In flordia

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Alexa's POV

I have been sick lately. Really sick. Throwing up like crazy, in the morning, I can't keep nothing down...I haven't felt like this since I was pregnant with ollie. Then I get to thinking, what if I'm pregnant???. No, no. That can't be. But what if I am?. I have to check and be safe, we're leaving for Miami tommrow. I go take 3 pregnancy test. 2 mins later, the results are back. My heart is skipping, my eyes are weary.

"++" all 3 of them said. "Oh my fucking god" i said. I was in shock. Im so happy, i started crying tears of joy. I need to go to the docters just to be safe.

"Hi, im Alexa Luria, and i want to see my docter for a confermation" i say signing in. "Okay i will call you back in a sec" the nurse says. I then get called back in.

Dr- hi alexa how are you doin?
Alexa- im fine, how about you.
Dr- doin alright. What brings you in.
Alexa- will ive been really sick lately, so i take 3 pregnancy test, and all of them are postive. I just wanna conferm and see how far along i am.
Dr- okay so take these test.

I take the test and the docter comes back in with the results.

Dr- will congrats alexa you are pregnant!
Alexa- crying. Omg forreal?
Dr- for real, your gonna be a momma. Lets see take a look downstairs to see how things are going.

I open my legs, as the dr takes a look.

Dr- everything looks healthy, let's take a look at the baby shall we.

As he turns on the monitor, and puts gel on my stomach.

Dr- here's the heartbeat. Plays heart beat. The baby looks healthy, perfect.
Alexa- bawling. Thats my baby.
Dr- oh wait we see something, Alexa congratulations your having twins! There's the other baby. Plays heart beat.
Alexa- oh my God, I'm having 2 babies?!
Dr- yes you are, 2 perfectly healthy babies, keep up the good work. You are exactly 3 weeks along. Since you already lost a baby, of your body rejecting it, im gonna give you vitamins. You need to take 2 of them for each baby every single day, it will help them stay healthy & your body accepting these babies. Come back in 2 months for a check up, or if anything happens then come earlier. Im gonna write you a subscription for those vitamins, and double congrats. On and here's your ultrasound pic of your penuts.
Alexa- thank you so much.

I'm so happy. I can't stop crying. I'm gonna be a mommy, everything happens for a reason. Losing my baby Ollie, and gaining 2 new babies. I cant wait to tell ari. I pick my up my vitamins, and pop 2 in my mouth, and drink it down with my water. I then get kale salads, and lemonade and head to ariana's house. "Hi babies, you guys are my everything and im gonna keep you healthy, i love you" i say rubbing my tummy. Im so excited, i love my babies already.

Ariana's POV

Im packing and getting everything ready to leave for tommorow. Sean is playing with ailani and the pups. There so fucking cute. Just my heart. I then get lunch ready, i feed the pups and make ailani a pb & j, with some grapes. "Here babe eat your lunch" i say as i cut it in lil pieces. "Maa" ailani says crawling to me. "Yes belmissma" i say beaming, putting her in her high chair. "Eat, i love you" i say kissing her. "I la you" ailani says giggling. "Isnt it crazy she can talk already?" Sean said laughing. "8 months old, and already a genuis" i say cleaning the kitchen. "just like her mom" Sean says walking in the kitchen "and her dad" i say hugging him. "Shes beautiful, just like you look at her she's perfect" Sean said as we admired her eating her grapes. "She is perfect. Were so damn blessed. Im so thankful to have you. I love you" i said kissing sean. "I love you more baby girl, dont ever forget" sean says as he places me on the counter, as he gets in between my legs, and we have a heated make out session, tongue on tongue, as he grips my ass. "Maa" ailani said making us both chuckle. "Yes love?" I say looking over, seeing she ate all her food. "Good job belmissma. It's now nap time" I say beaming cleaning her up. "Ill finish packing" sean says cleaning up. "Thanks baby" i say bringing ailani upstairs. I then give her a pacifier and rock her to sleep. She falls asleep peacfuly, i place her in her crib turn on the monotor and bring it with me. "Hi bitches" alexa says walking in the door. "Hi cutie" I say, "hay lex" sean says. "I brought kale saladddd" alexa says taking them out with the lemonade. "Yummm" i say sitting down, "grosss" sean says smirking, "shut the fuck up" we both say in union then laugh.

