Family over

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Aria is now a week old, and everything has been going smoothly I feel like me and Sean are really slaying at being newly parents of 3 kids. Sean and Nohlan are out with Zeno and Tyler for a guys day out. Ailani is about to back to gymnastics, and me and my mom and nonna are going out for lunch.

I fed Aria changed her diaper, and putted her in her car seat, "come on Ailani were gonna be late" I said putting the pups in there play room. "I'm here" Ailani said getting in the car, we then we're off.

"Mommy can we get Starbucks?" Ailani asked, "yeah" I said pulling in through the drive thru. I ordered Ailani her chocolate chip mocha, I got me a honey ice tea. "Alright baby, I'll be here to pick you up at 5, have fun I love you" I said dropping ailani off, Ailani kissed Aria bye, "okay love you too" Ailani said getting out.

I then got to toast, and I took Aria out of her car seat and put on my baby launch a baby launch is a thing that straps on to my chest and Aria goes in it. She then stared crying, "oh what's wrong love?" I said trying to calm her down, I then gave her her pacifier and she was fine. I grabbed my phone, purse, and baby bag, and I went to find my mom and nonna.

"Hi guys" I said hugging my mom and nonna, "hi loves" my mom said kissing my cheek and arias head. "Where's the other two?" Nonna asked, "Ailani is at gymnastics, and Nohlan is with Sean and Zeno and Tyler" I said. "How do you like being a mommy to 3?" My mom asked, "it's actually really good. I mean it can be a lot at times but me and Sean are nailing it" I said kissing arias head. "Are you breastfeeding?" Nonna asked. "Yeah, I breastfed with Ailani and Nohlan as well" I said drinking my tea. "Hi ladies what can we get you guys to drink?" The waitress smiled, "I have my tea but thankyou" I said, "I'll just get a coffee" my mom said, "a strawberry smoothie please" nonna said "coming right up" the waitress said.

"So I heard your dad wants to come stay with you guys for two days?" My mom said, "yeah he wants to spend time with the kids and meet Aria him and Ariel" I said. "When is Sean's family suppost to be coming in?" Nonna asked, "next week" I said. "Okay here is your coffee and your smoothie. What can I get you guys to eat today?" The waitress asked, "uhm I will take your kale salad and the avocado toast please" I said. "I will have your steak special with the Italian pasta" my mom said, "I will have your avocado soup, with the vegetables on the side" nonna said "okay coming right up ladies" the waitress said "thank you" I replied with.

"I just don't want him to start drama" my mom said putting sugar in her coffee. "Mom he won't, he's never have he never will" I said.

From: my baby ❤️🍍
Your dad is trying to come in tonight

To: my baby ❤️🍍
Okay so?? What's wrong with that?

From: my baby ❤️🍍
Okay calm down damn I'm just saying what time are you gonna be home?

To: my baby ❤️🍍
I should be home by 530.

From: my baby ❤️🍍
Alr I'll let him know

To: my baby ❤️🍍
Alr love you sugar lips 💋

From: my baby ❤️🍍
love you sugar pussy 👅

To: my baby ❤️🍍

"Here you guys go" the waitress said setting our food down, "thank you" we all said in union. "Oh my god this avocado toast is to actually die for" I said, "this steak is to die for" my mom said making us all laugh. "So are you doing your kegals?" Nonna said causing me to chock on my avocado toast and my mom die of laughter. "Nonna!" I said, "will what? The pussy isn't gonna be shiny you just had a baby a week ago!" Nonna said causing us to laugh once more. "And I know Sean likes to pound into you like a nail in some wood" nonna said, "oh my god" I said, "yeah mom, I don't like to hear that my daughter is being pounded into" my mom said laughing, "what? It's not like I don't hear Dan pounding into you, your father used to pound into me" nonna said. "Oh my" I said becoming nauseous at the sex talk at brunch.

*having brunch with nonna & my mom at toast*
Nonna: so are you doing your kegals?
thank god Aria can't understand anything 🙏🏽

So?? We never got your answer @ArianaAnderson

"@bigsean So?? We never got your answer @ArianaAnderson" 🙄

hmu with your fine ass 😉 @ArianaAnderson

"@bigsean hmu with your fine ass 😉" alr daddy 💋

"Will as much as I would love to hear you guys talk about sex positions, I have to go pick up my daughter, love y'all though" I hugged them as we all laughed. "love you" the says in union they then kissed Aria bye.

"Hi babe, how was gymnastics?" I said as Ailani got in the car, "it was good, how was brunch with nonna and grandma?" Ailani said kissing Aria, "it was interesting" I giggled "but auntie Ariel and grandpa Eddie are gonna come stay with us for a few days there coming in tonight" I said smiling, "oh my gosh I'm so excited" Ailani smiled, "me too" I said.

We then got to the house, Ailani held Aria and watched cartoons, while I pumped. Sean and Nohlan then came home. "Mommy where's grandpa?" Nohlan asked, "he's on his way love" I said. I then cleaned up the house, made dinner and worked out, Aria then started to cry. "What's wrong mommys baby?" I said taking her from Ailani, I fed her changed her diaper and putted her in the baby launch with her pacifier. My dad & Ariel then came in,

"Hello were here!" My dad said, "hi dad!" I said smiling giving him a hug, "oh look at this beautiful baby!" My dad beamed kissing Aria. "Grandpa!" Ailani ran in his arms, "there's my princess!" He said spinning her around and kissing her. "Grandpa I'm here!" Nohlan came running behind, "there's my lil champ!" Dad said picking him up and kissing him. "I missed you guys so much!" Dad said, "we missed you too!" Ailani said "hi Ed" Sean said giving dad a manly hug, "hey Sean, long time no see!" Dad said making them laugh. "Grandpa lets go play on my swingset!" Ailani said dragging my dad to the backyard along with nohlan making us laugh.

after hours of my dad playing with the kids in the backyard, and after dinner and dessert, i bathed the kids and put them to bed. I placed aria in her crib and turned on the baby monitor and went downstairs. "Would you like some wine ariana?" Dad asked pouring glasses, "yes please" i said taking a seat next to sean.

"The first time i had alcohol in like 10 months" i said as we all laughed. We talked and catched up on life, just enjoying eachothers company, 💛.

Sorry i havent updated in such a long ass time, im happy to be back 💛. love you hope you enjoyed ♡.

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