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working on this at 3am if it wasn't tooootally obvious with the awful grammatical structure and whatnot.
//can't write couples bc I hate everyone and can't comprehend love
I stood shivering next to Fran, my arms wrapped around myself.
"You'd think by now, Alice would know how to pop a bag of popcorn.." I sighed. My breath was actually visible in front of my face.
"I wonder where her and Amelia went," Fran said, half to herself. I looked at her and shrugged.
"If they're getting closer to getting together then I honestly couldn't care less." I huddled closer to Fran. She smiled down at me.
"Won't Gillian get jealous if we stand too close, hmm?"
"Hush." I smiled back and poked her in the side with my elbow.
Fran and I were, like, really distant cousins. We'd figured it out after our parents met when we were younger and, somehow, got into the topic of their family trees. Basically, she had always acted like my older sister and definitely played the part. She helped me with homework, had tons of sleepovers, and even insisted on finding a girlfriend/boyfriend for me. Which... she actually did pretty well with that. "Where is she anyways? She disappeared as soon as the alarms went off.."
Another shrug. "She is, to put it nicely.. a free spirit. She'll be back eventually."
"Mm." I laid my head on Fran's shoulder. We watched the red lights inside of the dorm rooms flash and listened to the faint screech of the alarms, muted by the concrete walls and glass doors. Crowds of tired girls were gathered around the outskirts of the building, murmuring angrily and grouped tightly to keep warmth. I couldn't see a white head of hair anywhere. You'd think an albino girl would be more noticeable. "But seriously, where could she have-"
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Someone shouted.
Fran laughed. "Found her."
Gillian, Amelia, and Alice were in a group, all loudly talking over the other two girls and using extremely big hand gestures to try and prove some point.
"It's your fault we're all losing sleep, you jerk! Just admit it!"
"I didn't set the building on fire on purpose!"
"How do we know?" Gillian stopped in front of both of them and swivelled around to point at Alice. Amelia just looked extremely uncomfortable with the whole thing. "Maybe you're secretly some crazy pyromaniac lunatic just itching to crawl out from that dumb British facade to kill us all!"
"Are you listening to yourself right now?!" Alice shouted back, balling her hands into fists. She didn't look very intimidating with her hair totally tangled and Gill towering at least three inches over her, but I knew better.
"Yeah, Gill. Alice obviously just overcooked something again," Amelia piped in. I groaned and covered my face. Poor choice in words.
"What do you mean obviously?" I swear it was like Amy wanted to spend the rest of her life alone. Maybe she had a good future in becoming a nun.
Amelia put her hands up in defence noticing that she royally effed up the situation and trying not to piss off her crush more. "I mean, you do kinda suck at cooking and everything! Like, you made me sick for two weeks after you have me a cheesecake you made in one of those little easybake ovens-"
"That was when we were kids!" Alice shrieked, her eyes wide and cheeks flushed. Amelia definitely messed up by mentioning anything that happened when they were friends. "Don't you dare act like I was the bad guy in the past!"
"Ooookay guys," I interrupted stepping away from my cousin and inbetween my sister and my friend. "Let's just try to work this out like mature high schoolers-"
"What do you mean by you not being the bad guy?" Amelia shouted over me. "Are you saying I'm a bad person here?"
"You're the one that harassed me for I don't know how many years!"
"Madds, I think they should just, ah, work this out themselves," Gill murmured, pulling me away from them by the arm. I wanted to argue but, honestly, there was no turning back with them at this point.
"You're the one that tried to make out with me when I was like nine!"
Alice turned bright red. "I-I didn't make out with you! I was a child, I didn't know any-anything about my sexuality!"
"So you wanted to turn me gay with you?"
"What are you even suggesting?!" Alice took a step back, hands out like she was desperate to make Amelia stop insulting her. To make the girl she liked stop the pain.
"You're the one that ruined our relationship!"
"You're the one that ruined my childhood!"
"SHUT UP!" I shouted pushing them apart. "You're both complete idiots! Amelia Jones, stop taunting her!" Her mouth opened, but I have her a look and it quickly closed. "Alice, you need to let it go!"
Alice glared at me. "Oh, so I'm the one at fault here?"
"I didn't say that-"
"I see." She whirled around to look at Amelia again. "And you. I don't even like you. I absolutely loathe you. You bring nothing but trouble."
Amelia looked crushed. She seemed to realise that and quickly put on a more confident face. "Whatever. You're an asshole, anyways. I would never waste any time with you."
They both headed in separate ways, Amelia to go find her cheerleader friends, and Alice to... I'm not really sure. She didn't have many friends.
Gill groaned and flopped onto the ground. "Well this sucks."
I narrowed my eyes at her. "You started it."
"I just asked Alice if she'd like my water bottle to put out the fire!"
"That's mean, Gill." I sat beside her anyways. "Now they're both being dumb and it's your fault."
Francine was looking off into the distance at Alice. She sighed and rubbed her temples. "I will go try to calm her down.."
"No offence Franny, but you are probably the last person she wants to see," Gillian said. I looked at her in annoyance but didn't say anything.
"I beg to differ." Fran smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Alice only talks to me when she doesn't want to think about Amelia, no other reason. This is no different." She walked away from us, ruffling my hair as she passed by me.
We sat in silence for a few minutes. Firemen had arrived a while before, but I had been too absorbed with the argument to notice when. A few men in red hats and sooty uniforms were going around, reassuring the girls outside that nothing was destroyed in the fire and that they could go back in shortly. I felt a weight on my shoulder and looked down to see a head of white hair laying on me.
I sighed and laid my cheek on the top of Gill's head. "This really sucks," I repeated.
"No kidding."

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now