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16 missed calls.
Maddie: what the fuck
Maddie: like what the actual fuck
Maddie: what the fuck is up with you and francine
Maddie: you know amelia came in my room sobbing? you care to explain?
Maddie: pick up the goddamn phone, Alice Winslow Kirkland or I will come over there and fucking pick it up for you
Maddie: alice
I stared at my phone screen as if it were a disgusting spider, refusing to touch it. Fran had silently helped me move the remainder of my things into the room before exiting with a quiet "sorry."
Sorry can't fix the trust that was obliterated when Amelia walked in to see me in Fran's arms. Sorry couldn't travel back in time and rip me out of that stupid party where I'd met the French girl. Sorry couldn't bring back the smile and the laugh that I managed to get out of the girl I loved every now and then. Sorry wouldn't do jackshit. It was an empty word full of imaginary promises of a new beginning.
Sorry was a waste of my fucking time.
Maddie: alice I swear to god if you don't answer me in less than two minutes don't even think about ever talking to me ever again
Maddie: my baby sister cried herself to sleep because of you so fucking grow a pair and TALK TO ME
I flinched.
You: You're only three minutes older, and she's hardly a child anymore.
Maddie: ...
Maddie: im coming over right now
Oh fuck no.
I got up to close the door.
"I can see you, Alice!" Maddie shouted from across the hall. "Don't even think about it!" I groaned and banged my forehead on the doorframe. Fuck me.
The blonde popped up at my door less than a few seconds later. Her face was flushed red in anger, and her height advantage suddenly became extremely obvious. I shrank away from her. Maddie put her hands on her hips, glaring at me. "You have thirty seconds to explain to me why my twin is currently sleeping in her own tears."
I held up my hands. It was extremely hard to believe that I managed to upset Amelia that much, but then again, Maddie didn't usually exaggerate things. "Look, she's the one overreacting-"
"Excuse me?" Maddie interrupted. Okay, bad wording.
"I have the right to do what I want with who I want!" I shouted. "I don't know what she told you, but I was tired of waiting for her, Madeline! I don't have until I'm fucking eighty to beg for this girl to love me!" Her eyes narrowed. "I wanted sex! Masturbating to a meagre thought of the girl I'm dying for is pathetic!"
"So is throwing yourself at the first girl to offer you a good time!" Maddie snapped. "Maybe if you and Amelia would stop fighting and actually say what you were thinking, then you two would be in a serious relationship right now!"
I looked up at her in surprise. "I did not throw myself at Francine," I hissed. "I am not a dog going after a bone. I wanted sex, and I found someone that would give it to me."
Maddie leaned against the doorframe. "And what if Amelia walked in on you two actually fucking?" she asked, eyebrows raised. "What would you say then, huh?"
My face burned. "I'm not the only one in the wrong here, Madeline." I stomped over to my bed and picked up my journal. She immediately looked horrified. "You remember this? How I refused to let you even hold it? Well, would you guess who had it in her hands. Take a stab at it!"
Maddie sighed. "Alice-"
"Exactly. You knew, too. She told you, and you didn't tell me." She opened her mouth, but I cut her off. "What a great friendship we have, hmm? You lie for your sister and then try to get me to date a thief."
Her eyes blazed. "This is my sister we are talking about. She is my twin, Alice. I have to protect her, but I would never purposely lie for her."
I clenched my hands into fists. She was standing right in front of me just blatantly lying! "Then go ahead and go back to her, since Amelia is so much more important than I am. Tell her thanks-a-fucking-lot for returning what's rightfully mine."
Maddie stared at me for a few more seconds before storming off to her room.
I immediately collapsed onto the floor, unable to breathe.
How were we going to live together if all I would ever be able to see was the hurt in her eyes?

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now