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The first thing I thought when I woke up was that I had somehow managed to find an angel in my bed without realising.
My second thought was that no angel snored like that in their sleep.
I rolled my eyes and smiled at the sleeping Amelia beside me. She had one arm flung over my body and was laying face down on my pillow, rumbling noises coming from her mouth every now and then. Her hair was a tangled mess and I swear I saw a little line of drool dribble down her chin.
What an idiot.
I kissed Amelia on the temple before sliding out of bed, careful not to disturb her. She just scrunched up her nose. Still grinning, I walked over to our closet to find something to wear.
Today was a pretty big day. The costumes I would be wearing in my two performances were finally mailed to the studio after being two weeks past their schedule and traveling all the way across the globe and back for no reason. Something about mailing troubles. Honestly, though. I had no idea how my dress from China ended up in Chile before going to America.
They were beautiful dresses that contrasted each other. The costume for the group performance was, as expected, over the top and colorful. The bodice was red with sparkling sequins and the skirt flared out on the bottom into an almost-tutu. Just to top it all off, fake roses adorned the straps and the bottom of the skirt, and I was required to wear a flowercrown during the actual thing. I was going look like a walking bouquet of bloody flowers!
My other one I got to pick out myself. It was a simple black dress that went down to my knees, and yet...
When I had tried it on for fitting, I watched myself in the mirror. That girl didn't look like me. Her eyes were fierce and she looked ready to take on the world.
I felt empowered.
Yet, I was nervous about the fitting. What if I had been measured wrong and the costume wasn't my size? Or what if I had the wrong costume ordered? What if I had gained weight? Oh, god, that would be-
The bed creaked and I turned to see Amelia sitting up and rubbing her eyes. They were much bluer without her glasses on. "Good morning," I said. "You look as wonderful as ever."
"Don't be a prick." She stumbled out of bed and lumbered over to me. "What're you doing up so early? You love sleeping in." Her words slurred together with sleepiness, but I decided not to mention it.
"I'm getting my costumes."
"'Oh' what?"
Amelia squinted. "You're going at seven in the morning?"
I shrugged. "Why does it matter?"
She shook her head. "Well, I was going to go with you-" my heart sped up. "-but, Christ, Ally... Fuckin' seven o'clock?"
"It was the only available slot to get my costume before the morning rush. A lot of dance schools buy from the same company, and I wanted to be there before eight trillion other people came." I sighed in frustration at my lack of fashion choice. I settled on jeans and some random shirt I pulled out.
"I know, I know, Ally. We've discussed this. That's mine, by the way," Amelia chirped. She pointed to the shirt balled up in my arms as I rushed past her to get underwear. I was growing more and more impatient. She had wanted to come with me, right? Yet Amelia was standing there half asleep and not even moving to get ready.
"Well it's mine for today." Amelia held up her hands in surrender and retreated back to my bed, sitting on the edge of it.
"Ally." I ignored her and checked myself in the mirror. "Ally." I turned to face Amelia. "Hey, dude, come here." My stomach bubbled with annoyance. She knew I was stressed and excited and, yet, she wanted to have some talk with me? I swallowed my aggravation and stepped closer to her. Amelia smiled at me. "Hey."
"What?" I said, practically trembling from agitation.
"Chill for a bit. You're okay." Amelia rested her hands on my hips. I immediately tensed. "That is the opposite of chill."
"Don't 'chill' me."
"I am chilling you." She placed one hand on my cheek. I reached up to touch it. Amelia was warm underneath my fingertips. "You'll be fine, alright? Stop freaking out. It's just a dumb fitting. It isn't like you're gonna mess it up somehow."
"Nope. I will not accept any buts." Amelia tangled her hand in my hair and brought my head down to hers, our lips brushing together. "You're going to go, put on some dumbass costumes, and look fucking gorgeous in them, okay?" Did she call me gorgeous? My eyes grew huge, and I wanted to melt right then and there. If I hadn't been convinced she was in love with me before, I sure as hell was then.
"Yeah," I breathed.
"Good." Amelia kissed me again before getting up. "You get ready while I get dressed and pull my car up. Alice Kirkland, you are going to try on your stupid dance crap and you're going to love it."

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now