Love Dont Change ♡

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This whole chapter is dedicated to Jeremiah's beautiful, beautiful song "love don't change" I'm so in love with it and I wanted to make a chapter dedicated to it so enjoy and I hope you understand the deep ass meaning behind it 😂 .

France thank you so much, Japan see you soon 😌.

女の子にすぐにあなたを参照してください 💋

We then got on the airplane, and took off leaving France. Sean was hungover along with Zeno and Lexi and everyone else except me of course. Nohlan was throwing a fit because that's just what 1 year olds do, Ailani was eating veggies watching bubble guppies on her iPad, and I was trying to soothe Nohlan while Sean was puking his guts out.

Japan; 1pm.

The kids were asleep, and we just landed getting off of the our private jet. The airport was like absolutely crazy, like how it usually is in Japan. The amount of babes was overwhelming, but my heart was so full of gratitude and love. "Hi babes I love you" I blew kisses to them all and took selfies with as much as I could before we had to go.

すでにそんなにあなたを愛して愛のすべてをありがとうございました 💕

We then got to the hotel and hot rock massages were arranged for all of us. "can you guys be careful with my massage because I'm pregnant" I said, "oh yes of course" the said as I laid on the bed. The massage was so good and relaxing I think we all needed that. An personal chief then showed up and took our orders, for lunch. We all ordered horenso it's a sticky veggie roll, and kampo witch is dry veggies dipped in bread and soy sauce with a veggie smoothie from the Japan gardens. I was a very happy vegan pregnant girl. I took a picture of all our food.

" ビーガン料理は最高の食べ物です 😍"

I added it to my story and ate with everyone. We then showered and got ready to head to the stadium, of course we made a Starbucks stop for my green tea and for Ailani's chocolate chip mocha.

"こんにちは、私のかわいい赤ちゃん" I said waving to my babies outside of the stadium ("hi my cute babies").

We then got in the stadium and went in to the m&g, and my heart nearly bursted. They were too fucking cute, and I know it's wrong to say but I think they are my favorite. We then got in my dressing room and got dressed and did our vocal warm ups as usual. "I feel like I'm in a total different world, I haven't spoke English on anything in such a long time" I said giggling making us all laugh. We then got in our prayer circle, and all got excited since it was almost time to put on a show for the Japan babes. I then got on the lift as the timer went on and I heard my lil Japan babes cheering for me.

I was then on stage and everyone went crazy causing me to giggle.

"日本はどのようにy'allのは、今夜を感じて" I said smiling, ("Japan how y'all feeling tonight").

"Let's go" I said as dangerous women started and my lil babes sang along we also did the Japan versions.

"わたしは、あなたを愛しています!!" I said as I finished and went down on the lift. ("I love you"). 

Sean then went on stage and everyone was lit, he also did Japanese versions on his songs as well.

"Okay so tonight were gonna be adding a special song I wrote in France, for my beautiful wife. So baby come out here" Sean said smirking, as everyone cheered. I then giggled and went on stage, Sean kissed me and sat me down on a chair. "I love you, this one is for you" Sean said as the music started.

Girl I still kiss your head in the morning
Make you breakfast in bed while you're yawning
And I don't do everything, how you want it
But you can't say your man,
Don't be on it

'Cause I know true love ain't easy.
And girl I know it's you,
'Cause you complete me.
And I just don't want you to leave me,
Even though I give you reasons

'Cause baby sometimes, I can tell just by your face this part of us been gone for so long.
And I know there's no replacing what we had going on... for so long.But when it hurts, I can make it better.
Girl if it works, it's gon' be forever.
We been through the worst,
Made it through the weather.
Our problems and the pain... (pain),
But love don't change

Girl you still hold me close when you see me.
And you still make me know that you need me.
And I know sometimes you don't believe me.
But you stay on my mind, so believe me.

'Cause you have my heart don't break it (Oh no don't break it girl)
Girl, when times get tough, don't hate me (Oh)

And it all adds up, we gon' make it (gotta make it)
'Cause when you mad, I know you can't fake it (Oh)

'Cause baby sometimes, I can tell just by your face this part of us been gone for so long (so long).
And I know there's no replacing what we had going on... for so long.

But when it hurts, I can make it better.
Girl if it works, it's gon' be forever.
We been through the worst,
Made it through the weather.
Our problems and the pain... (pain),
But love don't change

Hold me down and I'm gon' do the same... for you love, I will do a thing... for you love,
I want this together even though it gets better... Or worse

'Cause baby sometimes, I can tell just by your face this part of us been gone for so long.
And I know there's no replacing what we had going on... for so long.

But when it hurts, I can make it better.
Girl if it works, it's gon' be forever.
We been through the worst,
Made it through the weather.
Our problems and the pain... (pain), But Love

But when it hurts, I can make it better.
Girl if it works, it's gon' be forever.
We been through the worst,
Made it through the weather.
Our problems and the pain... (pain), our love don't... Change...

Everyone went crazy and I was sobbing I can't believe he made me this beautiful song. I was so completely in love with it. I got up and hugged Sean as tight as I could and gave him a passionate kiss, as the confetti came down and we went down on the lift.

My whole family was crying and beaming and I couldn't stop crying, that was a dream, damn. "baby omg that was beautiful, I love you so much" I said going in Sean's arms kissing him.

wow what a dream 🙈. some how every single day you make me fall in love with you all over again @BigSean love you more then words.

And thank you Japan!. thank you for ur  cuteness and love appreciate you so very much. ♡

愛してる女の子はあなたに感謝し、すぐにあなたを参照してください 💘☺️.


Special shoutouts to Jeremiah, and google translate & to my babies love you. ☺️🍉 also vegan Japanese meal sites lmao.

-Mckayla 👄.


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