Nohlan Micheal Welcome ♡

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Right now we have to go to dans parents 70th wedding anniversary party. Im 9 months pregnant so i dont really feel like getting glamed up, i decieded to put my hair half up half down leaving it naturaly curly, only appling concelier and lip gloss, im wearing a grey sweat shirt and tight grey sweat pants with light pink heels. Ailani is wearing a oversized white shirt with a deniem jacket and ripped skinny jeans with grey uggs, her hair in space buns. Sean was wearing a white sweat jacket with tight white sweat pants and grey timbs, with his lion chain and "Detroit Lions" hat. "Ready belmissma?" I ask grabbing my purse, "yeah" she says as sean picks her up.

"Hi mommy" i say as we arrive "hi baby, omg all three of you look flawless" she says kissing my tummy "you two nohlan, grandma loves you" she says as we all laugh.

We then eat dinner, dance on the dance floor, talk, laugh share meormies and then nohlan deciedes to join the party. He starts kicking & moving, and streching. I then start to get a contraction, i wince in pain, "you okay baby?!" Sean says looking over grabbing my thigh. "Yeah im fine baby, im having a contraction" i say grabbing his hand, "how far apart?" He ask, "like a min" i say wincing in pain again. "Baby we might have to go to the hostipal" sean says placing me on his lap "i think im alright baby" i say smiling weakly. I keep having contractions but they keep getting worse & worse there getting longer and closer together. "Uhhh Ari, did you pee on me?" Sean ask, "no. What are you talking about?" I ask "its wet down there" he says lifting me up a little. I then gasp, "sean my water broke!" I say "omg lets go!" He says smiling "mom!" I say "what love?" She ask smiling "my water broke we gotta go to the hostipal!!!" I say smiling, "omg!" She says crying "shes having the baby!!!" She yells as everyone cheers. We leave ailani with frankie and simon, as me sean, alexa my mom dan and nona all get in the car.

Ariana is in labor!! Her water just broke! Ill keep you updated!

Im having contractions like a mf, and they keep getting worse & worse it feels like im gonna have the baby in the car. "ahhh fuck i cant do this!" I say, "its okay baby keep breathing" sean says rubbing my thigh. We then get to the hostipal, jones is filiming everything, and then the docter calls us back.

"Okay Ariana, on a scale 1-10 how bad is the pain?" The docter ask, "110" i say wincing in pain trying to breath thru this terrbile contraction. "okay, were gonna give you epidural your contraction are 2 mins apart and your dialted to a 7" the docter says giving me epidural.

Shes dialated to 7! Her contractions are currently 2 mins apart, with epidural & ice chips and sean by her side she can do this. ♡

"Owwwww, this hurts" i say whinging, "its okay baby, im right here" sean says kissing me. "Mm, i love you" i say "i love you too" sean says kissing my forhead. "Ay sean, what do you wanna say to lil man before he comes" jones says smiling pointing the camera at sean, "hey lil man! Im your dad, im so excited for you to come man! Im so proud that your my son, and i cant wait to teach you how to play basketball and to get all the pretty girls. I need you to also protect your sister ailani bc i already kno shes gonna be hot just like your mom. I love you, see you soon lil man" sean said smiling. "Ariana, what do you wanna say to lil man?" Jones said pointing the camera to ari, "hi mamas baby! Im so exicted to meet you! I had a beautiful experence carrying you around for 9 months, and i cant wait for you too meet your sister, and i cant wait to give you a billion kisses once you get here. I love you!" I said smiling blowing a kiss. "Joan & Dan, what do you have to say to lil nohlan?" Jones said pointing to camera to them, "hi grandmas baby boy! Im so excited to hold you in my arms, your my 3rd grandbaby, and your the only boy!. and im gonna spoil you like crazy. I love you, see u soon" joan said. "Hi nohlan! Im your step-grandpa! Im so excited to meet you buddy, i cant wait to teach you to play baseball, and to prank Ailani & Emila, love ya buddy" dan says. "Nona, what do you have to say to nohlan?" Jones said, "hi handsome! Im your nona, and i cant wait to meet my great grandson! Im gonna tell you so many stories, and im gonna feed you a bunch of itlian food. Your grandpa wouldve been so proud, hes looking down at you always!. Love ya babydoll!" Nona says smiling. "lexiii, say something to nohlan!" Jones said, "hi cutie! Im your auntie alexa, and i cant wait to hold you and kiss you!. You and tyler are gonna bffs, and always bug Ailani & Tayler & Emila. Your gonna be such a lady killer and have the most charming smile just like your daddy!. See you soon, love you!" she says smiling. jones then puts the camera on him, "hii nohlan, this is your uncle jones, aka the camera man. Im so excited to meet you and teach you all about photography, and to film your mom unexpectley. See you soon buddy, welcome to our crazy family" jones said making us all laugh.

