baby talk to me, please.

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Quick lil message, taking in all of y'alls comments, i will be carrying on with this book for a very looooong time (: . But with that being said, i def wanna make a sequel to this book but that wont be any time soon. Thank you babes, and this chapter is very diffrent, sad, emotional, depressing lmao i wanted to switch things up. Anyways "enjoy the show" (:

Sean was out in about promoting yeezys with Kayne, i was home making cupcakes for ailani & her gymnastics team. they were in the backyard warming up, the pups were in there own room playing with toys. Toulouse started to cry, "hush toulouse, dont be a baby" i said chuckling. i then grabbed juice boxes and cupcakes and brought them outside for the girls, "enjoy ladies" i said smiling giving ailani a kiss as i left.

I then went to clean the pool, and pick up dog shit. I then came inside, washed my hands and made me a kale strawberry salad with kiwi.

Sean wouldnt be home till the morning, so after dinner i gave ailani a bath and put her to bed. As i was laying down, nohlan thought it was a good time to kick the shit out of me, im already 8 months pregnant, so only 1 more month to go and lil man will be here (: .

Next morning

I made strawberry pancakes with blue berries and bannas with a coconut ice smoothie. After breakfest we got in our bathing suits and went swimming in our pool, ailani loves to swim just like me, so the huge pool in our backyard def comes in handy. After swimming we had snacks, and ran around outside with the pups till it was nap time.

When ailani was napping i went outside bringing my phone and the baby montoir with me and i decieded to lay out and soak in some sun. About a hour later, i get a phone call from Kayne.

A- hi kayne whats up?
K- hey ari, so i need you to stay calm about this but, Sean got in a car accident and hes in the hostipal hes in icu and hes unresponsive.
A- omg...omg...*crying* how the fuck can i stay calm about this Kayne!!! My husband can die any min!!
Kayne- i know ari, im freaking out just as bad as you are right now, me and zeno are on our way to the hostipal right now do you want us to pick you up we dont want you driving.
A- yes!! Ill call my mom to watch ailani
Kayne- alright, stay calm we will be there in 20

everything is a blur, i cant think straght, i can see straght because thick blotchy tears are in my eyes. I just call my mom and tell her everything and tell her to hurry.

Once she gets there shes crying and hyperventaling, and shes telling me to calm down but i was doing the same and i am the one 8 months pregnant. Kayne & zeno finally get here, and were off to the hostipal, and i cant stop crying, i cant stop thinking about my baby. "what happened?" I ask, "he was driving back to the hotel, and he was doing a U turn, and at end of the U turn a huge truck smashed in to left side of him and it made the car skid and turn over, all they told me was hes in the ICU and hes unresponsive" Kayne said choking up. "You kno what that means right.." I say balling, "hes not gonna make it" i say crying harder, "ari he is gonna make it, you have to have faith" kayne said crying holding me tight "i want him to be okay i cant do this without him!!!!" i say crying harder in to kaynes shirt, "me too ari, me too" kayne says.

We get to the hostipal, and we say were here for sean, they bring us to the ICU section, and we see sean laying there lifeless, his face is bruised & swollen, he broke he neck, he haves ivs, and breathing tubes shoved up his throat, i drop to my knees and i stop breathing for 30 secs because im crying so hard "oh my god!! Oh my god! No!" I scream. Flash backs are coming back to me.

"Baby are you excited to be marrying me?" I ask as i lay on sean, "im very excited, i cant wait to spend the rest of my live with your sexy ass" sean says smiling "i love you" i say, "i love you too baby" sean says kissing me passionatly.

"Oh my god no!!!" I say holding sean, nothing else is important to me anymore, the petty fights, how i would get so mad at him for nothing i dont care about that anymore i just want my baby back everything in my body burns. "Baby talk to me, please" i say crying kissing his lips. "Mrs. Anderson?" the docter says.

To be contuined.....

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