Turn up in the city

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Ailani had a docters appointment today, she's healthy as a horse. She's 11 pounds, and 17 oz, and 24 inches tall. My healthy baby. I can't believe shes already 3 months. My mom & frankie, birthdays are coming up, and we're gonna be in new York celebarting. I have a fashion show to attend to with saschra in NYC, then a photo shoot with ailani, and then celebration.

Ariana- ready belmissma? We gotta to to the big apple. Say bye to daddy. 
Sean- bye princess I love you. Kissing ailani.
Ariana- bye baby be safe i love you.
Sean- bye, be safe, have fun, ill see you soon i love you. Kissing ari.

Me & ailani are heading to new York, to meet up with my family. While Sean haves haves to stay in L.A, to do some press interviews. He'll be in new York tonight. We head on the plane we take off, ailani starts getting fussy, I take out my boob, give it to her, cover it up with a blanket as she eats. I then burp her, change her, and wrap her in blankie and we snuggle on the bed watching a movie. With the pacifier in her mouth, she then falls asleep, I do the same.

We then land in the big apple, I change ailani, get her all warm, put her in her car seat, and cover it with a blanket so the paparazzi dont bother her. With star by my side, I then leave the plane with the car seat in my hand and my purse in the other. Paparazzi chasing us, we then head in the car and head to our apartment.

Joan- hi guys your here!
Ariana- we're here! Holding ailani
Nonna- there's my baby doll!
Holding ailani
Joan- how was her docs?
Ariana- she's healthy as a horse!
Joan- that's my grandbaby
Ariana- I need to go to the gym
Joan - go ahead well watch her!
Ariana- alright lemme pump cause she's gonna need to eat soon.

I pump enough for 2 bottles, i then head to the gym. I first run on the tread mill, i burn 95 calories. I then do the olaptical, for my legs, i then pull down on a thingie to keep my toned arms, and tummy. I get a good work out in. I then go to barnies so I have something good to wear o the fashion show, then the babies store, so I can do a shopping spree, for miss ailani. I then meet some of my babes. "Hi cuties, I love you" I say, meeting em all taking selfies. I then get mani pedi, and bikini wax, along with eye brow wax. I then get tofu & star bucks for everyone, and head back to the appartment.

New york babes, i see you haayy. u lil cuties. i love you <3

Big Sean Pov

Im home in L.A, in our home studio, trying to make a nice beat for the new song. Im writing a surprise song for ari & ailani. My 2 special girls. Zeno hooked me up with this really dope song writer named, imani. Were gonna meet up for lunch, then head to the studio for a few hours, then im off to nyc.

We decied to go to "lillys cafe", for lunch. Paparazzi on our ass.

Sean- hi im sean.
Imani- hi im imani nice to meet you.
Sean- nice to meet you as well.
Imani- hows your 2 girls and yourself?
Sean- were good. We a have a lil 3 month old diva on our hands.
Imani- giggling. Yeah i see. Are you guys gonna have any more?
Sean- oh yeah. Were gonn start trying when ailani turns 1.
Imani- awh yay. So hows the beat to the song?
Sean- its dope i like it alot.

We then finish lunch, head to the studio, and finish the song. Its dope. Im in love with it. I hope ariana likes it.

Sean- i love this song man. Thank you so much, i appreate it..
Imani- your so welcome tell everyone i said hi.
Sean- for sure, bye..
Imani- bye

Im so excited to see ari & ailani, i miss my babies.

Ariana's POV
Me & ailani just finished our photo shoot, we were both naked, painted with non toxic black paint from head to toe. So nothing was showing, on the both of us. Its so beautiful, and clean, and well done. Afterwords,i fed her, and i went to take a shower and get ready for the fashion show. Frankie & simon were gonna take ailani out in the city to have some uncle - neice time. While i go to the fashion show with sashcra.

