why are you mad now?

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I was doing my pregnancy yoga, ailani was at gymnastics, the pups are playing outside, and sean went to zenos to pick some stuff up for his event tonight. "Baby im home" sean said, "hi baby" i said kissing him "watchya up to?" He asked, "yoga & making yatudio seeweed" i said. "Oh yum" he said said joking making us both laugh "are you excied for your event tonight?" I asked "yeah im nervous but im excited for the most part" sean said smiling "oh, can you go pick up ailani from gymanstics, and noo ice cream before dinner this time please" i said laughing as i spanked him with the spachela "damn, fine fine" sean said chuckling

"Diiiiner" i yell as ailani comes running in "wheres daddy?" I ask putting the plates on the table " i dunno, im hangwy" ailani says walking to her high chair "okay baby lets eat" i said getting her a plate and some juice. After i get her food i go upstairs to look for sean, "arent you gonna eat dinner? Its done" i say as i see him getting dressed, "no babe i dont think i have time zeno will be here any min i can eat whatever they have at the event. But thank you" sean said brushing his teeth. "ok fine" i say going downstairs to eat with ailani "is it good baby?" I ask, "yah" she says eating as i giggle.

Yummy seeweed 💜🍣 #weeatplants #wedonteatanimals
pic of ailani

"Alright baby im gonna go" sean said kissing ailani bye, "have fun love you" i say kissing him goodbye "love you" he said as he left. After dinner i gave ailani icecream for desert & i had vegan icecream. Afterwords we watched bubble guppies in the home theater, and talked, i then put her to bed, and i went in the living room to watch seans event. They then had afterparty and i saw on twitter sean was tipsy at a club with girls. I didnt even stress, i just turned off the tv & went to bed.

The morning after

I woke up and i seen sean wasnt in bed, thats when i started to worry. I got up went pee, and i put coco butter on my streched belly, and i went downstairs and sean wasnt downthere. I then went to his man cave he wasnt there, i then went to his home studio he wasnt there, im starting to worry ...he isnt home. I called him & called him and he didnt answer one fucking phone call.

To: Zeno
Hey are you with Sean?
9:30 AM

From: Zeno
what do you mean he isnt home?
9:33 AM

To: Zeno
No he never came home last night...
9:34 AM

From: Zeno
No we separated last night after the after party i have no idea where his ass is at lemme try callin him
9:36 AM

To: Zeno
I already did & he didnt anwser wtf man why isnt he home !!
9:37 AM

From: Zeno
Idk ari lemme try to get ahold of him for you
9:39 AM

12:30 PM

Me or zeno couldnt get ahold of sean at all. Im worried sick, wtf happened its in the afternoon & hes still not home. Idk what to think any more. Ailani is taking her nap, im in the kitchen biting on my nails, worried sick to where sean is / who hes with / is he okay.

....i then hear the front door open....i look and its sean.

"Where the FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?! DO YOU KNO ITS THE NEXT FUCKING DAY!!!!" i yell on a mental break down. "Ariana calm tf down, im alright thanks for asking" sean snaps back. "BITCH EXUCE YOU, IDGAF IF YOUR ALIVE OR HALF DEAD NO MATTER WHAT YOU SHOULDVE GOT YOUR ASS BACK HERE LAST NIGHT YOU THINK IM PLAYING" i scream some more. "Ariana i got really drunk last night and i ended up at tones and i just woke up, noticing how late it was and i came home" sean said. "AND YOU DIDNT HAVE THE FUCKING DECENSENCY TO CALL YOUR WIFE TO LET HER KNO" i yell. "I lost my phone last night ariana, GODDAMN!! anymore questions?!" Sean snaps. "Wow sean, really mature" i chuckle "you go out for a fucking business event you get shitfaced, lose your phone, and you end up at tones, come home the next day. Yup thats acting grown" i say with a attitude. "Ariana, i dont need your attitude" sean says "good bc i dont wanna look at your stupid ass anyways. Dont fucking talk to me" i say getting up walking away.

I stay in our home theater all day watching orange is the new black on netflix. I then go in the kitchen and i see sean and ailani playing in the backyard on the swing set laughing away. I smile, and start making dinner, i then put ailani in her highchair and give her, her plate. "uhm, wheres my plate" sean asked looking around, "up my ass" i say rudely taking a bite of the food.

"Why are you mad now?" sean asked snapping, "the same reason sean, unless you did something new for me to bad about" i say "omg ariana, you dont let things go" sean said groaning rubbing his face. "Bc you didnt fucking apologize!!!" I snap. "im sorry okay?!. This obviously not a easy thing to apologize to i messed up, and im sorry i really am. I just wanna move forword i will never let this happen again. I love you." Sean said with worry in his eye. "I love you too, and thats the only thing we can do is just move forword" i say. "Give daddy a kiss" sean said smiling kissing me, "okay daddy" i say laughing kissing him passiontaly.

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