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Alice wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the day. Not like I cared, though. Good for her if she decided to be a pissy piece of shit. Who needed her, anyways? Definitely not me!
She sat on her bed, headphones in her ears and legs crossed as she read a book. It was pretty obvious she was trying to ignore me. Once or twice when I looked over at her, I was met by her green eyes peeking out from under her bangs at me. She would quickly look back down at the pages of whatever she was reading, going straight back to not acknowledging my presence. The silence was really awkward, only disturbed by the occasional sound of paper rubbing together or the bass of Alice's muffled music that must've been blasting super loud in her ears. Well, it obviously wasn't awkward for her since she was listening to her shitty punk rock, but it was pretty damn awkward for me. I considered playing more video games and immediately dismissed the idea. Imagine if I got up and plugged in the TV. Alice would implode on herself.
I glanced over at her. Her short, blonde hair was ruffled, and she moved away a piece so that she could read better. I caught a glimpse of one green eye. Her iris caught the low light of the lamp next to her bed. It was hypnotic, in a way.
She seemed to notice I was watching her and looked over at me, pulling out one earbud as she started talking. "What do you want?"
I raised my eyebrows. "Nothing."
"Stop looking at me, then."
"I'm not."
Alice put her book down in her lap and turned her attention to me. "I can see you staring at me out of the corner of my eye. You aren't very good at hiding it."
I could feel my face grow warm from embarrassment. There was no way I would let her know I liked her. "You were staring back."
"No I wasn't!"
"You were!"
She held up her novel. "It's pretty fucking hard to stare at you while I'm reading!"
I looked at the cover. "Uh, dude, your book is upside down."
"No, it is- Fuck." Alice flipped it around before setting it beside her. "Whatever. You were still staring at me."
I clenched my hands into fists. "Well, maybe I was worried about whether or not you'd decide to just randomly be a douchebag to me again!" I wish I had someone to just kick me whenever I did something dumb. Way to go, Amelia. Insults will definitely get you a date.
"How am I being a.. a 'douchebag?' Because your dumbass game was on too loud? Newsflash, video games were cool when you were eight. Grow up."
I glared at her. "Grow up and what? Get a permanent stick up my ass like you?"
She huffed. "I don't need this." Alice turned on her side so that her back was turned to me. I rolled my eyes.
"You're a jerk." She didn't respond. Probably put her headphones back in. I threw a pillow at her to get some sort of response. Any attention from Alice was better than no attention. Alice shot a glare over her shoulder before going back to totally ignoring me.
I just sighed.
Maddie refused to let me sleep in her room.
I had texted her before going to bed.
You: c'mon pls?
M-Slice: no
You: come onnnn. im ur fav sister right?
M-Slice: you're my only sister. and no. emily is having a ton of friends over and honestly she had to go through a ton of shit to be able to let them spend the night. the DA had to approve and the girls had to get their sleeping bags and clothes for tomorrow and the whole nine yards
You: so is that a yes
M-Slice: good night amelia
"Thanks a lot, sis," I grumbled to myself at two in the morning. There was just no way I could sleep in my room. It was so hard when Alice was right there in my reach. I wanted to hold her. Hugging a fucking pillow was hardly a replacement for the actual person I wanted, especially when I could go ten feet and be with her.
I looked over at Alice. She was fast asleep. Alice looked like a total dork when she was sleeping. Her hair was practically a bird's nest, and her blanket didn't even cover her feet. Every now and then she would let out a little snore that made me have to hold back a laugh. It was attractive in a really weird way that made me uncomfortable for thinking like that.
I took another look at my clock. 2:03. Goddamn it. Deciding that it was useless to try and get a good night's rest in my room, I pulled off the covers and got out of bed. The lounge couch sucked ass, but at least I would be able to sleep.
"Amelia?" I turned towards the sleeping girl- well, she was awake then. Alice sat up, rubbing her eye with the heel of her hand. "Where are you going?"
I stared at where her nightgown fell off her shoulder, exposing her collarbone and her milky white skin. It took a lot to look back up at her eyes. "I'm gonna sleep somewhere else," I said simply.
"Why?" She frowned and squinted. "What's wrong?"
I tried to think of an excuse. "Err, I had a nightmare." What are you? Two?
Alice wrinkled her nose. "A nightmare?" I nodded slowly. "You're such a child." I didn't have time to just let Alice tease me. I seriously needed to get at least a couple hours of sleep that night or I'd pass out in class. She was an ass even when she was half asleep. I grabbed my blanket and pillow and started to make my way to the door. "Wait-"
I stopped and turned towards her. "What?"
Alice blinked a few times to adjust her eyes to the darkness. She looked up at me. "Are you going to sleep in the lounge again?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"You had a nightmare?"
"Yes. Go ahead and make fun of me, whatever." She stayed silent for a few seconds before pulling her blankets away from her mattress and scooting so that there was room. "What are you-?"
"Lay down."
"What?" I widened my eyes in surprise.
"You had a fucking nightmare. If you want to act like a child that's scared of the dark then sleep with me, Amelia."
I was thankful for the dark in that moment since my face was probably bright red. "I.. I don't need you to treat me like a kid." Even as I said it, I inches closer to her bed. It was so tempting, mocking me with the warmth of the beautiful girl stretched out on it.
"Lay down, for Christ's sake. I don't need you to be even more annoying because you're tired tomorrow." I frowned. She was acting totally opposite from what she said. Alice refused to look me in the eye as she tried to give me mattress space. "Amelia-"
"Okay, fine, fucking- I'm laying down." I dropped what I was holding and crawled into bed beside her. It was all a huge mistake. How on earth would I get rest now? What the fuck was I thinking? Her scent enveloped me like an ocean of vanilla and clean laundry, and I was drowning, dear god. I couldn't breathe. She was right there. "You happy now?" I practically choked. Alice glanced up at me for a second before she pulled her covers over my body. She smoothed them over me. The touch of her fingertips was electric and drove me insane.
"No. You woke me up," she said simply. "Go to sleep." Alice laid back on her side, but she didn't turn away from me. I slowly settled in beside her. Her face was inches from mine. I could still see her eyes in the dark. They were huge, staring straight into mine. From that close of a distance, I could see how long her eyelashes were, and I could count every freckle on her face.
I leaned in and pressed a kiss on her nose. Alice sighed and closed her eyes, grabbing at my shirt and pulling me closer. I loosened her fingers from the fabric and held her hand in mine.
"Amelia-" she started.
"No," I interrupted. "Don't say anything. Please. I... fuck. Just shut up."
She closed her lips and swallowed hard enough for it to be audible.
We eventually relaxed after a few minutes. I could feel the tension I hadn't even noticed before leave my limbs.
I wanted to hold her close. Feel her body against mine. But I didn't know our boundaries. What would she say? How would she react? So I held her hand tight instead, still wanting some sort of physical contact with her. I watched her eyes flutter shut. Never had I slept beside anyone with the exception of my sister, much less Alice. It was a nice feeling, although my stomach twisted and my brain screamed to do something, anything.
My cheek sank into her pillow. It smelled like her. Then again, it was kinda her bed.
Her grip on my hand loosened after a while. I assumed she had fallen asleep once more.
"Goodnight, Ally," I whispered.
I woke up before her, as usual.
It took all the strength I had to get up and leave her sleeping by herself.
I did tuck her back in and kiss her on the temple before I left the room to go and take a shower. She didn't stir, but I'd like to think I saw a small smile on her lips.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now