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It didn't really feel right to go back to school after the weekend was up. I wanted to follow Amelia around like I had the entire Saturday and Sunday, getting kisses whenever we bumped into each other. We woke up and immediately both groaned at the thought of doing work. Although I tried to convince her and myself that the day would soon be over, I felt very alone in class, opening and closing my hand in hopes that Amelia's would soon fill it.
At least the school year was almost over. Then I could have the whole summer to myself and, possibly, Amelia. Although... my mom had told me that she and Peter were going to England to visit the family we had left behind when we moved to America during my first year in school, so I would be forced to go with them. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay with Amelia. What if she got tired of waiting for me to come back? She had started to tell me every morning that she loved me more than anything, but I highly doubted I could be that important to anyone.
"You're spacing, Alice," Amelia murmured, her eyes half-closed. I had my hands buried in her hair as she laid in front of me, head in my lap. We met up during lunch and decided to sit alone together in the courtyard, sitting under a large, shady tree and talking. Amelia insisted on trying to learn everything she could about me, and I didn't mind learning her interests and dislikes. Halfway through, she had laid on her back and just smiled up at me, her eyes closing slowly and her words slurring together. "You were talking about England.
"Oh," I said. "Right. It's... you know."
"Not really." She turned her head so it was resting on my thigh. "Never been. All I know is there's some tall-ass buses and dudes with ugly hats. And driving on the wrong side of the road."
"You summed up my home country splendidly, Amelia. Become a writer." I tangled my fingers in her curly hair and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.
"Nah," she said. "I think I'll pass. I wanna do something super cool."
"Like accounting?" I joked. Amelia scrunched up her nose.
"Gross. Office work. I meant like a... a professional bungee jumper."
"Is that even a thing?" I stroked her cheek with my thumb, marvelling at how soft and smooth her skin was.
"It better be." She closed her eyes and leaned into my touch. "Or maybe... a policewoman?"
"I'd rather you not be that." I frowned. "I want to know you're safe."
"You saying we're gonna date until I get out of college?" Amelia asked, a smile spreading across her face. My cheeks burned at the thought. Waking up every morning to her and knowing I would go home in the evening to her arms, and even imagining something as mundane as washing the dishes with her in our own place... That would be heaven.
"I don't know," I mumbled. "I don't plan on breaking up with you. I waited long enough to date you, you obnoxiously perfect prick."
Amelia laughed. "'Obnoxiously perfect prick?' That's my new favourite insult. Compliment? I can't even tell."
"Yes," I informed her.
"Very creative, I admit." Amelia put her hand on top of mine. "I think you should be the writer."
"I'm actually considering it," I admitted.
"Oh, shit. I can mind read."
"In your dreams." I hugged her around her neck and kissed the top of her head. Amelia giggled and tried to push me away. After a moment, I managed to sweep her lips into a kiss. She immediately stopped struggling and kissed me back.
We broke apart after a second. We never really kissed for long in public. I knew it made her uncomfortable, and even though I wanted to show how much I loved her, I had to respect her boundaries. "I want you to spend the summer at my place," she breathed. I stiffened. Amelia noticed, and the smile on her face fell. "What? You don't want to?"
"God, no- Of course I want to spend the summer with you." I hesitated and pressed my lips against her forehead. "I have to go to England, you know. With my mom and my brother."
Amelia sighed and put a fake smile. "That's cool. I get it. I just thought... I don't know, you could be there on my birthday."
I wanted to kick myself. Of course she wanted me to be there for her birthday. Maddie would, too. "I... I don't know what to do." I frowned. "I want to be with you so bad."
"I know," Amelia said. Her cheeks flushed pink. "I- Hey, maybe you can just spend the first half of summer at my place then go home?" I thought for a moment. Amelia took that as a no and blurted, "Or maybe just a few weeks! Just to be there for Mads and I's birthday, y'know? I'm sure your mom would be cool with it. She loves Maddie, right?"
