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I couldn't stop smiling.
Alice was grinning from ear to ear as she led me out of the piano room, her flowers held tightly in one hand and her other hand holding mine. She kissed me in the entrance to the dressing room, standing on her toes and making her ballet shoes click against the wood floor.
"So what now?" I asked breathlessly.
"What do you mean?" Alice wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed the corner of my mouth. I had to force myself to push her away gently so I could speak.
"What I mean is we're girlfriends-" Alice broke down into giggles at the word. I couldn't help but laugh with her. "I- Alice, stop laughing! You're contagious! We're girlfriends, so what now?"
Alice shrugged and adjusted my jacket a little so that is was straighter. "So now we're dating, Amelia. What else do you want?"
I tilted my head. "There's nothing else?"
She rolled her eyes and brushed off my shoulders. A lousy excuse to put her hands back on me. "Well, I mean... Now we just make it public."
I raised my eyebrows. "Oh yeah?"
"Yes," she confirmed, a soft smile on her face. "I would love that."
"I can easily do it for you. Come with me." I grabbed her by the wrist and ran right back out the dressing room. Alice had shouted in surprise, but I heard her footsteps fall into synch with mine. I opened the back door of the theatre and propped it open with my foot.
The stars outside shine brightly despite being hidden by the city lights. Alice stared up at them in unmasked wonder. Cars whisked past us a few hundred yards away, and their headlights blurred in a pretty, industrial way. I couldn't help but stare at Alice, marvelling at the way her eyes could capture every twinkle of light so beautifully. I pulled her close by her arm and pressed my lips against hers, resting my hand on her back so that she would stay in place.
I broke away, still holding her, and yelled into the traffic rushing by above us, "Hey, world! I'm in love with Alice Kirkland and she's all mine!"
Alice turned red and punched me weakly ok the shoulder. "You know what I meant by making us public, imbecile!"
I grinned and peppered her face with kisses, Alice trying to push me away and complaining. "I know," I said. "You did love it though, didn't you?"
She raised her eyebrows at me, unimpressed, before sighing and resting her forehead against mine. Her eyes fluttered shut. "Whatever." She totally loved it. I could see the corners of her mouth lifting up.
Maddie: so did you guys FINALLY do it?
You: lol mads I hijacked her phone. elaborate on "do it"
Maddie: DID. YOU. ASK. HER. OUT.
You: you have no faith in me
Maddie: do not make me go down there amelia...
You: I have a girlfriend
I turned off Alice's phone with a smile and looked at her. She was sitting beside me against a wall near her bag, muttering as she wiped off all of her makeup. The eyeliner and dark red lipstick was hot, but I liked my natural Alice more. I missed her freckles and her pink lips. "I hate this shit," she sighed, throwing another wipe into the trashcan beside her before picking up another.
"You looked sexy in it," I offered helpfully. Alice spluttered and whipped around to look at me, cheeks red.
"I what?"
"Looked sexy." I smiled more. "I thought we shouldn't keep any secrets between us, so here is me sharing my first."
"I..." Alice looked mortified, staring at the lipstick poking out of her bag. "I'm hardly sexy..."
"You were extremely-"
"Stop saying it!" She swiped my hand away when I reached up to cup her face. I couldn't help but to laugh. Damn, complimenting her was way more fun than teasing her, and I got an even better reaction out of this! "You better wave goodbye. Once I'm taking this off, it's not going back on."
I rested my hand on her upper thigh. Her leg was warm underneath my palm. Alice glanced down, not used to the contact. "It's alright," I reassured her. She looked up into my eyes. "I love you just the way you are."
Alice swallowed hard. "I love you, too," she managed.
"I love you, Alice," I repeated, kissing her on the temple.
"I love you, too," she murmured.
I leaned down and swept her lips up into a kiss. Alice closed her eyes and kissed me back instantly. It was suddenly so easy to just tell her how much I loved her. I wanted nothing more than to tell her every single day from the moment she got up to the moment she fell asleep in my arms. We were still going to sleep together, right? We better. I couldn't stand being away from her any longer.
"Hey, Alice," I started once she went back to vigorously rubbing off her lipstick. My "sexy" statement must have seriously gotten to her. She turned her head towards me and paused. "Let's promise to not keep secrets from each other, okay?"
Alice dropped the wipe away from her face and looked up at me. All the makeup was gone and replaced by the normal girl I loved so much. She thought for a long moment before lacing her fingers with mine and reaching her head up to kiss me on the lips. "Okay."
I smiled and squeezed her hand in me. "You taste like chemicals," I said, knowing that would annoy her. Alice rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation.
"You taste like grapes." Fuck. Did she know I was drinking? But Alice continued talking. "I was rubbing my fucking skin off with that stupid wipe and you know it, Amelia. Don't complain." I watched her stand up and grab her change of clothes, starting to head off to a different room.
"Wait," I called out, getting up and following behind Alice. She paused and turned to face me, surprised when I was closer than she expected. "Where are you going?"
She frowned and shook her head. "To, um, get changed."
I held her arm and ran my thumb around her skin. "Why are you going to a different room?" What was I thinking? Who cared? I should've let Alice have her privacy.
She looked down at my hand, breath hitching. "I just thought..."
"Stay," I pleaded.
"Of course," she instantly agreed. "No secrets."
I nodded quickly and swallowed, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my jacket and standing off to the side near her things. To any other girl, it would be normal to get changed around someone of the same gender, but with Alice... She seemed uncomfortable enough, but she started to undress anyway. Alice slid off the sleeves of her dress, back facing me. I balled my hands into fists when I could see her pale skin. I was so used to seeing her in a t-shirt and jeans, that I was getting fidgety literally looking at just her back. "You should wear dresses more often," I said without thinking."
"If you like them," she answered simply. She slipped the black fabric all the way down her body and kicked it off her legs. I couldn't help myself when I rushed over and turned her to face me, my hands on her sides.
Alice's face was red, and her lips were partially open. She must've felt overexposed in just her bra and underwear, but I felt like I was seeing her again for the first time. "Sorry," I blurted.
"It's alright," she reassured me. "I've seen you get dressed twice, I think."
I laughed a little, relieved that she was okay with me watching her. "I think so. Did you like it?"
"Watching you get dressed?" I nodded quickly. "Erm, I felt bad for liking it."
"Don't feel bad," I said softly. Alice pulled me close and pressed her lips roughly against mine, closing her eyes.
"You can, um, you know..." she stuttered.
"I don't know," I said.
"You can touch me, if you want." I froze and stared at Alice. She looked terrified, her eyes huge and her arms self-consciously crossed against her chest. The room felt impossibly large, and since both sets of double doors were open, I was scared someone would see us.
"Not here," I said.
"Okay." She deflated a little. I just wasn't ready to think of her like that.
Alice quickly got changed into a black shirt and black jeans. It was cold outside, and I couldn't bear the thought of Alice shivering, so I wrapped my jacket around her shoulders despite my dress having no sleeves. She smiled a little and shrugged her arms into the sleeve holes. "It always looked better on you," I murmured shyly. I loved seeing Alice in my clothes. It was as if she were wearing a label that screamed I'm Amelia's! Don't touch!
"So I can keep it?" She asked, putting her hands in the pockets.
"Sure," I agreed. "As long as I, you know, occasionally get to wear the letterman jacket my school so graciously offered me." Alice grinned up at me. It was two sizes too big on her, the sleeves too long and the bottom of the jacket reaching just above her knees. She looked adorable. I extended my arm out to her, and Alice hooked her arm though mine.
"Not a chance," she whispered as I walked upstairs with her. "It's all mine now."

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now