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I have another idea for a fan fic
usuk 40s au
Pls send help
On another note
Did you know there are the equivalent of nicotine patches for kittens
The more you know
"Something is wrong with Amelia."
I looked up from my laptop. "Well, obviously. She likes that Limey creep." I exed out of the tab I was on. Maddie would bludgeon me with one of her antique maple syrup bottles if she saw what I was looking at.
She glared at me. "Something serious, Gil."
"Love is a serious matter, Birdie," I said, shrugging and sitting up. "Especially when you love someone that was obviously a grouchy old man in their past life."
"Alright, alright," I sighed. Maddie was extremely protective of her sister, no matter how unawesome Amelia was. "Sorry. Tell me what's wrong with her."
"Well, she was just really quiet when Ally and I were there, and you know how she is with her-"
"Obsessed?" I suggested, raising an eyebrow. I couldn't remember a time I hadn't seen those two giving each other googly eyes.
"Well.." Maddie frowned then nodded. "Yeah. Like, she didn't tease her or make comments and she actually let her take her rocky road ice cream-"
That caught my attention. "Woah, woah, woah. Amelia just surrendered her ice cream like that?" I shook my head. "I don't care how in love she is with Alice, that is so not Amelia-like behaviour."
"That's what I thought!" Maddie said. She slumped over suddenly like she was tired of worrying about her sister and sat beside me. "I just worry about her.. I never know if Alice will break her heart or vice versa, and I love them both.."
I pulled Maddie closer to me, and she laid her head on my shoulder. Mein gott, I got lucky finding such an awesome girl. "You just need to relax, Madds." I rubbed her shoulder, and I could feel her chest move as she sighed. "Kick back and hang out with your amazing girlfriend." She smiled up at me.
"You are such a dork." I frowned, not sure if I should take that as an insult, and Maddie tucked her head in the crook in my neck. Maddie giggled a little, and I decided to just let her comment pass. "Why can't everyone have a good of a relationship as us?"
I shrugged. "Because not everyone is as amazing as you and as awesome as me."
She chuckled softly, and I kissed her on the cheek.
And then the fire alarms went off.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now