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I never did like going to a tailor.
It was always the same dull atmosphere with nothing to look at expect yourself in the reflection of one of the full-wall mirrors behind a pedestal that you'd get fitted on. I was already tired of staring at my frizzy hair and dark circles and it had only been ten minutes. The only light was from the sun struggling to make it past the curtains draped over the windows and the fluorescent spotlights hanging on the wall over the mirrors.
I checked the time on my phone for the forty-seventh time. It's amazing how the minute hadn't changed in less than thirty seconds.
Alice, on the other hand, was anxiously bouncing her foot at the speed of light and causing my chair to jiggle. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and she started at the doorway where the lady at the front desk had disappeared to a few minutes prior. "Do you think they lost my dresses?" She asked again. I rolled my eyes.
"Again, Ally, I highly doubt it. This place would be shut down if they lost everyone's clothes." My comment received a glare from front-desk-lady's friend. She looked away and stuck a pin in her pin cushion with a new ferocity.
My roommate frowned deeper. "I'm not saying they lose dresses all the time, maybe just mine."
"That's ridiculous," I said. "Out of everyone they've ever done business with, I'm sure that they wouldn't dare lose the beloved clothes of Alice Kirkland. That would be tyranny."
That made her smile a little. "You're a dork."
I couldn't help but smile back. "And you're too nervous about this. Calm yourself."
Alice hesitated before putting her hand on my knee and pecking me quickly on the lips. I immediately melted into her touch. Our friendship was far from average, I admit, but who ever liked average, anyway?
"Ahem." We jumped apart from each other. I stared wide-eyed into the gaze of Front Desk Lady. She had her eyebrows raised, and she didn't even move when her black hair fell out of her bun and into her eyes. "I have nothing against you two, but I would like to keep our PDA to a minimum, please. You can do whatever you'd like outside of here."
"We- uh.." I started.
"We aren't-" Alice tried to say, holding out her hands.
"I really don't care about your private lives." Front Desk Lady took her pin cushion from her friend and opened a drawer in her aforementioned front desk, pulling out her measuring tape. She stood up straight and glanced between me and Alice. "Alright, which one of you is Alice?"
My roommate raised her hand tentatively. "That would be me."
"I figured." Front Desk Lady beckoned her to the doorway where she'd appeared from before. "Come, come. We need to get you in each dress." The lady glanced at me. "Oh, would you like to come to the back, as well?" I pointed to myself in disbelief and blinked. "Yes, you. I thought maybe you'd like to help Alice into her costumes."
Fuck yes. "Ah, no," I said instead, shaking my head frantically. Alice's face was already turning a bright pink. "I'm sure she can, um, handle herself."
Front Desk Lady rolled her eyes. "Alright." I heard her mumble in a different, Asian sounding language as she escorted my roommate to the back.
"What's she saying?" I asked Front Desk Lady's Friend.
"How its annoying you two are so... comfy together in the lobby and yet you don't have the balls to go back there with her." My eyes grew huge. Front Desk Lady's Friend just licked her thumb and flipped the page of the magazine she was reading, zero interest showing in her dark eyes.
Well, alrighty then. Glad I asked.
There was even less to look at before. Alice was really the only nice thing to actually observe, but she was obviously gone for the time being. "Whatcha reading?" I asked Front Desk Lady's Friend. She peered at me over the top of the page then went back to reading, totally avoiding my question. "You sure are a master of conversation," I commented, filling in the silence. She turned in her rolling chair so that her back faced me.
Christ, fine.
I was spared the embarrassment of attempting to get more than an angry look out of the girl when I heard footsteps approach the lobby.
"Don't say anything," Alice called from the around the corner of the hall.
I snorted. "But what if-?"
"Nothing," she interrupted. "You don't say a thing. Got it, Jones?"
I couldn't help smiling. "If you say so. I'm sure you look-"
And then she walked out in her black dress.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now