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We obviously had to let go of each other after a while. My back had started to ache painfully, and Amelia complained about her neck being stiff. She cracked her bones, and I scolded her half-heartedly.

Afterwards, I started talking to Maddie about my upcoming performance as I waited for the dean to see me. But my eyes never left Amelia, and she watched me like I was the most interesting thing in the world.

I smiled, and she grinned back.

I loved her.


As much as I would like to say things changed after that, they really didn't. The only thing different was that Amelia stopped stealing my clothes. Instead, her little goons did. And they laughed as I rushed back to my dorm to get dressed, and Amy watched with a strange look on her face. It was like she was.. concerned? Guilty? I wasn't quite sure. All I could focus on was trying not to let her see my flat chest if I could help it.

Then came the stealing.

"Where the hell is my pencil bag?" I muttered, searching my binders and then the floor around my desk after I sat back. My damn purple pen decided to die on me, and after I took two seconds to throw it away, my pencil bag vanished.

It had started with just pieces of paper ripped out of my notebook or pencils missing, but it quickly escalated to my makeup and tampons and dorm keys. And usually, all evidence pointed to Amelia.

Even now, I could tell she was watching me as I frantically looked for my pencil bag. I had a little diary in there and I would just lay down and die if anyone found it. Especially Amelia. Her name was in it 1,679 times. Not like I counted when I had nothing to do.

I really didn't have a life, did I?

"What's wrong?" Amelia piped up, leaning down so we were at the same level. I glared at her.

"Pencil bag. Give it up." I held out my hand. Amy tilted her head and smiled cheekily.

"Who says I have it?"

I narrowed my eyes. "I leave for two seconds to toss a pen, and you take it. I swear to god, Amelia Jones, I will cut your hair off when you aren't looking if you don't hand it over right now." Her eyes widened almost comically.

"Woah, chill out Ally. I seriously don't have it." She held up her hands. I may have an extremely pathetic crush on her, but I wouldn't let her just take my things and not return them.


"I don't!"


"Dude, I am one hundred percent not kidding right now."

"Amelia Fionna Jones."

"Alice Winslow Kirkland."

We glared at each other for a few seconds before I sighed and slumped over my desk. Usually, she'd give it back to me at this point, so she must've been telling the truth. If so, I was in serious trouble. And how did she even find out my middle name? I groaned.

"Alice?" My teacher asked. "What seems to be your problem?" She tilted her head at me. "Don't like Asian economics?"

I looked up at her and smiled tiredly. "But of course I do, Ms. Anderson."

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now