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I kept a hand on the back of my head just in case Alice got any ideas. I kept looking back at her and getting butterflies every time her gaze met mine, which was a lot. She was so out of my league. I wondered if she ever thought about me outside of class. Did she think about me during Christmas break? I shivered at the thought.

I smiled as she looked up at me again, but she frowned slightly this time and looked down at her notes on geography. My smile faded away. What was in that pencil bag that was so important? A favourite pen? Geez, I'd buy her a new one.

I didn't take it though. And I really hoped she believed me.

Hopefully, I'd find it and give it back to her. Maybe then she'd realise how incredibly in love with me she is.

I smiled and glanced over at her again before writing different combinations of both our names on the inside of my book.
Amelice? Alelia?

I'd have to ask her opinion after our sixth date.

Because it would be really weird to ask on our first one.


"Hey! Ames!"

I turned at my nickname. "Hey, Holly." I wondered sometimes if she knew her thick eyeliner and loads of eyeshadow made her look like a raccoon. "What's up?"

"You will never believe what I stole off of Eyebrow Freak in geography!" I flinched at the insult. Personally, I preferred thick eyebrows, thank you very much. And Alice pulled the look off beautifully.


"Her pencil bag!" My eyes grew huge when Holly pulled the notorious beat-up little bag out of her purse. "It has unicorns on it. Jesus, you'd think she's in first grade." Actually, she had had it since first grade. I remembered Alice's excitement when she showed it to me the first time. Her big green eyes and flushed cheeks.

"Sorry! I was gonna give it to you for your birthday, but I wanted it really bad!"

"Why would you do that?" I asked. My stomach was doing flips and somersaults. If Alice caught me anywhere near that thing in this situation, she would totally hate me forever. I already jacked up her arms.

"Uhh, because she's creepy." Holly stared at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You realise she, like, stalks you, right? Stares at your boobs and your ass?" My heart seemed to stop.

"She what?"

"Yeah! She's so gay for you, Ames!" I wish she'd stop calling me that. "Like, you need to watch out or she'll jump you when you aren't paying attention."

"Stop saying that," I whispered. My voice stopped working and I felt dizzy. What had I done? Why did I let my bullying get to this point? Everyone hated Alice now.

"It's true! Better watch your back!" I reached up and touched my hair hesitantly. "Anyways, lookie here!" I frowned as Holly pulled out a small little notebook out of the pencil bag. It looked like the kind journalists used in the movies, if journalists really liked rainbows and sparkly unicorns. "I found a diary in here!"

"This is really wrong, Holly," I said. I wanted to throw up. As much as I wanted to read her diary, I wanted Alice to like me even more. I didn't want to risk it. I shouldn't.

"Is it? Is it really?" Holly waved the diary in my face. "You know you wanna know her gross lesbo thoughts."

I followed the book with my eyes.
I snatched it from Holly. "Stop that! What has she ever done to you?"

Holly stared at me like I was speaking Russian. "More like, what is she planning to do." I stared back at her blankly. "Amelia, she's going to hurt you, you have to realise that. You should read that diary before she can get her dirty little hands on you." She looked at my chest then back up at me. I crossed my arms self consciously. "More like, before she gets them on your... private areas."

"I gotta go," I interrupted, pulling my backpack over my shoulders and speed walking out of there, the diary gripped tightly in my hand.

"Think about it!" Holly called.

I cringed at the sound of pencils and pens hitting the rim of the trash can.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now