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"Okay," Gil said in annoyance. "We have waited here for half a goddamn hour, and your sis and Alice are nowhere to be found."
I smiled and kissed her on the cheek, running my fingers through her white hair. Never in a million years did I think I would be dating an albino girl, yet here I was. I couldn't imagine dating anyone else. "Soon," I promised. "Just give them a little bit of time. Amelia texted me and said that they were together now."
Gil sighed and leaned her elbow against an empty food table. "Thank Christ. I thought they'd keep denying it until they were dead." She laughed and shook her head. "Maybe admit their feelings on their gravestones." I snorted. "No, seriously."
"Yeah." I laid my head on her shoulder, exhausted from years of trying to get the two most obnoxiously stubborn people on the planet to say they love each other. God, it was a workout. "I'm glad it's over and they can just be happy."
"Weirdass couple, though," Gil commented, looking up at the ceiling.
"No kidding."
She wrapped her arm around my waist and kissed me chastely on the lips. I smiled and kissed her back, happy that I would finally be able to find more time for us.
"Excuse me," a man that was cleaning a nearby table said. I turned to face him. "Sorry, but the theatre would prefer not to have any public displays of affection while inside the building during hours." I raised my eyebrows. "Please."
Gil rolled her eyes. "Well, you should please mind your own business, dude."
"It is simply the rules," the guy argued, putting his rag aside and giving us his full attention.
"I'm sure it's just the rules because it's two chicks, right?" Gil shot back. The guy's face turned bright red, and he spluttered for a minute before finding his words.
"I am not making this up!" he snapped. "I don't care who it is doing it, no kissing or feeling each other up in the middle of the building!"
As he said that, I saw Amelia and Alice ascend up the staircase, laughing and holding hands tightly. Alice had her head on Amelia's shoulder and had Amelia's letterman on, and Amelia was carrying all of Alice's things. It was the cutest thing, and I immediately started to smile.
"Okay," Amelia was saying. "If we are going to date, I'm laying down one rule."
"And what's that?" Alice asked, staring up at her with unmasked adoration.
"You gotta stop saying 'yaw-gurt.' It's very obviously yoghurt."
Alice smiled and shook her head. "You're a very typical American, you know. I'm not the one making fun of you for saying, ugh, 'yo-gurt.' That doesn't even make any sense."
"Neither does 'yaw-gurt.' If anything, it's like you were in the middle of saying yee-haw and got confused."
Alice pushed her lightly. "Are you going to really make fun of me for how I saw the name of a dairy product."
"You bet your sweet ass I will." Amelia kissed her on the cheek. Alice squeaked and burst into giggles, trying to shove Amelia away but failing miserably.
Cleaning guy looked utterly defeated. "I'm just going to let the other janitor do this shit," he sighed, throwing down his spray bottle and rag and storming out the door.
I broke away from Gil and ran over to my sister and her- wow, girlfriend. "Hey, guys!" I greeted them. Alice barely seemed to hear me, while Amelia waved happily. "Took long enough just for you both to get up the stairs. How are you going to survive?"
"Splendidly," Alice said, smiling up at Amelia.
"So you're dating," I checked. I just wanted to be sure, okay!
"Yes," they chirped in unison. Amelia grinned and kissed Alice on the temple.
"Thank Christ," I sighed. "That only took forever."
Amelia looked slightly embarrassed, but Alice seemed to be overwhelmed win excitement. I had never seen her so hyper. She bounced up and down and held on tight to Amelia's arm. "I agree," Alice said.
"Okay," Amelia sighed. "It wasn't exactly my fault, you know?"
"Actually," Alice corrected. "It was exactly your fault." Amelia glared at her. "Well.. you're the one that dragged it out!"
"You're the one that was way too intimidating!" Amelia argued.
I watched them start to bicker and smiled. At least that wouldn't change. I didn't like change, but... Adding 'girl' to the friend relationship for them was definitely the best thing to happen.
Amelia had her own car, so I decided to leave with Gil. I danced over to my girlfriend and took her by the hand. "Alone time tonight, right?" I said. Gil raised her eyebrows.
"Hell, I'm in." She draped her arm around my shoulders and led me out to her car.
Finally. I was beginning to forget I actually had a life.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now