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I think everybody jumped out of their seats when the door slammed open.
"Maddie!" Amelia shouted. She was absolutely beaming. "Dude!"
"Amelia Jones!" The teacher shouted. She glared at my sister. Mrs. Fields was not at all patient with her. Amy had probably gotten detention at least three times just because of this class. "Sit down and do not talk!"
Amy flinched and sank into her seat behind me, grumbling about how unfair life was. She perked back up almost immediately and leaned forward to talk to me. "Maddie! Guess what!" She whispered excitedly.
I raised my eyebrows. "Is the cafeteria ordering in food from that burger place again?"
"No!" Amy's eyes widened. "Oh my god, are they?"
I rolled my eyes. "Sarcasm, Ames."
She pouted. "Oh." Amy went back to smiling. "But seriously! Guess what? I gave Alice my number!"
I gasped. "No way!"
"Madeline!" Mrs. Fields snapped. "I know Amelia is usually loud, but I expected better from you!"
"Sorry," I said, sinking down in my seat. The teacher continued to glare at me before she started her class. A bunch of kids were still looking at my sister and I curiously, but turned away when Mrs. Fields tapped her fingers on the whiteboard.
Amelia bounced happily in her seat. "I gave her my number!" she repeated in a whisper. I grinned at her.
"That's awesome! Took you long enough!"
Amy smiled back at me. "Do you think I can ask her out? I want to ask her out.."
I snorted. "Calm down. You literally took four or five years to get to this point. Let's not rush it."
She sighed unhappily. "But I really don't feel like waiting anymore.." she rested her chin on her desk. I patted the top of Amy's head.
"We'll get there." I thought for a second. "Have you even gotten a text from her yet?"
Amy frowned. "No." She shrugged. "Alice probably wouldn't text in class. She's too much of a rule follower."
I nodded. "True." But I would think Alice would've texted her lifelong crush by now. She was probably stalling. And from the looks of it, Amy was a little let down from how long it was taking for Alice to just get it together and talk to her.
I glanced at the teacher. She was pretty wrapped up in her lengthy explanation of some sort of scientific theory. Amelia usually was obsessed with science and would absorb every single second of the lecture, but Alice had that kind of effect on her. "I'm sure Alice is ecstatic too," I said.
Amy sighed. "Probably not."
"Maddie, Maddie, Maddie!" Alice shrieked from across the school green. I had never heard her scream that loud. It was definitely new. She ran across the grass, waving one hand in the air while the other gripped the strap of her bag tightly. "Maddie!"
"What?" I yelled back. My friend skidded to a halt in front of me. Her face was flushed a bright pink, and she was grinning bigger than I could ever remember.
"Look!" She pulled up the sleeve of her jacket. Amy's handwriting covered the length of her arm. "Are you looking?"
"Yes, Alice, oh my god." I held her wrist and read the number. Definitely Amy's. "When did she write this?"
"During lunch!" Alice said. She pulled her jacket sleeve back down. "I haven't texted her yet, though. What am I supposed to say?"
I smiled at her. It was nice to see her so excited. "A 'hello' would always work."
Alice hopped from one foot to the other. "But what if she thinks that's dumb? Just saying hi? Like, we haven't talked on a normal basis for years and I just randomly say hi."
I rolled my eyes. "You two will be the death of me." Alice looked genuinely freaked out about what to say to Amelia. I could not believe I had to do everything for these two. They needed to just get together already. "Text her, alright? I have literally just had this conversation with Amy, and I can guarantee you she is very anxiously awaiting just a 'hi' from you."
Alice looked dubious, but she pulled out her phone anyways. I watched over her shoulder as she typed in a few letters. She punched the send button a little too forcefully.
Sent: Hello, Amelia?
She smiled at her phone screen, but went pale a few seconds later. "Oh, god. What if she thinks that sounds dumb?"
I sighed and walked past her. "Bye, Alice."
"No wait!" she called. "I don't want to sound stupid!"
I kept walking.
I really hoped they would get together within.. say, fifty years?
They really were hopeless.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now