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"That's your half of the room. Stay over there, and everything will go just swell."
I hugged my bag to my chest. Amelia stood in front of her bed, hands on her hips. She traced the invisible line across the floor with her foot. My body was aching at the struggle it took to keep myself from running over to her and kissing her. Even if I could just get her to smile one time then maybe I would be able to stand it. It really didn't help that she was wearing tight jeans that hugged her curvy hips and a t-shirt with a v-neck that basically mocked me by showcasing her breasts. I clenched my hands into fists.
"What about leaving the room?" I asked, gesturing to the door that was on her self-proclaimed side. "Do I just sit over here for eternity?"
Amelia narrowed her eyes. "I don't know. You could always call Francine to come and save you." I glared up at her as she sat down on her bed and crossed her arms. "Just don't try and talk to me."
"You're talking to me right now," I reminded her.
"Shut the fuck up," she said with zero emotion in her voice. "Just shut up." With the way she was sitting, I could see down her shirt. I curled my fingers even tighter into my palms, my skin hurting where my fingernails dug in. I couldn't have sex anymore. I just couldn't. Even if I wanted to, Fran hadn't spoken to me at all since Amelia walked in on us, so there was no one for me to fuck. It sucked so bad.
I got up. Amelia watched as I slowly approached the metaphorical line splitting the dorm room in half. Her eyes narrowed.
I stuck out my foot.
"I swear to god," she said. My toes touched the forbidden part of the floor. Amelia stood up and stomped over to me. "Go back to your fucking side," she snapped. She towered over me. I puffed out my chest so that I would at least gain a few centimetres.
I tilted my head. "And what if I don't want to?" I asked.
Amelia stared down at me.
Then she actually picked me the fuck up, slung me over her shoulder, and proceeded to drop me on my mattress. I was in shock. "That's what," she said simply. "Stay over there." Amelia brushed herself off and sat back down on her bed, turning onto her side so that she no longer faced me.
I blinked in surprise.
What the hell?
"Why would you-?"
"I said shut up. I can't stand your voice."
I closed my lips, face burning in anger and embarrassment. How could she talk to me like that? "Or else what? Are you going to find something else of mine to steal?"
Amelia jerked her head up and glared at me, blue eyes that were once twinkling with laughter now filled with rage. "And you can go crying to Fran. I'm sure my cousin would love to help by sticking her tongue up your-"
Almost automatically, I jumped up and slapped her across the face. Amelia's face twisted at a sickening speed. She seemed surprised that I had hit her, and she reached up to touch her cheek with her fingers. "Do not talk to me like that," I hissed. A red handprint started to show up on her face. Amelia's eyes grew huge. I pointed at her. "I don't need you." I turned and stomped out of the room.
Amelia called at me, "Well, I don't need you either! I am completely independent of you!"
I ignored her and turned the corner.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now