Say yes Frankie!

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Sean is gone on a work trip hes been gone for about a week now and I miss him like crazy. I just ended a live chat with my baby loves, sean is gonna be here soon and Simon (Frankies boyfriend) is gonna be here soon. He said he had to talk to me so im kinda anxious what he wants to talk about...

*knocking on the door*
Ariana- coming!
Simon- hi beautiful! *handing ari flowers*
Ariana- aw thank you Simon *kissed his cheek*
Simon- so I want to tell u something
Ariana- go at it
Simon- I love Frankie so much, hes the best I wanna spend the rest of my life with im gonna ask him to marry me!
Ariana- *gasping* oh my God simon!
Simon- i know! What do you think?
Ariana- I think thats amazing! I know frankie loves you so much and you make him so happy
Simon- thank you, he makes me the happiest
Ariana- it's beautiful, I approve you know I love you, and you guys light up the whole world by your happiness im so happy for the both of you I love you! *hugging Simon*
Simon- love ya too! Thank you sm ari your blessing means a ton I need ur help with the planning thou!
Ariana- of course!

Sean- baby im home!
Ariana- SEANNNN!!!!!!!!!!!

I ran in to seans arms giving eachother a billion kisses..

Ariana- I ... ...soooo...much *in between kisses*
Sean- I missed you more baby *kissing ari* hi simon!
Simon- whats going on bud?
Sean- nothing much. Just blessings, wheres Frankie?
Ariana- umm, we gotta tell u sumthin but u gotta keep ur big fuckin mouth shut promise kiss?
Sean- I dont have a big mouth-
Sean- promise kiss! *laughing!*
Ariana- *kissed sean* simon is gonna purpose to Frankie!
Sean- omg! Straght up!
Simon- yeah man, and ari is gonna help me plan it
Sean- congrats im happy for you guys
Simon- thanks man, it means a lot. Alright, im gonna go and let u to have some alone time ari I will call u later!
Ariana- okay, bye love see you later love you!
Simon- love you
Sean- take it easy man
Simon- u too bro
Ariana- im so happy for them
Sean- me too
Ariana- what do you want todo tonight babe?
Sean- mmmm, you
Ariana- ur cute so I guess so
Sean- okay *laughing*
Ariana- *giggling* fr babe
Sean- will i wanna shower cause im musty as fuck, we can eat dinner watch movies and cuddle
Ariana- sounds fine to me, you need to shower I can smell you from here and its not sexy babe
Sean- ohhh so its like that, earlier it didnt seem like it bothered you when you jumped in my arms and stuck your tongue down my throat!
Ariana- know. .
Sean- I know what? *laughing*
Ariana- just...shutup and go shower *laughing*
Sean- mhm that's what I thought


Sean just got out the shower im finished with dinner, I made vegan lasagna, meat balls, for Sean I made, Pasta, speggatti his fav.
*phone ringing*
Ariana- hello
Simon- hey girlie
Ariana- hey baby cakes whats up?
Simon- can we meet up next week to plan?
Ariana- sure!
Simon- perfect! Thanks again ari love ya
Ariana- anytime sweets, love you
Simon- ciao
Ariana- bye
Sean- who was that?
Ariana- Simon
Sean- whats poppin?
Ariana- he wants to start planning next week
Sean- sweet
Ariana- mhm
Sean- this dinner looks fanonmal baby
Ariana- thanks babe *kissing sean*
Sean- Oh my God, ari! That was amazing!
Ariana- thank you, hmm those words sound familiar
Sean- *chuckling* will I mean it every time. .
Ariana- can I make you mean it tonight for the second time?
Sean- most definitely
*grabbing ari*
Ariana-*laughing* wait babe the dishes!
Sean- they can wait till tommorow!
Ariana- if u say so your in charge tonight! *slapping Sean's ass*

*Hi babies! Quick question! When do you want ari to be pregnant? Vote n comment love you*

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