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sorry if this chapter isn't, like, the greatest. it's been rewritten at least six times and in two different povs. i decided to just let you guys know some history behind some relationships so you can take a look at my thought process (scary, i know)
you guys are the best
i didn't expect any feedback on my little rant and i was planning to just immediately take it down when i felt better, but jesus was i pleasantly surprised.
love you all so much omg <333 if only the whole world were as kind as my readers
i did get some pretty interesting suggestions.
some major stuff is planned, and I'm trying to get to it as smoothly as possible. as for ally and amy getting together... love is never an easy thing
It was totally chance that Fran and I had became friends.
She was a year ahead of me in school and had her own small group of friends. At the time, I thought nothing of this bizarre exchange student that lingered in the background at social gatherings and the occasional party I was actually invited to. Francine was strange. She never dated, but she was one of those girls everyone had a crush on. I always ignored whenever someone would talk about Fran, until one day Maddie said something of interest without a second thought.
"That girl Francine looks like a total ass," I confessed to Maddie one day. It was a few months before she and Gillian had gotten together. Surprising, I know. It seemed odd to think of a time they weren't
dating. "Why is everyone obsessed with her?"
Maddie shrugged. "I don't know. Fran doesn't usually act like that, though. She's a pretty good person."
I had stared at her in utter confusion. "How would you know?"
"She's my cousin," Maddie explained simply. "Well, distant cousin, but we're family, nonetheless." She didn't seem bothered by the fact that she was related to a French prick.
I shook my head. "Something went wrong along the way," I said. "You'd think anyone related to you would be a likeable person."
Maddie smiled slightly. "Like Amelia?"
I glared at my friend.
I didn't really give a second thought of Francine. She was annoying and had no reason to be in America if she was so obsessed with France. We never talked, and I was perfectly okay with that.
Life went on.
Amelia and I argued, people made fun of me, and I went to bed wishing I had a partner. Just the usual angsty high schooler routine.
Until I actually met Fran.
We had somehow ended up at the same party one Saturday night during the end of the school year. I don't even remember who was hosting it, but their parents were gone for the weekend and had left their teenager with an alcohol cabinet that was fully stocked. Most people just came for a drink and a chance to ogle at pretty girls or hot boys.
I was no different.
The entire party I had just been sitting on a barstool in the host's kitchen, drinking and people watching. There were plenty of beautiful girls, sure, but Amelia was at the party, too, so everyone else's beauty was automatically dimmed by hers. She had only approached me once when she was getting a drink and had just happened upon me. We got into a fight, and she had stormed out of the room.
So I sat alone, swishing my beer around in my cup angrily. I'd had a few drinks already. The world was tilted, and the edges of my vision were starting to blur. I was too absorbed in trying to make the room stop spinning to see whoever entered.
"Ah! The infamous, lovesick Alice Kirkland I have heard so much about," a voice said cheerily. "Whatever are you doing by yourself?"
"Fuck off," I grumbled. It took too long for Fran's face to come into focus. Her hair was pulled back in a bun, and the v-neck of her shirt was way too low.
Fran raised an eyebrow. "I sense some sexual tension, no? I could've sworn I saw Amelia leave the kitchen."
My stomach churned uncomfortably. Alcohol had very bad effects on my self-control. All I could think about was Amelia. Amelia, Amelia, Amelia. I wanted her more than ever. She was just too much that night. Amelia had worn a little too much makeup, and my mind kept drifting back to her kohl-lined eyes and red lips.
I crossed my legs.
"Look, frog, if you don't have anything to say that isn't utter bullshit, then you might as well leave." I took another sip of my drink. Fran looked amused.
"Not many people wave me off like that," she said, tilting her head.
"Well I just did." I turned so my back was facing her. She immediately walked right back into view. I narrowed my eyes. "What the hell do you want?"
Francine just shrugged. "You seem wrapped up in your thoughts. I am simply here to get those off your chest."
I hesitated for a second. I barely knew this girl, and from what I did know, she was a moron.
Maybe venting to someone I barely knew was good. That meant I would never have to see them again, and they'd never mention what I said.
"Amelia," I said quietly.
Fran leaned in closer. "Yes?"
"I love her."
"That was very obvious, ma chérie."
I wrinkled my nose. "The hell did you just call me?"
Francine just smiled. She seemed so strange, but I thought nothing of it at the time. "Tell me all of your problems, Alice, and perhaps I'll be able to make you forget them for a while."
She used that phrase so often.
Even now I can hear her say it in my head.
And every time I slept with her, she used that excuse.
"Let's just forget the world for awhile, no?"
I'd close my eyes as she leaned forward to kiss me. Every time.
Even a few years after then, we still hadn't broken the habit. If I wanted to forget, I would need up at her door. And she welcomed me with open arms every single time.
"I bet she's hiding something," Fran said out of the blue.
Maddie rolled her eyes. "Amy can't even hide her period, Francine." I covered my mouth and snickered.
Fran looked unconvinced. "You're the one that said she acted strange whenever you visit her room."
I shook my head and took a bite of my sandwich while they argued.
"That doesn't necessarily mean she's hiding something," Maddie said. "Maybe she was just doing something before I walked in."
"Doing what?" Fran raised her eyebrows. "Something sexual?" I choked. "I highly doubt that's the case. Alice, my god, calm down and get those thoughts out of your head."
I glared at her as I drank some of my water. Dick.
Maddie looked around the courtyard. All of the other girls ignored us as they carried on their own conversations and ate their own lunches. "I don't know. I just don't think Amy would hide anything bad from me. She can't keep a single secret."
"She's good at not telling Alice she's in love with her," Fran said.
"I am literally sitting right here!" I snapped, slapping her shoulder. Fran just smiled and shrugged. "And she is not in love with me!" Maddie and Fran looked at each other and rolled their eyes. I hated when they did that. "Shut up!"
Fran poked her fork in her salad. "We didn't say anything, chérie."
Maddie sighed. "Look, I don't know why she's acting weird. I'm sure it's nothing."
"Then why don't we go take a peek in her room?" Fran suggested.
I looked at her. She was insane! "That's a horrible idea!" I snapped. "You'll be suspended if you get caught!"
"Not if Maddie helps me." Fran glanced at her cousin. Maddie looked horrified.
"You want me to break into my sister's room?"
"You have her spare key," Fran reminded her. I had completely forgot about that. A year or two ago, Amelia had managed to lock herself out of her room so many times that she just gave Maddie her second key in case it ever happened again. Maddie frowned.
"That doesn't mean I can just go and search around her room for.. I don't even know! What would she even hide? Amelia isn't the kind of person that would get into shifty stuff."
I shook my head. "She's right, Fran."
"You don't know Amelia well enough if you can't tell she's obviously in love with you," Fran said.
"You won't be able to tell anything if I shove my foot down your throat-" I started.
Maddie groaned. "Both of you shut up! Gosh!" She rubbed her temples. "I'll go look in Amelia's room for whatever the hell you think she's hiding, and when I prove that there isn't anything, I'm not going to let it go."
Fran smiled, happy that she'd gotten her way. "If you prove it."
"When," Maddie repeated.
I had no idea why they were the ones going through with this plan. You'd think that I'd be the one to want this considering my feelings for Amelia. I was curious, of course, but I wasn't sure what would happen if I went along with Maddie to search her sister's room.
Maybe I would tag along.
But for now...
I was hungry as hell. I just took another bite of my sandwich.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now