dont make a promise you cant keep, my friend.

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Sean is gone on a road trip with his brother & dad shooting a chermical for a football ad. I'm at my moms with the kids, ailani is playing with emila in the backyard, and nohlan is in his bouncer entertaining himself with his fist. "Hi mamas boy" I said smiling eating my salad as he chuckled and kicked his legs up & down in his exictment. "Is Sean gonna BBQ when he gets here?" Joan asks, "yes phyco Joan" I said as Dan Frankie & Simon busted out laughing, "stop calling me phyco I'm not phyco your the phyco one" Joan said not thinking it was funny. She then hit her ankle on the side of the staircase, "OOOOOOOUUUUUUCCCHHHH!!!!!!!! FUUUUCK THAT HURTS GODDAMN IT !!! COCKSUCKER SEVANABITCH!!!" Joan screamed. "Oh the irony" I said as we all laughed. "Shut up" Joan said holding in a laugh, "ma is grandma okay?" Ailani said running in the house, "yes she's fine belmissma she's just crazy" I said as ailani nodded making me giggle . nohlan then got hungary, I made him a bottle & then changed his diaper and rocked him kissing him here & there witch is literally ever 2/1 seconds. "Hey im here" Sean said coming in, "yay the party just started" Dan said taking a sip of beer "what's up dan?" Sean said giving dan the manly handshake / hug. "Hi baby" Sean said kissing me passionatly, "hi sexy" I said smiling, "I have a present for you" Sean said taking a lil box out of his pocket, "you do? Let me open it!" I said giggling in exitment, "okay say I'm the sexiest man on earth" Sean said smirking teasing me. "I'm the sexiest man on earth" I said playing along with his game, "okay looks like you don't want your present" Sean said chuckling at my smart move, "okay okay okay! Your the sexiest man on earth" I said laughing, "and you wish you could give me a blowjob right here right now" Sean said smirking, "ew sean no!" I said giggling in disgust. "Okay here" Sean said giggling giving me the box. I then opened the box and I saw a beautiful golden diamond ring (the picture showed up top) "Sean!" I gasped, "do you like it?" Sean asked smiling, "baby I love it! Its so beautiful!" I said putting it on my left ring finger. "Good I knew you would love it" Sean said kissing me, "its a late anniversary present, I love you" Sean said holding my hand. "Baby thank you so much, I love you" I said hugging him tight & kissing him. "Oh & you know, we never had sex on our anniversary" I said smirking as i whispered, "you don't say" Sean gasped while smiling, "let's see if my mom will watch the kids tonight so I can give you my belated anniversary present" I said slowly kissing him, Sean then bit his bottom lip as we broke the kiss, "why do you gotta be so fucking hot" Sean said sucking on my bottom lip, "idk. Maybe you can figure that out tonight in the sheets" I said sounding corny af making me and sean bust out laughing. "Sean not to ruin your guys moment, but were starving and your food is delish sooo" Joan said making us laugh, "okay I'm coming, sorry I'll come see you on my break baby" Sean said kissing me smiling in the kiss, "mom look at the anniversary present Sean just gave me" I said giving my mom my hand. "Sweetie its beautiful!" Joan said, "good taste man! You know your gonna get it tonight!!!" Dan playfully pushing Sean as they both chuckled doing the bachelor hand shake. "The grande girls have a really good way of saying thank you if you know what i mean" Dan said, Joan then cleared her throat, "baby dont even deny it" Dan said "ew you guys are pigs" Joan said laughing as I giggled. "Baby you didn't give me the ring just for thank you sex right?" I asked as my mom & Dan went in the kitchen. "Nooo baby no!" Sean said chuckling, "I gave you this ring bc I wanted to, to make you feel loved & special. I don't care if I get sex or not, sex is just a bonas" Sean said smirking licking his lips, "I love you" I said smirking, "I love you too sexy" Sean said smiling kissing me passionately & slowly. "I'm gonna go cook the food the faster we eat the faster we can get out of here" Sean said making me giggle.

