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"Your seat, madam," Amelia said in a shitty French-ish accent, opening the car door for me before I even had the chance to think about doing it myself.
"You'd be the worst chauffeur," I told her, climbing into her Jeep. Amelia watched me with a smile, one eyebrow raised and her hand still on the door. We stared at each other for a few seconds before she climbed into the passenger's seat with my, closing the door behind her.
Our legs were pressed together, and her face was so close that I could kiss her lips without even moving. Amelia laid her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my waist, not saying anything. I hugged her around the neck and played with her hair, letting it down from its bun. I felt extremely out of place with her dressed so nice and me dressed like I was lounging in my room on a school day, but then again, I wondered if she felt vice versa. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
"I love you," she mumbled against the jacket I was wearing.
"I love you, too," I said back.
"I love you more."
"Okay," I laughed. "We aren't going to start that." Amelia put her chin against my chest on my collarbone and pouted at me. "Well," I started. "For one, I think I should win. You put me through hell and back."
"I said I was sorry," Amelia grumbled, looking away at the dashboard.
"And I accept your apology, but you obviously don't know women enough to know I'm going to use that against you so many fucking times."
"Christ, Alice," Amelia laughed sarcastically, looking annoyed. "You're so nice."
"Not for anything bad," I corrected myself quickly. "Just for... I don't know, washing my sheets or something."
"Oh." Amelia squinted and thought for a moment. "Okay. But I can't wash for shit. I ruined at least three of your black shirts."
My eyes widened. "That's where they went!"
She smiled sheepishly. "Ah, yeah. Sorry."
We stayed silent for a little while longer. Amelia kept her head tucked under my chin, her hair brushing against my cheek, and I held her against my body. Each breath she took was intriguing to me, and her heartbeat was fast against my chest. I loved having her so alive and so perfect in my arms. Amelia didn't move for a while until she complained, "My neck hurts."
"Ah." Yeah, it kinda was bent at a weird angle to lay on me. "Yeah, you're heavy to be sitting right on top of me."
"Oh, shit." Amelia shifted so that she was squished between the door and my body, giving me some room to sit. "Sorry. I'm sorta fat."
"You're sorta not," I said, pressing my lips on her cheek. "You're actually sorta everything I could ever want."
Amelia's face turned pink. "I- fuck, you're smooth."
"I've had more time to think about it since, you know, I've been in love with you longer. Ten years, if I'm correct."
She rolled her eyes and opened the car door, almost flying out onto the pavement from being smashed in the seat with me. "'Ten years,'" she mocked, butchering my accent horribly. "I'm fucking starting the car. You suck."
I laughed as she stomped around the front of her Jeep, cheeks flushed red and eyebrows scrunched together angrily.
I was going to have way too much fun pushing her buttons.
We got home in what seemed like years. By the time we pulled into the school, I was exhausted. I wanted nothing more than to sleep in Amelia's arms and never have to move. Well, maybe for snack breaks, but I knew she had food stashed under her bed so...
Amelia waved her hand at me when I started to open my door before jumping out of the car and opening it for me. She took my hand and helped me out of her tall-ass Jeep. I hit the ground with an awkward thud and an "oof," the arcs of my feet stinging from jumping out with too much force.
"You good?" she asked.
"Yeah." Her fingers for between mine, and I felt chills go down my spine. I wasn't used to anyone feeling concerned about my well-being, especially not after doing something dumb like just hitting the ground a little too hard. "I'm okay."
"Good." Amelia smiled, her white teeth almost glowing in the dark of the night. "I don't want my girlfriend to break her ankles the first night I get to be with her."
I laughed and gripped her hand tight. "I'm fine! Worry about yourself, Amelia! You must be freezing out here!"
She wrapped me in her arms and kissed me, smiling against my lips. "You kidding?" she breathed against my cheek. "I'm burning up. You have that effect on people."
I shook my head and laid my hands on her hips. She trailed kisses across my face, her lips warm against my cold cheeks. "We need to get inside," I said weakly, barely able to hold myself up. I wanted to collapse into her arms and never leave them. It was getting hard to stay standing when she was being so loving for the first time in my life. I felt dizzy from the overwhelming happiness swirling around in my head.
"Alright," she said finally, holding my hands in hers. "I want to be alone with you." My face felt warm. She didn't want sex, I knew that, but it was still a really embarrassing thing to hear even without the possible double meaning.
"I do, too," I agreed softly.
Amelia smiled. "Think I can skip Saturday class tomorrow?"
