch her and kiss her. She was so close, and yet I wouldn't have be able to reach her. "I have no idea why."
Ms. Hamilton nodded and hummed to herself as she picked up a piece of paper. "Amelia here-"
"It's Amy."
"-informed me that she would like to switch rooms so that she isn't sharing with you anymore."
I blinked.
Amelia didn't bother looking up. She seemed mildly pleased when the denim tore and made the hole in her pants even bigger.
"Excuse me?" I said. "When was this?"
The DA looked up at the clock hanging from her wall. "Ah, probably ten minutes ago. I'm not allowed to move roommates around unless both girls agree on the arrangement. So," she stared at me, folding her hands on the table. "Do you agree, Alice?"
I rubbed my temple with my pointer finger. My head throbbed from the stress. "I-I don't know. I just moved all of my stuff into the room and... yeah."
"I can move out," Amelia spoke for the first. She still wouldn't look at me. "I don't care. I'll move my shit. Just give me a different room."
Ms. Hamilton squinted. "Amelia, there isn't a need for language." She turned to her computer and clicked around for a while, every now and then going "hmm" under her breath. The silence was horribly awkward. Amelia pulled out her phone after a little bit and started texting. I just sat with my hands in my lap, twitching at the tension in the air. "Well," the DA said finally. "There aren't any free rooms currently, nor are there any other girls that have complained about their rooming situation." She looked over at Amelia. The girl lifted her head for the first time.
"Can't I just be given a single or something? You can always put me and my sister together."
The DA sighed. "Alice had one of the only few single rooms. They're usually for transgender students that decide to join our school, and since a new one will be starting this semester..." she shook her head. "As for you and your sister, we strive to try and start new friendships at this school, and putting you with your twin would simply isolate you two from everyone else. Plus, then everyone would want to be put with their best friend or sibling or whatever. It's best to just stick to the current setup we have now."
"But-" Amelia began.
"Why is it that you want to switch?" Ms. Hamilton asked, tilting her head. "Did Alice do anything?"
"I am sitting right here!" I snapped. "I didn't do anything!"
Amelia just shifted in her seat. Ms. Hamilton shrugged. "Then the situation will remain the same. You and Alice seemed to get along great earlier this month, so I just assumed." She shuffled her papers on her desk, clearly done with us since we had nothing that interesting to say.
"What about my old roommate?" Amelia asked, trying one last time to get away from the whole us living together thing. "She was fine. We never argued or anything."
The DA just glanced up. "Vanessa?" Amelia nodded. "She was expelled after the campus officer found marijuana in her possession, and she was sent to a rehab centre for her drug use and depression." Amelia groaned and leaned back in her seat. Ms. Hamilton gestured to her door. "If you have nothing else to say, you ladies may leave." Despite her seemingly nice words, her tone clearly told me that she was done with the conversation.
Amelia got up and slung her bag over her shoulder, walking away before I could even react. I turned to the DA. "Did she mention anything else?" I asked hesitantly. The lady looked up at me and shook her head.
So Amelia didn't try to rat me out for sleeping with Fran.
Maybe she didn't hate me as much as she made it seem like she did?
I grabbed my stuff and ran after her. "Amelia!" I called. She stopped in her tracks but didn't turn around. "Amelia," I repeated when I was in front of her. I wanted so desperately for her to look at me, but her eyes refused to meet mine. "Why did you..?"
She lifted a shoulder. "I don't want to room with you," she said simply. Amelia tried to walk around me, but I stepped in her path. Her chest bumped into mine painfully. My breath hitched. Neither of us moved. We were closer than we had been in the past few days, her face a mere few inches away from mine and her breath softly blowing on my cheek.
"Amelia, please," I said softly, reaching up to cup her cheek. She tensed under my touch, but I didn't want to move away. I couldn't. I stroked her cheek with my thumb. Her skin was so soft and warm and...
I leaned up to kiss her, but she automatically jerked away. "I have to go," Amelia blurted and, without taking another look at me, rushed away.
I just stood in the same spot, confused and overwhelmed with the feeling of loss.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now