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Good morning, Lady Warriors! Your dean here speaking.
The start of a new semester is fast approaching. I know what you all are thinking: Where has the time gone? I hope all of you are frequently checking your grades and making sure to keep up with all of your classes. It's important to do so if you're thinking of attending college or university. Schools want to see those high GPA's!
I've been getting some questions on dorm rooms and roommates, and so let me just answer a few of your more frequently asked questions.
Yes, winter break marked the beginning of the end of the past semester.
And yes, any girl that is currently living alone has a tremendous chance of being paired with a roommate. It's too much trouble to have open spaces in multiple rooms. Any new girl that might want to join us in the future will have difficulty finding a roommate, and it's much easier to just pair off girls now.
Also, yes, if your roommate is going to be leaving us, we are already aware of it and are planning to assign a new partner to live with you.
If you have any input on a new roommate, please go and see Ms. Miller in the front administrator's office. She will be happy to answer any of your burning questions.
All changes to current rooming situations will be posted outside of each dorm room as soon as the next few weeks are up.
And remember ladies, our Warriors are the best!
We hope the upcoming semester will be a start of something new!

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