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Just as I was about to turn the page, my phone buzzed on my leg. I practically jumped out of my skin at the sudden noise. Who knew being sneaky made you so paranoid?
Big Sis: couldn't find Ali's bag. you still got that ice cream? she's freaking out
I glanced over at my mini fridge. As much as I hated sharing my food, I felt more guilty for betraying Alice's trust.
You: aw man :( it's my last rocky road.. she better enjoy it
I threw my phone onto my pillow and looked for somewhere to hide the diary.
Under the bed? No.. I put a new pair of sneakers under there two months back and they disappeared within a day.
Behind the TV? Roommate stashes weed back there.
In my pillow? Under my clothes in the dresser? I would be the worst criminal!
I decided after ten minutes of thinking to just stash it in between the wall and my bed. I had pushed my bed all the way against the wall so that I'd have a makeshift daybed, so it was a perfect place.
Right after I hid it, the door flew open. I flopped on my stomach and grabbed a comic book off of my night table, trying to act normal.
"Hey, Ames," Maddie said. She made a beeline to my fridge. Alice came in behind her, frowning at me. I swallowed hard. Maybe she was a mind reader and she could tell I'd been snooping in her diary!
"You feeling alright?" Alice asked.
"Yeah! 'Course!" I said, a little too cheerfully even for me. "Why'd you ask?"
"You're reading that upside down.." She raised an eyebrow before she joined Maddie. I looked down at my comic book and rolled my eyes. Smart, Amelia. "Where do you keep the damn spoons.." I heard some rustling and immediately became grateful that I hadn't decided to put the book in any drawers.
"Uh.." I just stared at Alice. She blinked at me then looked to Maddie. My sister gave me a weird look before opening my closet and pulling out a box of utensils.
"Here you go," she said. Alice smiled gratefully and took a spoon out of the container before cracking open the ice cream and eating a huge spoonful of chocolate and nuts. She sighed.
"Good god. How are you not fat from this stuff.." Alice leaned against my bed, just inches away from me. I glance at her ass- which was at EYE LEVEL, thank you very much- and then back up at her.
"I am?" Alice stared at me blankly. "You've called me fat, like, three times this week."
"Oh. Have I?" She ate another spoonful. "Then I guess I'll just have to take this off of your hands to prevent you from gaining any more weight." Before I could comprehend what she said, Alice kicked open the door with her foot and ran back to her dorm down the hall. My eyes widened.
"Hey! That's mi-" I sighed. "Asshole."
I looked up and saw Maddie still staring at me.
"What's up with you?" She asked. I frowned and shrugged.
"Nothing," I lied. Maddie sighed.
"As stereotypical as it is, I can tell when my sister is being weird. Call it telepathy."
"Oh my god can you read minds?" I gasped. Holy shit, I would be screwed! But Maddie just glared at me.
"I'll figure out what's wrong with you soon enough. Just you wait." She walked out of my room, closing the door behind her.
I groaned and flopped back on my bed.
Man, did Alice just bring me trouble.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now