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I made my way down the hallway and to the lounge situated in the middle of the dorm building, talking to Jess along the way.
The lounge was a pretty popular hangout spot to the point where clubs regularly booked it for meetings or parties. When it wasn't unavailable, girls could be found spread out around the large area, laying on their stomachs in front of the flat screen TV or sitting in a circle of pink and green chairs (the school had made a huge effort to make every last object match the school colours. Even the damn bars of soap on the bathroom sinks were Pepto-Bismol pink and a blinding shade of lime green). Jess had just gone with me since the cheerleaders were getting together before getting a bite to eat.
I felt someone staring at me and turned my head. Fran was leaning against the wall next to the soda machines. Her eyes were narrowed and her arms crossed. I lifted a hand, but she only watched me.
Okay, weird.
Jess pulled at my hand. "They're going to leave without us, Amy," she chided me.
"Shit, sorry." I followed behind her, looking over at Fran again.
She had disappeared somewhere, and I couldn't help but feel that something bad would happen.
My chest felt tight, and I was about to go find the French girl before my friend dragged me over to our teammates.
Something just wasn't right.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now