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I got.. no sleep..
Dear lord
Life with sleep apnea
I closed my door behind me and sat on my bed.

The room was empty. As usual. I looked over at the unmade bed across the room. My roommate had a tendency to disappear for long periods of time, and usually, she was smoking weed or having sex. If only my sister could be my roomie. Or better yet, Alice. Oh well.

I took a deep breath and pulled out the little notebook from my pocket. I gently turned it in my hands. It was pretty old, and pages were falling out of it. Ally had probably had it since she first got the pencil bag. I think it might've been a set. A faded unicorn was on the cover of it, along with the word Dream. I smiled. Alice was kinda weird, sometimes. It was hard to believe that such an uptight person would keep this book all this time. I stopped turning it after the third time around and just lifted the book up to my face. It smelled just like her. I inhaled. Like vanilla and lavender. I shivered, then felt guilt bubble in my stomach. I pushed the feeling down and blamed it on that burrito I had for lunch.

Now came the dreaded question: Do I open it and read Alice's thoughts in hopes she might've mentioned me? Or do I respect her privacy and give it back to her? Maddie would've told me to leave it alone, but the thought of my name being written in there sent tingles of excitement down my spine.
It wasn't like I'd hold anything in here against her. I just wanted to get to know Alice better. Find out things like.. like.. her interests!

Right? Right.

And so I opened it.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now