Seans birthday pt 1 of 2

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Sean's 31st birthday is coming up, and were planning on surprising him with a party. But that's two days away, so until then we have a lot of things to get done. Right now we have to go enroll Ailani for school in the fall, I can't believe my baby is going to school. Since she'll be 4 by then we're putting her in preschool.

"Ailani come on princess, we gotta go" I said changing nohlans diaper. "I don't wanna go to school" Ailani said throwing a fit. "Your not going to school yet we just have to sign you up, and it's not your choice. Go potty before we go" I said handing Nohlan his shoes. "Ugh fine" she pouted as I chucked. I then got Nohlan in the car and Sean started the car, "Ailani lets go!" I said going back in the house. "I'm coming!" She snapped putting her shoes on. "Hey lose the attitude! You know daddy won't take that" I said taking her hand.

We then got to her school and sat down with all the teachers and talked and filled out papers. "Ailani are you excited for school?" The teacher asked smiling, "no" she said bluntly causing them to laugh. "Yeah she's not very excited about it, but when the time comes she will be" I giggled. "No I won't be mom" Ailani said with a glare, "enough" Sean fakely smiled.

We then finished the meeting and got back in to the car. "Ailani Marie what was that attitude for?" I asked sternly, "I don't like this place and I don't wanna go to stupid school" Ailani pouted. "School is not stupid, and you don't have a choice. Your 3 years old, it's time to go to school. It's gonna be the best years of your life and you need an education" I said. "We'll talk about it when the time comes but until then you and Nohlan have a doctors appointment today" Sean said starting the car.

We then got to the doctors and signed the kids in. "Ailani & Nohlan Anderson?" the doctor smiled, "right here" Sean smiled back as we stood up.

"Okay Nohlan is due for his 1 year shots, and Ailani is due for her vaccine shots" the nurse smiled, "okay" I smiled as I put Ailani in my lap. "Mommy I don't want shots" Ailani pouted as her eyes grew watery, "you have to baby so you don't get sick. Mommy is right here" I said as I held her in my arms.

"Okay Ailani on the count of 3 it's gonna be a quick poke" the nurse said wiping down her arm with a wipe. "1..2..3" the nurse said sticking the needle in my baby's arm. "Oooouch" Ailani cried out, "it's okay baby it's all over with" I said holding her and kissing her. "Okay Sean I'm gonna need you to hold Nohlan down its now his turn" the nurse said getting out another needle as she wiped down his arm with a wipe. She then quickly stuck the needle in nohlans arm as he screamed, "hey don't do that to my brother!" Ailani yelled out making me and Sean laugh I then covered her mouth with my hand. "Good job guys, we're all done! You guys can pick up some stickers" the nurse smiled as they went to the treasure chest.

We then went to Starbucks, I got my green tea and Sean got his black iced coffee, Ailani got her chocolate chip mocha non decaf, and Nohlan got a fruit smoothie with a donut so our usual. We got the house and I put Nohlan in his high chair to eat his donut and I put his fruit smoothie in a sippy cup, I then put chocolate syrup in Ailani's mocha just the way she likes it.

I then went in our home gym to work out and do my pregnancy yoga. I went back upstairs to see Nohlan sleeping in his high chair, Ailani sleeping on the couch with her iPad on top of her face and bubble guppies playing on the tv, I laughed at my babies. I then snapped a pic bc it's too cute not to.

"What I love coming upstairs to 😂😍"

I then added it to my story and I cleaned up. I then put the kids in there beds and I went in to me and Sean's room. Sean was on his laptop watching ahs, "hey baby where did you go?" Sean asked, "I was in our gym, why did you leave Nohlan in his high chair" I said getting in bed. "Because I thought you were down there with them" Sean said turning his laptop off, "will I wasn't" I said, "my bad" Sean chuckled laying on my stomach. "I'm starting to show a little bit" I said rubbing Sean's head, "just a lil, cutest lil bump ever" Sean said kissing my tiny tummy making me awe. I then snapped another pic.

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