Some niecy uncly timmmmee with miss ailani. Shes exicted for her cousin to join soon. Out in the city, gettin spoilllled.  @SimonGrande
Group selfie.

Out with my babe, fashionin it upp. @SashcraPWest <3
Selfie of the girls.

We then went to the fashion show, and it was amazing. Im so impressed. So proud. We then went out for dinner, and had a glass of wine.

I then go back to the apartment, our family friend is watching ailani while we go out tonight. Sean should be here any min. I then go on my phone, and see sean out to lunch with this one chick, i dont know who she is but what i do know is she doesnt need to be that close to my man.

Sean- hay im here. Hi princess!.
Holding ailani
Ariana- hay, can we talk real fast. Sean- sure whats up trying to kiss ari
Ariana- decling it
Sean- you dont wanna kiss me?
Ariana- we need to talk
Sean- talk! No one is stopping you
Ariana- so- ...you know what forget it you dont care anyways.
Sean- Ariana who said i dont care?!
Ariana- your attitude!
Sean- you know what, whatever ariana. I didnt come here to fight with you over some petty bullshit. I came here to see you and ailani cause i missed you guys all fuckin day. So if you wanna fight with me thats fine, ill just spend time with my daughter. Go out, ill stay home with her.
Ariana- fine. If thats what you want. Fine. I just want you to be happy. Thats all.

I then got dressed, wearing a lavender leather knee high skirt, with a black crop top that crosses in the back. With light lavender heels, my hair in a high pony, curled at the end. With just foundation & lip gloss on. I then start pumping, so sean haves bottles. Everybody is ready, were about togo, sean is laying in my bed with ailani watching tv, i feel so fuckinn bad. I want sean to come..this is all my fault. I have to make things right again.

Ariana- her bottles are right here shes gonna wanna eat soon.
Sean- alright, thank you.
Ariana- welcome sniffing .
Sean- whats wrong? Are you crying?
Ariana- no, im fine.
Sean- alright, will have fun. I love you. Give me a kiss.
Ariana- i love you more. Kissing sean.
Sean- you are crying!!. Whats wrong baby? I hate it when you cry. Please tell me whats wrong. Holding ari
Ariana- crying. I want you to come with me.
Sean- thats why your crying?
Ariana- and, im mad because i made you mad, and i wouldnt talk to you.
Sean- yeah, why wouldnt you talk to me earlier?. I do care, i always care baby.
Ariana- bc i saw pics of you and this other woman today at lunch. Who is she?.
Sean- imani? Baby shes just a song writer that zeno hit me up with. We just made a song, and before we went to lunch that is all. I promise you. I love you baby, and the next time your mad at me please talk to me so i can make it better, i dont wanna see you cry okay?
Ariana- okay, i promise i will. I love you. Now will you please go out with meee?. Giggling.
Sean- yes of course. Chuckling.Just lemme get ready. And put those fat lips of yours on myn and kiss me.
Ariana- my pleasure. Kissing sean.

He then got ready, we got ailani ready for the baby sitter. "bye belmissma be good for trish, i love you" i said as i kissed her. "shell be just fine sweetie" trish said smiling sweetly. I knew trish my whole life. Amazing lady. "thanks again trish, i love you" i say plotting trish a kiss on the cheek. "welcome hun, i love you too have fun" she said kissing my cheek in return. We were then out the door, and in the taxi. We took a group selfie.

New york city vibes.
Group selfie.

Me,Sean,Mom,Nonna,Frankie,Simon,Sashcra,her bae,moms friends, & frankies friends. We were off to partyyyy. We all took shots of tequila in the taxi, we then headed to the club, paparazzi on our ass, we then did the red carpet, and got in the club..we did shots & drinks, and we ate the massive birthday cake.

The kinda birthday cakes you get in the club, in new york for your birthday lmao. @JoanGrande @FrankieJGrande love you.
Pic of cake.

We danced, drank, and partied like there so was no tommrow.

Turn up in new york.

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