As were eating our salads, alexa then clears her throat.

Alexa- so i uh, have something to tell you guys.
Ariana- yeah?
Alexa- i have been sick lately, i took pregnancy test they all came back postive, i then went to the docters, to conferm it, And im exactly 3 weeks pregnant!!!!
alexa- I'm so serious!!!!!
Ariana- bawling. I'm so happy for you!!!!!
Sean- wow, alexa congratulations!!!! How much do you and Josh fuck thou?

Every body laughs.

Alexa- another surprise!! Im having twins!!
Ariana- DO YOU WANNA KILL ME?! crying
Sean- thats alot of fuckin huh?

Everybody laughs.

Ariana- alexa were so happy for you. congrats babe, i love you. and i cant wait to meet these munchkins. You have to tell the loves!
Alexa- thank you guys, im so excited. I love you too, and i am right now. Heres the ultrasound pic.

Now that i have the docter & Ariana approval, i wanna tell yall im pregnant!...with twins! There perfectly healthy, at being 3 weeks old and i couldnt be more exicted.
Ultrasound pic & ariana w duck lips.


Next morning

Me and Sean wake up, we get everything ready, we then go to.our home gym, get a good work out session in. We then shower, and get ready for the day, im wearing a lavender crop top that haves a slit in the middle, and a huge white puffy skirt, with white heels, with my lavender coach purse. Im wearing conceiler, lip stick, mascara, eye liner, eye shawdow. Im straghtening my hair, putting in my blonde extentions, having it half up half down, with minnie mouse ears. Ailani is wearing, a pink sparkly crop top, with a sparkly lavender puffy skirt, with white sandels, shes also wearing minnie mouse ears. Sean is wearing, grey deniem shorts, and a "flordia universerty" orange shirt with a orange detroit hat with dope ass organge kanye shoes. Sean then makes blue berry muffins for breakfast for everybody, i fed ailani a muffin and a bottle. We then head off to the jet with everybody.

Happy easter everybody! I will be spending the hoilday with my queen & princess surrounded by castels. #mymainone #mygirls #myeverything
pic of ailani & ari.

happy easter babes <3. Hope you fill it with love & celabration with your loved ones. Ill be with my 2 fav ppl and my loved ones. In flordia, where we belong.
Pic of ailani & sean.

We then get in the jet & take off. I give ailani her poouch filled with blueberry yougurt. And we all watch a movie.

We then arrive in orlando, i see a bunch of my babes. "hi cuties, happy easter" i say hugging them all. We then get to disney world, we give them our tickets and we get in the gates. I put tons of sunblock on ailani, and alexa and myself and sean. Frankie does the same with himself emila and simon. "Lets go on the people mover" nonna suggest, we all agree. I then take out the polarid camera and take tons of pics. Ailani loves the people mover, shes giggling away. We then go on all of the baby rides, ailani is having the time of her life. Shes so happy, all me and sean can do is just beam and laugh. Were on a ailani happiness high. My heart is so happy. We all then eat lunch, ailani eats fried baby rice and pears. i put more sun block on her, as frankie puts more sun block on emila as they get ready for there naps. As they take there naps, me sean, frankie simon and mommy go on the adult rides, while alexa and nonna stay back with the babies. Once they wake up, we go in the disney casels and the harry potter ones too, ailani is in heaven. After that we head to the beach, and swim.

The best easter i could ever ask for.
Pic of ailani and sean in the sand.

It was a beautiful easter. Im in love.

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