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After the twentieth number, the grand drapes closed and the lights in the auditorium went all the way up. Amelia and I exchanged confused looks. Intermission? She shrugged. Apparently so. When everyone in the auditorium stood up except our group of three, it was pretty obviously that we just didn't get the memo. I glanced down at her show booklet. "Oh," I said, skimming the words. I really wished I had brought my reading glasses. It was hard to make out the sentences on the page."Uhh, yeah. Short fifteen minute break."
"Sustenance?" Amelia asked desperately. I heard her stomach growling a long time ago, but she had been so absorbed in anxiety that she left her hunger unattended. Surprising, to be honest. Well, at least Alice would always know she was more important than food.
I nodded. "'Refreshments and snacks,'" I recited.
"Thank Christ." Amelia got up and ran to the double doors, totally ditching me and Gil.
I shook my head. "She's really serious about her food."
Gil snorted. "No kidding."
We held hands as we walked up the aisle to the doors, fingers interlocked. A few people gave us weird looks, but by that point, Gil and I were used to it. She had already come out to her whole family and had dated girls before, and I did my best to not let stares make me feel bad. I had yet to tell my mom and dad that I was bisexual. They were still convinced that Amelia and I were straight, and I was scared to tell them otherwise. Gil constantly pestered me to tell them about my sexuality so it would be off my chests nice and for all, but I was terrified of the response I would get.
Funny, how I talked my sister into admitting how she felt to someone, and yet I couldn't come out to my parents. Then again, Alice was super gay, and my parents were super straight.
Gil and I walked into the reception room off to the side of the auditorium. The theatre was known as a popular wedding venue, so there had to be a place to hold hundreds of people. Thankfully, the room's capacity limit was bigger than the crowd.
It took a minute, but I eventually found Amelia with a plate piled with desserts and assorted food. She struggled to hold it all with one hand as she tried to find somewhere to get drinks. I rolled my eyes and smiled. At least she wasn't too nervous to eat. I pulled Gil over to the drinks table where Amelia was, thirsty from talking to my girlfriend so much and having to console my sister every seven seconds. "Hey, bae," I greeted my sister.
"Hamph," Amelia mumbled, her mouth full of brownie. Gil scrunched up her nose and flicked away a crumb Amelia had spit on her cheek. My sister swallowed before speaking. "Hey," she corrected herself.
"I hate you," Gil grumbled.
Amelia smiled sheepishly as she picked up another cookie. "Sorry, man."
I left them to argue and drifted over to the actual drinks, pouring myself a cup of soda. "Hey there, pretty lady," a guy managing a nearby bar sang out, a smirk on his stubbly face. I raised my eyebrows and pointed to myself. "Yeah, you." Taking a sip of my drink, I walked closer to him cautiously. "What's up?" he asked, leaning forward and folding his arms.
"Err, nothing," I said slowly.
"You don't gotta be shy. Want a drink?" He gestured to the array of alcoholic beverages behind him, none of which I could name. I was thankful Alice wasn't here, because I had to drag her out of numerous parties after finding her drunk and rowdy.
"I... I don't really-"
Gil had noticed him at that point and narrowed her eyes into slits. She strolled over with her hands on her hips. The bartender jumped at the sight of her. I admit, it was kinda startling to have an albino girl walk up to you, never mind an angry albino girl. "Who's this?" she asked, standing behind my shoulder protectively.
"Just your friendly neighbourhood bartender," the guy said with a lazy smile. "You two dating?" I stayed silent, but Gil placed a hand on my back in response. "That's cool. Glad that you're open about it." He grabbed a red solo cup and pointed it at us. "Drinks?"
"Oh, hell yeah," Gil said cheerfully, all negativity towards guy gone. .
"Ah, hell no," I corrected her. Gil glared at me distastefully. "We're here for Alice! You can't get drunk!"
"I'm not getting drunk, just tipsy." She put her elbow against the bar. "I'd like a beer, dude."
Amelia finally saw us after managing to stack even more crap on her plate. She walked over with curiosity on her face. "What's going on here?"
"Gil's drinking," I grumbled, crossing my arms.
Gil sighed and kissed me on the temple. "Just a little bit. I promise." I was still angry at her, but I leaned into her lips. Just because I didn't agree with her didn't mean I wouldn't kiss her.
The bartender gave Gil a bottle of some off-brand beer and asked for money. My girlfriend rolled her eyes and dug through her skirt (yes, she was actually wearing a skirt. Hallelujah!) pockets for her wallet. Meanwhile, guy filled a cup halfway with wine and pushed it across the bar to me. "I don't want it," I argued. "I don't have any money."
"It's on the house," he insisted. Bartender smiled at us. "Have a nice night, ladies." I was forced to take the cup when he forced it into my outstretched hand. I shot him an annoyed look before walking away, Gil's hand still on my back.
"He's chill," Gil commented when we were nearing the auditorium doors.
"He was flirting with me, you moron," I hissed under my breath.
Gil shook her head. "He stopped when he knew we were dating." I was still furious that she was fine with guys hitting on me. "Hey, Mads," she said, taking me by the shoulders so we stood face to face. "You're gorgeous. Anyone with a working pair of eyes can see that." I stood frozen in embarrassment, my face growing warm. She really thought that? "He made a mistake, and he made up for it with a free drink. It's cool. If he hadn't laid off, I would've kicked his ass for it. I got your back, birdie. Don't forget that."
"Okay," I said weakly. Gil grinned at my expression and lead me to the auditorium.
The usher from earlier was still at the door. He stopped me from going inside. "Only one cup per person, ma'am." Damn. I had my soda and that stupid wine.
"Erm, a guy gave this to me," I explained, lifting one of the cups.
"Well, you can give the guy his drink back," the usher said without moving. "One drink per person." When we stared at him in annoyance, he sighed. "It's to make sure there's not as many spills," he explained shortly.
I glanced over my shoulder at Amelia, who was left empty-handed with no drink. "Can you throw this away?" I asked, handing her the wine cup.
"Oh," she said, looking down at the contents of it. "Yeah, totally."
"Awesome." Guard guy shook his head at us before moving out of the door and permitting us to go through. What stupid rules.
I turned to Amelia, who was still staring at the cup in her hands. That really worried me. I frowned and faced her. "Hey, you alright?"
"Ah..." she looked up at me. It was like she was in a daze. "I'm cool. I'm just going to get some fresh air outside before going back in."
"Oh." I shrugged. "Okay. Just... come back before intermission is over, alright?"
Amelia nodded and pushed the glass double doors open, walking out into the parking lot. I watched her walk over to her car and open the passenger door. She just sat on the seat, frowning at the ground.
"Hey," Gil said, putting a hand on my arm. "Leave her be. She can take care of herself." I looked up at my girlfriend. "Maddie, you need to relax. Amelia is just worried about her problems, as you have your own. Remember the talk you promised we'd have?"
"Ugh." I ran a hand through my hair. "Yeah, I know. We were going to spend more time together. Sorry. I'm just-"
"Worried about Amelia?" she finished. I looked away. "Exactly. C'mon. She's a big girl, Mads. We should enjoy ourselves tonight."
"Alright," I gave in. Gil wrapped her arm around my waist and led me back into the auditorium. I was still deeply worried about Amelia, and I hoped she was in the right mindset.
God, did I really hope.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now