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"Ally, it couldn't have disappeared in thin air. We'll find it."
Fifth time looking in the cafeteria lost and found.
I turned to Maddie. "Look, the book inside that pencil bag basically contains my entire life story, and I'd rather it not end up in the hands of someone with a grudge against me." I was surprised at how calm I sounded.
Maddie frowned. "How many times have you written about Amelia?"
I sighed and lowered my head. "At least once a page."
"Oh god."
Maddie started searching more quickly. I started looking in the trash cans.
We stayed there for at least twenty minutes, searching in every possible place the damn thing could've ended up. The trash cans, the kitchen (much to the dismay of the cooks), under the tables, and even in the toilets in the adjoining bathroom. Nothing. I sat down on the floor heavily and watched as tears fell onto the floor.
Maddie sat beside me and rubbed my back. "Alice, it'll be okay." She pulled me forward so my head rested on her shoulder. She was more bony than Amelia. "We'll get it back, okay?" I nodded. "Let's go ask Amelia if she's seen it."
I sighed. "She didn't take it, though. She told me so."
Maddie nodded. "Well.. let's just go see her anyways."
I frowned and looked up at her. "Honestly, Madeline. This is not the time to try to hook us up-"
"I'm not trying to!" she cut in. Maddie smiled at me. "I'm trying to steal the rocky road ice cream in her mini fridge."
We grinned at each other.

Two straight days of writing

Ready? Not Really.. (Fem USUK) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now