"I cant wait to teach you about photography and to film your mom unexpectely" ~ @JonesCrow 😂

2 hours later

"Ahhh is he out yet?!" I say thru a contraction, "not yet baby" sean says trying not to laugh. "Okay Ariana lets take a lookie" the docter says, "your at a 10!!! Lets start pushing" the docter says as we all cheer "thank fucking god" i say as we all laugh.

Gtg ariana @ a 10!!!! see u soon nohlan! #startpushingbitch 😂😊

"on 3 ariana you need to push. 1...2...3 push!!!!!" The docter said, "push baby push!!!" Sean said holding her hand, "pussssh" we all scream. "The head is out!!! Good job ari, you can do this! Push again!" the docter said. "Push baby were right here!" Nona said rubbing her leg, i then pushed as hard as i could, and all i could feel was pressure and burning. "One more good push ari hes almost out!" The docter said, "puuuuuush!!!!" Everyone screamed, i then pushed with all i could and the pressure was gone. "Hes out!!!! Good job ari!!" The docter said smiling holding him up as he started to cry. "Mr. Anderson, would you like to cut the cord" the nurse said, "omg yes" sean said getting chocked up smiling cutting the cord. "Hes at a healthy 8 pounds & 12 oz at 20 inches tall" the nurse said handing me to him as i cried tears of joy. "Hi baby" i said crying kissing him as everyone cried.

Hes here!!!! at a healthy 8 pounds 12oz 20 iches tall!. welcome to the family my love, we love you! 😻♡

Next day

There giving nohlan a bath, i just woke up from a nap. seans family landed last night, so they will be here soon and frankie and alexa are bringing up ailani so she can meet her baby brother.

"Ma ma!" Ailani said running in the room. "Hi belmissma! Come here!" I said picking her up kissing her to death "mommy missed you!. You wanna meet your lil brother?" I asked smiling, "yeah!" She said smiling, "princess!" Sean said smiling as he seen ailani, "dayeee!!" She said running in seans arms as he kissed her. "You wanna meet your lil brother?" Sean asked, "yeah!" She said, "okay go with mommy i have to go get him" sean said handing ailani to me, "here lets wash our hands" i said as we washed our hands. "Look here he is!" I said as sean came in the room with nohlan, "you have to be gentle princess hes really little" sean said placing nohlan in her arms. "Give him a kiss" i said she then kissed his forhead and giggled "is he cute?" I asked laughing, "yeah" she said as me and sean laughed.

My babies & the love of my life all in one room im so overwhelmed. 😩💞🌍
Pic of ailani,nohlan,sean.

Next day

Nohlan is now 48 hours old, and hes met everyone, its now time for him to meet the pups & his home. I have him dressed and all ready to go home. My hair is half up half down, im in a starwars onsie with ugg boots, with no make up on.

Waiting not so patiently to go home & meet toulouse and the rest of the pup gang. ♡✨ #hesalreadypupcrazed
Pic of nohlan

jones edited the video so i could now share it with my bbs.

As we do with every Grande & Anderson event...we film it. Thank you to uncle @JonesCrow aka camera man we love you. we will cherish this lovely emotional video forever. ﹋o﹋ ♡

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