The dinner was then finshed, i gave nohlan a bottle & and cutted up ailanis meat & veggies. "mommyy can i have a cupcake?" Ailani asked before she took a bite of dinner. "Dinner first babe" i said, "nooo" she said whining, "ailani dont tell me no. Eat your dinner or no cupcake" i said. She then threw herself on the ground screaming throwing her legs in the air. She never acts like this, shes usaully always so good, so i dont know what todo. "Ailani do you wanna go in timeout?" I ask, "no!!" She screamed making sean jump in his seat. "Will then stop it right now. or your just gonna eat your dinner & get no cupcake" i said picking her up and placing her in front of her plate "now eat!" I said sitting back down as she took a bite. "Wth was that?" I asked in confussion & of how well i handled it. "Its the terrbile twos" Joan said, "oh jeez. Its gonna be a looong fucking year" i said as we all laughed.

It was then later on, ailani & emila go there cupcakes, ailani & emila were in the house with sleeping nohlan watching tv, while me sean, my mom dan, frankie & simon were buddled up by a bondfire with opheila toulouse & donvedo. After a while sean whispered in my ear, "ready togo baby?" I nodded. "Alright mom, were gonna head out. Ill be here to get the kids in the afternoon" i said kissing my moms cheek, "okay bye sweetie love you guys" joan said, "love you" me & sean said in union.

We then got home and we were taking our shoes off, and we both started staring at eachother, then busted out laughing he then grabbed me by the hips and swong me over his shoulder running up the stairs as i laughed, begging him to put me down. he then body slammed me to the bed, as i tried to catch my breath from laughing so hard. when we finally stopped laughing, we then looked eachother in the eyes, admiring eachothers presence. "Kiss me" i said smiling, as he smiled & kissed me passionalty. "Okay my turn" i said giggling as he chuckled when i turned us over, i then was on top sitting on his stomach as he layed in the bed. I then kissed him slowly & passionatly, taking his shirt off sucking on his neck giving him ari love bites. I then unbucked his pants pulling them off of him, i then started grinding on his excited friend, "mmm dont tease me baby" sean gruanted bitting his lip as i giggled. I then took his boxers off, and started giving his friend sweet soft kisses. "Arrii" sean gruanted, "yes baby?" I asked "stop teasing" sean said. "if you say so" i said sticking his friend in the back of my mouth sucking, swirling my tongue all around not wasting an inch of pleasuring my baby, massaging his balls with my hand. "omgg yes baby right there" sean groaned, i smiled & kept sucking licking and sucking on his friend, his groans music to my ears. I can feel him about to release "release in my mouth baby" i said as i stuck his member back in my mouth and kept massing his balls sticking his friend further in my mouth. "Ahhh" sean said releasing in my mouth, as i swalled. I then kissed his friend softly, and went back on sean "how was that baby?" I asked smirking, " blowjob ever!" Sean said smirking, kissing me. "Good, i wanted to make you feel amazing" i said, "baby you put me on cloud nine. Now your about to get some really good dick" sean said smiling turning me over "give it to me daddy" i said smirking. Sean then took my shirt & bra off, kissing, then eventully sucking on my boobs, making me moan. He then left a trail of sweet kisses down my stomach to my v line, he then took my pants & thong off, and start sucking right at my clit, "ahhh sean" i said grasping on to the sheets braking a nail or two. He licked swrling his tongue around inside of me, making me moan. He then opened his mouth further putting more of my vagina in his mouth, sucking gently swrling his tongue around. "Mmm baby, you taste so damn good" sean said then went back down to sucking on my area. i then squirted 💦, he then gave my area one good lick and came up. "Baby...goddamn" i said trying to catch my breath. he chuckled and licked his lips, "ready for my dick?" Sean asked smirking, "oh ive been ready" i said replying with a smirk. Sean then went on top, and stuck his friend in me, "ohhhmygod" i said grabbing on to his hips. He smirked & started thursting, making the bed squek "yes sean yes babbyy" i said moaning "mm faster daddy" i said as he rode faster as he groaned grabbing on to my hips, making the bed squek louder & faster "seaaaan omg omg" i said having a organism. Sean this bit his lip going deeper, "yes baby yess" i said moaning. We then both released and Sean fell back. "Best" i said trying to breathe. "Fuckyah" sean said kissing me. ♡

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