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I woke up early for once.
Usually, I had to have my alarm clock go off for a few minutes or have Fran shake me, but that morning I had just woken up on my own.
I picked up my phone and squinted against the light of the screen. 5:50. Great. I rolled my eyes. There was still an hour or so before I usually got up to take a shower.
After laying in the same spot for a few minutes, I decided it would probably be best to just get up and face the morning. I glanced over at Fran. She was still fast asleep on her stomach, one arm slung over my body. I carefully removed it from me and got up, threw on a jacket, and went into the hallway, closing the door behind me.
No one was awake at such an ungodly hour, so the halls were empty. I shivered and wrapped my jacket tighter around myself. Fuck mornings. I started the trudge back to my room on the other side of the dormitory.
I had only gone a little ways when I saw a very familiar head of blonde hair on the other side of the hallway.
"Ally?" Amelia called out. Her voice was slurred with sleep, and a blanket was wrapped around her shoulders. "What're you doing on this side of the dorm?"
I froze a few feet away from her. Shit. I needed an excuse. "I.." I thought for a moment. "I left to use the toilet and couldn't find my key. Dropped them somewhere."
"They flew all the way over here?" she asked. Amelia rubbed her eye with the heel of her hand.
"The key fell off the lanyard," I continued, feeling slightly guilty for lying. Not like I was doing it without reason, though. "Thought it got kicked or something."
Amelia frowned but looked too tired to try and reason with me. "'Kay." She yawned and closed the distance between us, laying her head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile. "I wanna go back to sleep."
"Then go back to sleep." I stroked her hair, and she nuzzled her face into my neck.
"I have cheer."
She shrugged and looked up at me. "I've never seen you awake this early."
"Neither have I," I joked.
Amelia giggled and smiled back at me. "So tomorrow."
"Yes?" I prompted.
"Tutoring?" Her eyes danced with excitement. My stomach twisted anxiously. Would she kiss me again? Even holding her hand would be enough for me. She was the type to move slower in a relationship. At least, that's what I assumed. There were times where Amelia surprised me. That's what kept her interesting, and what kept me falling more and more in love. "Wherever you want."
I almost screamed, My room! Let's do it in my room! Please! "Our last arrangement worked pretty well, in my opinion."
"Mm.. you think?" She closed her eyes again and wrapped her arms around one of mine. "It's cold as fuck out here, man."
"I noticed." My heart pounded hard in my chest.
Amelia glanced down at my legs. "You know you're, like, just wearing a coat and panties, right?"
"I- Fuck!" I hugged myself. "Yes I know!"
She rolled her eyes and smiled more. "Go back to your room and actually wake up." Amelia got off of me and turned to walk away. She hesitated, then grabbed my hand and kissed me on the cheek. Her lips were warm against my skin. "Come watch me practice." There was a pause before she added, "If you want."
I didn't know what to do.
She kissed me again! Sure it was on the cheek, but still!
"Okay," I said dumbly.
"Yeah?" Amelia immediately woke up more. "You will?"
Fuck. I couldn't believe I signed up for this. Trying not to look like I was mourning for the additional few hours of sleep I could've gotten, I shrugged and nodded. "I guess since I'm already awake. I just need to get caffeine."
"Yeah. Yeah!" She looked surprised I had actually agreed. "Me too! I totally need coffee. We can go together. I mean, if you want. It's cool either way. I don't care."
Her hand was still in mine. I could feel her fingers trying to get in between mine. "Okay," I said, feeling weak all of a sudden. I'd never actually had someone so eager to have me around. It was a nice feeling, especially since it came from Amelia. "Yeah, okay."
She smiled more. "Awesome! Go get dressed, or shower or something. I'll come get you in a bit, 'kay?"
I nodded, still in awe that I had so much luck to run into her this early. "Uh huh."
"Great," she breathed.
Amelia kissed me again, this time on the forehead, before bounding off to go shower.
I touched my face.
Today was going to be good.
Very good.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now