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I heard my phone ring from the other side of the room, indicating a text. Despite the huge size as the dressing room, as it was really a dance floor temporarily being used for changing, only a few girls were in it. They talked and gossiped in their own circle whilst eating chips loudly. I rolled my eyes. As if my friends and I would ever be that annoying. Stopping mid-change, I ran across the large dressing room to see what Maddie wanted to tell me. I assumed it was her, at least. There was no reason for anyone else to text me at the moment.
I picked my phone off of my bag and tapped in the password, checking my messages. Three missed from Maddie, one missed from my mum. I opened Mum's first, smiling a little.
Mum: do great, honey!!! peter and I are SO SO proud of you, even if peter only says so indirectly :)) my baby girl has grown up so fast... where have the years gone? can't wait to see you this summer!! home feels so empty without you. get one of your mates to record the performance and send it to me. I WILL be there next year, promise. -mom
Embarrassing, but endearing. I stared at the text for a while to make sure I would be reminded to send a reply later, then I opened the texts from Maddie.
Mads: woo! could hear the applause from outside! nice job, ally! I'll be in there for the second one!
Mads: Amelia is here, finally. she looks really beat up over missing your first number. she'll watch it with us later when it's all recorded though. she also brought a surprise for you ;)
My heart started racing. Amelia actually came. I sighed happily and leaned against a wall to keep myself from falling down. My knees had started shaking violently. The world was tilting slightly to one side, but I was too happy to care. She had come and she was waiting for me to go on. I couldn't mess up. Amelia was the only one in the crowd I would be looking for. Her dumb curly hair and that dumb goofy grin on her face. I smiled and shook my head.
Mads: do amazing, ally. my best friend... the dancer. when you're famous, you better remember me. and I'm still the best man/woman/person at your wedding, right?
You: Of course, moron.
You: Also... what "surprise?"
I waited in suspense, but the answer I got was less than satisfying.
Mads: you gotta wait and see :p
You: You are a menace
Mads: it's my job
I started to tuck my phone away with my things after no text followed Maddie's, but just before I zipped my bag up, I heard a buzz.
Mads: do awesome Alice. if anyone can dance like a freaking star, it would be you. I believe in you, you sarcastic little shit, you. I am anxiously awaiting for your performance... remember, I'm your biggest fan -Amelia (ps: sorry my phone is dead ahhh!! D:)
I grinned and immediately went to cover my mouth with my hand. In her own way, Amelia had tried to be nice. I never understood exactly why she used the wording she chose, but I guess it was just a part of her personality. I appreciated her text a lot more than she probably realised. Her opinion meant the world to me.
You: Thank you, Amelia.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now