nothing is stopping you

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Me and ailani are outside swimming with the pups and sean is making dinner, this is the kindve things that keep me humble, my family. "Ma watch meh" ailani says, "i see you doll" i say smiling before ailani jumps in splashing. "Baby come in here its your mom" sean says going out by the pool with ailani "mommy will be right back" i say going in the house.

A- hi mom.
J- babe its nonna...
A- what do you mean?
J- shes having heart pains we think shes having a heart attack were on our way to the hostipal rn
A- omfg!!! Witch hostipal?
J- st. Josesph
A- omw
J- stay calm
A- bye mom

"Seaaan!" I say crying, "whats wrong baby!!!?!" Sean says running over holding ailani. "Nonaa....shes in the hostipal shes having a heart attack" i say crying, "baby im not letting you drive to the hositpal alone, come on get in the car" sean says kissing my forhead.

we then arrive at the hostipal and im having a panic attack and a rush of tears, i cant seem to control. "Ariana! Were over here!" My mom says crying as me and sean make our way to her "where is she? How is she? Wheres nonna?!" I say as tears roll down my cheeks and my heart burns. "Ariana babe, calm down. She haves to go in surgery bc she haves a explosive tumor on her heart and they have to remove it" joan says with tears in her eyes. "Omg!!! is she gonna be okay" i say crying harder dropping to my knees "baby!" Sean said he then dropped to his knees and held me. i grabbed his waist and pulled him closer to me and cried & cried in to his chest.

5 hours later....

Were all in a waiting room, Ailani is with angie, im laying on sean staring in to space and thinking i can not...i refuse to lose my nonna. "Hello everyone" the docter says coming in with a look of worry on his face. "Hi, how is everything?" Joan says, "her body is not responding well to us trying to remove this massive tumor. And if we put to much pressure on it, it may explode and cause the vessels to stop working, and if the vessels stop pumping then the heart stops beating." The docter says, i just cry till the point where i cant breathe, sean grabs me and kisses me and holds me tight as he can "its gonna be okay baby" sean says fighting tears. "What else can we do?" Joan ask, "wait, the surgery is almost over and then you can see her in the recovery area" the docter says, "thank you" joan says as the docter nods and leaves.

4 hours later....

"Hello again, she is out of the surgery, the tumor is removed and she seems just fine. Would you guys like to see her?" The docter ask smiling. "Omg yes" i say as we walk to the recovery area. "Hi nonna" i say smiling / crying kissing her as she smiles weakly, "hi baby doll" she says. "How are you feeling mom?" Joan asks, "fine" nonna says, "nothing should ever stop you from breathing your last breathe" nonna says as we all tear up.

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