I rolled my eyes and pushed her shoulder. "You shouldn't miss it just because of me."
"'Just because of-'" Amelia sounded aggravated, her eyebrows drawn together. "I would be skipping to be able to hold the sole person I've loved for so long for just a little longer. That isn't skipping 'just because of you.'"
I swallowed heavily. I wasn't sure how to react to that statement. "I... I didn't mean it like..."
"I know." Amelia grinned. "I wanted to make you squirm." My mouth hung open. Payback for the parking lot, babe." She kissed me roughly on the cheek before dragging me to the dorm's outside double doors, almost letting me ditch my roses.
"You-! I can't- Don't call me babe! It's just Alice!" I managed. Amelia just laughed.
"Get me my wallet then, Just Alice." I glared at her as I dug in her jacket pocket, shoving the little pouch into her hands. Amelia pulled out her ID, swiped it in front of the card scanner, and opened one of the doors for me. "My beautiful girlfriend," she said, gesturing into the building. My shoulders hunched in embarrassment as I rushed inside. She quickly followed behind me.
Amelia held my hand tight as we walked down the hall in silence to our room. I kept glancing up at her face, unsure of what to say. Her features looked hauntingly gorgeous in the low lighting of the hallway at night, the shadow cast by her nose blacking out the entire side of her face. I couldn't believe I managed to have someone that was so attractive fall for someone like me. It seemed almost too good to be true.
Eventually, we got to our door. As I looked in my bag for my keys, Amelia took the marker sitting on top of our whiteboard and added something to our names. I didn't watch as she drew it, so when I finally found the dorm room key, Amelia was proudly staring at her work of art. "Tada!" she whispered cheerfully. I glanced at the board. Our names were encased in a large heart, little smiley faces drawn around it. "Awesome, right?" Amelia asked. I couldn't help but smile with her.
"Wonderful," I agreed. She beamed and watched as I fit the key into the lock and opened our door.
Home sweet home. I sighed in exhaustion, and Amelia immediately went and face planted onto my bed. Damn, I wanted to sleep in hers. It would smell like her and was so much more comfortable. Maybe, I realised, she felt that way about my bed. I closed and locked the door behind me before flopped onto my back beside her.
"Long fucking day," she sighed, resting her cheek on my pillow and looking up at me. Our lights were turned off, but I could see her blue eyes in the dark.
"No kidding." I slid down the mattress so that we were eye-level. We stared at each other for a few minutes, not moving and barely remembering to blink. Amelia finally smiled and scooted closer so our noses were touching.
"I can't believe you're mine," she whispered, her breath touching my face and tickling my nose.
"I can't believe you could've possibly fallen for me," I murmured back.
"That's what I always thought."
"Hmm." Amelia's eyes started to close on me. I giggled softly. "Are you even going to change?"
"Nah," she sighed. "My dress is killing me, though." I hesitated, and she noticed my discomfort quickly. "I'm not gonna, like, strip or anything. It's just my bra and underwear."
"Okay," I said quietly, hoping the lack of light would hide the expression on my face. "Should I, too?"
"Just wear your bra and whatever?" I nodded. "I mean..." Amelia paused. "If you want to. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do."
"I'm fine," I reassured her, grabbing the bottom of my shirt and pulling it over my head. Amelia watched me as I undid the button and the zipper of my jeans and kicked them onto the floor. "I'm not naked or anything," I started.
"No," Amelia agreed.
"It's okay."
We stared at each other for a minute before Amelia's eyes widened. "Oh, you're waiting for me? Shit, sorry. Here, can you just-?"
She squirmed and rolled onto her other side so I could unzip her dress all the way down her back. I pulled it off for her, and a small sigh of relief bubbled from her lips.
"Better?" I asked.
"Fuck yes," she murmured. "I'm going the fuck to sleep though, Alice."
"Okay." I hesitated, her back still turned to me. Slowly, I moved forward so that I could wrap my body around hers. Her back expanded and deflated slightly with each breath, and I soon found a spot comfortable for me and, hopefully, for her. My legs wrapped around hers, and I had one arm draped across her side. "Is it okay if I-"
"You can stay like that if you want," Amelia interrupted. "I, um, like it."
"Okay, cool." I felt her hand close around mine. "Goodnight, Amelia."
"Goodnight, beautiful," she murmured, her breaths slowing.
I couldn't fall asleep so easily, so I stayed awake and listen to the soft puffs of Amelia exhaling, still in awe that I had managed to pull off a successful performance and score the most amazing girlfriend in a single night.

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now