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I imagine Alice with a pixie cut that's like Arthur's hair. Does anyone else??
I just don't think the long hair would suit her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nor do glasses


The next day was quite strange.

Somehow, I managed to take a shower without my clothes magically disappearing. I stepped out of the shower slowly, a towel wrapped tightly around my body just in case someone decided to snatch my shirt and pants. But that didn't happen. The outfit I had handpicked that morning was there, neatly folded. I picked up my shirt and then my pants, checking for rips or questionable stains.


But after shaking my pants upside down a bit to see if my wallet was still there, a note fell out of the back pocket of my jeans. I frowned and picked it up, unfolding it and reading the words written.

Hi! :3 you are like really cute ok I promise I'm not a creepy stalker but I like you a lot -your secret admirer

My eyes widened and my face turned beet red as I looked around. Did someone in here write this? I didn't think there were any lesbians in my grade besides me and Gillian- Maddie didn't count considering she was openly bi. I must've thought wrong. I turned my attention back to the little yellow sticky note and frowned. If only Amelia wrote this. But it couldn't have been her, and there is no way she knew how to write in cursive. So I just sighed and threw it away.

Sweet, but... still a bit weird.

I pulled on my shirt and pants before walking out of the locker room, still slightly disturbed. Well.. I was glad somebody thought I was attractive.

I guess?


Unfortunately, my day did not get any more normal after that.

I went back to my dorm room during lunch. Luckily for me, the school board had assessed when I first arrived that I was "too aggressive" to have a roommate. Not to mention, no one would ever agree to live with me since I was notorious for being 'that weird lesbian girl.' So I had a room all to myself. No arguing about turning off the lights during my late night reading, no obnoxious choices in music, and no unexpected visitors brought home. Just me. It was a blessing and a curse.

Anyways, I threw my backpack onto my bed and sighed in relief before plopping down beside it. Everything today was off. Amelia didn't make fun of me when my hair was sticking up after the shower. She complimented my shirt which had a band name that there was no way she knew. She hadn't taunted me at all and, in fact, looked extremely uncomfortable, herself, the whole day. Amy was the most confident person I knew.

Strange. What the hell was going on?

I shook these thoughts out of my head and got up to go to the bathroom. I've waited years for Amelia, and the thought of her could wait for two minutes. Much unlike my bladder.

It only took maybe a minute or two to relieve myself. After I washed my hands, I went straight back to my room. I pulled out my keys and started to unlock my door-

But it wouldn't open.

I frowned.

I pushed against it with my shoulder.


"The fuck?" I hissed, backing up. The door was completely functional five seconds ago. Once I was against the wall across from my room, I took a running start and body slammed into my door. I tumbled into my room and into a bed of flowers.

Wait. Bed of flowers?

I sat up quickly and looked around. The entire floor was completely covered with roses. Roses. Not carpet. Flowers.

Roses. Roses with thorns, to be exact.

"Holy shit!" I screamed, quickly crawling out of the death trap of good-smelling doom and into the hallway. I looked down at my arms. The thorns tore my skin up like it was tissue paper, and I was bleeding all over my perfectly good Sex Pistols shirt. "God dammit!"

"Alice?" I looked up and my face immediately started to change to the colour of the flowers. And my arms. It was definitely the worst time in the history of bad timing for my crush to pop up out of nowhere. "Woah- what the hell happened?" No, fuck! Why now?

"I-I.." My eyes started to feel hot as tears welled up, and I shook my head. "Some fucking moron decided to fill my room with roses.." I felt sick to my stomach as Amelia looked into my room then down at me. Her eyes were so big, you could see them clearly behind the frames of her glasses.

"Oh.. Yeah.. What a douche.." She started to turn pale when she noticed how bad my arms were. "Oh, god.."

"Yeah." I sniffed and looked at the ground. This was a disaster. Amelia would never like me now. I must've looked like a complete and utter idiot. She sat beside me.

"Hey, don't cry.." I frowned and touched my cheek. When had it gotten this wet? Amelia moved so that she was in front of me. "You wanna go to the nurse?"

"N-No.." I wiped my face and looked away so that she couldn't see me like this. Why did everything have to happen to me? And in front of Amelia? "I just.. Don't understand why anyone would do this to me.. I keep to myself and this is what I get..." I frowned. "No one hates me as far as I know.. No one except-" I stopped and looked up at Amelia. She smiled sheepishly.

"Except..?" Amy said. She was visibly nervous. I think her eye might've began to twitch.

"You did this!" I screamed. Amelia jumped in surprise. "Why.. What did I do to deserve this?!" I started breathing heavily and leaned against a wall. "This is why you've been so weird all day.. I knew you weren't just nice because you felt like it.."

"No, oh my god, Alice, that's not why-"

"Shut up!" I snapped. I was done. Almost ten years of endless torture and I had gotten nowhere. "Is this because of your damn party? I was a kid, Amelia, alright? Why won't you get over it?!"

"That's not why!" She yelled, jumping up. I couldn't believe she could get up that quickly without using her hands, but I was too angry to admire her for it.

"Then.. Then why?" I wiped my eyes again. "Why do I deserve any of this? I never.. I would never have done that if I knew you'd hate me this much..." I crossed my arms over my stomach. I felt so sick. I prayed to any god that could hear me not to let me throw up. All I wanted was for Amelia to like me back. And somehow, it had managed to escalate to this.

"I don't hate you."

I looked up at Amelia. She smiled a little. I wish I could've smile back, but I just couldn't. Fake. It had to be fake. No one finds joy in teasing someone for years and then says they don't hate them. That seemed like some sort of abuse. I glared at her. "Well, it sure does seem that way, now doesn't it?" I turned on my heel and started to walk down the hallway, blood dripping behind me like a gruesome trail of breadcrumbs.

"Hey- Alice!" She called. "Where're you going?"

I turned to face her, and I don't think I can ever forget that look on her face. It was something close to.. Utter sadness? Depression? But I was so done with our broken relationship that it didn't even matter anymore.

"Away from YOU!"

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now