I nodded. "I want her to love you, as well," I said softly, looking at the ground. I didn't know how my mum would take it. She must've known by now that I wouldn't ever love a man, but I hoped that didn't disappoint her. Amelia was the only one for me, as far as I was concerned.
Amelia smiled and sat up. "Aw, Alice." She hugged me around my waist, and I melted into her.
I didn't notice anyone watching us, and I didn't even consider thinking about it. But they were there. Sitting in the benches near the school building, whispering and staring.
Always there and always judging.
I met the love of my life when I was six.
I had just moved to America after my mum left my dad for cheating. I was confused and scared, alone without a father for the first time. Mum had just had Peter, and I didn't understand what would happen to him if he grew up with no males in his life.
The first day we started to move in, I had tried to run away. I remembered passing the airport on the way to our home after we got our luggage and left, and I thought maybe I could stowaway in a big enough suitcase. Or maybe climb into a kennel with a dog. I was scared of them, but if it meant going back home, then I would take the chance. Stupid, I know. I was a little kid, alright?
Our neighbourhood had so many twists and turns, and I soon got lost after a dead end in a col-de-sac that seemed miles away from my new house. I sat on the curb and cried, hoping a nice adult would come and help me.
"Hiya!" I heard a squeaky voice. I looked up, tears obscuring my vision. A girl that was twice my height with frizzy, short hair was standing in a driveway, her grin wide. Her two front teeth were missing. "Who are you?"
"Who are you?" I shot back, wiping my tears away viciously with the heel of my hand.
"Oh." She skipped over to me. A stick that was as big as her body was in one hand, and her knees were covered in band aids. "I'm Amelia! I live over there!" She gestured to the house she had appeared from. "But Amelia sounds like an old person name. My great grandma was Amelia. You can call me Amy, okay?"
I sniffled. She was still smiling. Amelia had her stick out to the side like a king's sceptre. I frowned. She wasn't going to move until I said my name. "I'm Alice," I said simply.
"You go by Alice?" I nodded and hugged my knees. I wondered if her knees hurt. I could see scrapes underneath the bandages. "No nickname?" I shook my head. "Cool! I'll give you one!" Amelia held out her stick so it touched my shoulder. "I now pronounce you as... Ally! You're Ally, got it?"
I glared at her. "It's just Alice. I don't want to be Ally."
"But I like Ally. It's close to Amy." Amelia jumped off the sidewalk and trotted over before she sat on the road in front of me. "You live nearby?"
My lip started to tremble. "I live in England," I said. My voice was shaking.
"Oh! England? That's why you talk weird!" Amelia crossed her legs and grinned, her throat visible through the gap in her teeth. "I like it though! It's cool!"
"Thanks?" I mumbled. I didn't like her much. She was loud and annoying, almost as loud as Peter when he cried in the middle of the night.
"Wanna be friends?" Amelia asked, tilting her head to the side.
"I-" I shrugged and shook my head in confusion. "What about when I move back to England? I'm running away to go back home. We can't be friends if I'm not living here anymore."
"Them take me with you!" Amelia said cheerfully. "I want to talk like you!"
I sighed in frustration. "But I don't know you."
"Then we can be friends, and then I'll go with you to England. I can protect you from mean people!" Amelia waved her sick in the air. I glanced at it. It did seem pretty pointy. I'd imagine getting hit with it would hurt quite badly.
"Fine," I said finally. "You can be my friend."
"Awesome!" Amelia screeched. I covered my ears in shock. She jumped up and stuck out her hand. "Friends forever?" I stared down at her palm. Dirt was streaked across her arms, and band aids were on a few of her fingers. "We gotta shake on it! Like in the movies!"
I rolled my eyes and stood up, tentatively taking her hand. "Friends forever."



There is a sequel in the making c: It'll be called "It Takes Two." Also, a one-shot filled story that is the prequel to the sequel (what a mouthful) that takes place during the summer after this story.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support, guys. I could never have finished this without you. Hell, I never actually planned on finishing this. Eventually, I will go back and revise, but for now...

See you next time, my lovelies. Read my other stories, if you would like, and comment on any you would like to continue.


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