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I was bribed into updating, man
I wasn't really prepared to betray my sister, but Fran did had a good point.
I considered my options as I walked beside Amelia and Alice. They had their arms hooked together, and Amelia occasionally murmured something in Alice's ear that would make her smile. By now, they naturally looked like a couple whenever they were together. People looked at them funny every now and then, but Amy and Ally never really seemed to notice.
"You a hundred percent sure you're still straight?" I teased my sister whenever it was just us. She would push me and complain about how embarrassing I was. It was my job to make her life harder! My sister has a crush? Hell yeah I was going to be a dick about it.
Amelia breathed out a sigh, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I gotta get to my English class soon. My teacher hates my fuckin' guts, man. She'll kill me if I'm late." She was mainly talking to Alice, of course.
"That's unfortunate," Ally said.
"Your face is unfortunate," Amy replied.
"British piece of shit."
They tore themselves away from each other. Amy leaned down and placed a kiss on Ally's cheek. My eyes widened. When did that become a thing? "See you after class, Alice," Amelia said. Alice nodded and pressed their foreheads together.
"Alright." She smiled. "Don't fail your presentation."
Amelia grinned. "I'll try not to." She danced away happily, her backpack bumping against her butt as she ran to her class.
"You guys are kissing now?" I asked as soon as Amy was out of earshot. Alice looked embarrassed. "Since when?"
"It just happened," she explained quickly. I hugged my friend tightly.
"Ally! You've totally gotta start dating her!" I squealed. "Promise me you'll get married?" Alice squirmed in my arms, absolutely horrified that we were talking about this in the middle of a hallway.
"Shut up, Maddie!" she snapped. "It was just one kiss on the cheek! She isn't confessing her undying love or some shit!"
I couldn't help but smile. They were growing up so fast! "Tell me when she does confess, okay?"
Alice glared at me. "You aren't funny, Madeline."
I decided to lead the raid on Amelia's room that afternoon.
After hours of going back and forth with myself and weighing the pros and cons of completely butchering all trust I had with my twin, I decided that hey, a good sister would want to know what was bothering her other half and it was totally okay for me to go through her room without her permission because I would be fine if she did the same.
I told Alice about my plan as soon as classes were over.
"You're insane," she said once I was finished talking. She frowned, looking unsure of whether or not she should support me.
I shrugged. "I mean, Fran was right when she said Amelia was being kinda weird." She seemed a little guilty whenever she thought no one was looking. A frown would slowly make its way into her face until her eyebrows were scrunched together and her nose wrinkled. I'd ask what was wrong, and she'd immediately go back to smiling and say something extremely creative like, "I dunno. What's wrong with you?"
Don't tell anyone, but I definitely got the better genes out of the whole twin deal.
Alice still looked doubtful. "I don't really want to ruin what I have going with her..."
I patted her shoulder. I should've known it would've been difficult to recruit my best friend, but Alice looked vaguely curious despite what she said. "It'll be fine! If she finds out, I'll tell her I dragged you into it!"
"Which is somewhat true," Alice added.
I smiled. "So, you in?"
She sighed and shook her head. "Oh, what the hell. Sure."

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now