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Yeah so the chapters are as short as my attention span.
Which is better than having two long chapters and being totally stumped on what to write.
I guess?
At least I'm getting somewhere :p

I hadn't moved for two hours, and my legs were starting to cramp up painfully.

But then Alice's face popped into my mind. The tears streaming down her face and the blood staining her shirt she'd been so happy about when I said I liked it.

I didn't move.

The door creaked open- I'd seriously need to fix that damn thing- and I heard quiet footsteps.

"Mad, please leave me alone," I begged, turning onto my side so I faced the wall.

"Amelia, get up." I considered it, but then green eyes and hurt flashed by my eyes, and I curled into a tighter ball. "Amy-"

"Why?" I sighed and tucked my chin against my chest. "I don't want to go out there and see Alice. She hates me. She has to. She's just going to glare at me or maybe even ignore me, and I'm probably gonna cry in front of the whole cheer squad. I'm such a sucky person, anyways-"

"Alice is in trouble."

I immediately sat up. "What? Is she hurt? Is she crying? Oh my god can I help her?" The urge to hold Alice and never let go overwhelmed over me to the point where I had to hug myself.

Maddie shook her head and bit on the tip of her thumb; her usual nervous habit. "No. Well, her pride is hurt." I deflated a little. At least she hadn't gotten beaten up. That had happened once, and I remember sitting in my closet crying for two hours after witnessing it. "One of your dumb buddies started making fun of her, as usual."

"I told them not to do that!" I blurted. I know. It's dumb to make fun of Alice then get mad at others for doing the same, but I was in love with her and doing it for her attention, and they were just... mean.

"Well, you are the cheer co-captain, and since their hairspray has leaked into their brains and destroyed all their neurons, they do tend to follow your lead.."

"No, no, no!" I groaned and covered my face with a pillow, wishing it would suffocate me. "God! I'm such a prick!"

"Yeah, no kidding," Maddie sighed. I glared at her.

"Not helping, big sis."

"I know, I know." She frowned and bit down on her thumb again. "Right now she's in the principal's office. We could go sneak in and see her."

"Now you're talking." I grinned up at her. "We gotta go save my wife!" Maddie rolled her eyes and tried to hold back a smile.

"I'm sure she'd love to hear that."


I practically sprinted to the math building to go see Alice. What would I say? Sorry? I'm not sure she'd accept any apology I gave her. Maybe if I kissed her then she'd fall in love with me and we'd get married..

Focus, Amelia!

I shook my head and threw open the door to where my- hopefully- future girlfriend was sitting. My damsel in distress. Well, now I was distressed that I couldn't pick her up in my arms and twirl her around like in the movies, but it is what it is. I looked over my shoulder at Maddie, who was trailing behind me at the pace of a dying tortoise. God, she was slow! My wife was in trouble, for Christ's sake!

"Maddie! Hurry your ass up!" I shouted, earning a few strange looks from fellow passerbyers. I simply smiled at them.

"Shut up!" Maddie yelled back. After about eighteen years, she reached the door to the building. "God! You'd think Alice was being eaten alive."

I stared at her in horror. She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Too soon?"

"Just a little." I took her hand and dragged her to the glass door labeled 'Principal.' Or, for lack of a better word, hell.

Where my Alice was suffering probably various techniques of torture at this very moment! Water boarding? The electric chair? Nickelodeon? She really hated Nick, for some reason..

I burst through the door. "Ally!"

Alice's head whipped up from her notebook and she slammed it shut. "Amelia? What the fuck are you doing here?" Her face immediately started to turn red. What horrible being put Ally on this earth to torture me? Why did she have to be so damn pretty? She looked even cuter than normal with her cheeks flushed.

"I.. uh.." I was completely tongue tied. Sweat beaded on my forehead. Damn, I really needed to plan these situations more carefully.

Thankfully, Maddie saved me before I could say something dumb like, "Please date me."

"Alice!" Maddie gasped, running to her friend and hugging her. Jealously boiled inside me, and I swallowed in hopes of keeping it down before I exploded. "Are you okay? Have you talked to the dean yet?"

"Err, no." Alice looked back and forth from Maddie to me. I waved a little the fifth time she did it. Her eyes grew huge and her mouth pressed into a straight line. "Amelia, why are you here?" she asked slowly, drawing each word out in her cursed British accent. Everything would be so much easier if I wasn't so hypnotized by her.


"I took her with me to come see you." I could've sworn Alice sank into her chair more at Maddie's words. "She wanted to see you when she heard what happened."

"You did?" Alice murmured, looking up at me through her bangs. I nodded quickly.

"Sorry they're such assholes," I blurted.

"Like leader, like follower," Alice sighed, leaning her head back against the wall. I felt sick to my stomach.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, frowning.

"Well, you find it so entertaining to insult me, and so do your little minions." Alice crossed her legs and tilted her head back. She looked up at the ceiling sadly. "I just wish this would all be over," she said quietly, mostly to herself. "High school is wretched."

I couldn't stand it.

Any of this.

I pushed past Maddie and wrapped my arms around Alice's waist. She was much softer than I ever thought she would be. Even though she tensed up, it felt like heaven.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, burying my face into her shoulder. I felt a trembling hand on my back and then arms around me.

"I know," Alice said, laying her head on top of mine. Her hair fell into my face and tickled my nose, and I could feel her lips against my head.

I wish I could've stayed there forever.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now