Everythings gon be alright

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"Oh my god" I cried.

The doctor did not pronounce the baby dead, but why isn't my baby moving.

There's something wrong.

And I'm not ready for it..I.. I can't handle it.

"Okay we found the heartbeat" the doctor said, as I took a deep breathe. I was expecting my baby's "strong healthy heartbeat" to surround the room..but I was wrong. It was very slow, weak, trying to keep beating heartbeat and I was on the verge of tears.

"Is my baby dying?!" I said as tears streamed down my face, already knowing the answer. "Mrs. Anderson, we can't seem to find th reason why the baby isn't moving, and such a slow heartbeat but we are most certainly concerned. We are going to have to a hand procedure, and feel up to the baby and see what the issue is" the doctor said turning the screen off.

I stared crying and all Sean & Lexi did was cry with me. Why is this happening to us...especially 7 months in.

I was hooked up an iv and machine recording my heart rates, and a machine recording the baby's heart rates. The doctors gave me some pain medication so I don't feel anything, they then had to open my cervix, to feel the baby and see what the issue was.

I couldn't feel or see a thing, but I was things out of the imaginary. I just closed my eyes and thought about Myra, I don't know why her but I couldn't stop thinking about her. I really need her at this time, I really need her strength, love, and light.

I woke up to Sean and Lexi rubbing my arms. "What happened?" I said blinking rapidly, realizing I feel asleep. "Everything's okay baby. The baby's embralca cord was wrapped around her neck cutting off all her circulation, witch caused her heart rate to slow down and for her trying to get out witch almost broke your water. But they detangled the baby, the baby is alright and hearbeat is all normal and healthy but we have to cancel the rest of the tour, you can't preform anymore while pregnant. Anyways, all is good and happy birthday baby I love you" Sean said kissing me. "Oh my god" I said crying tears of joy, "thank god" I said rubbing my tummy.

The next morning I was discharged from the hostpial, and we went back to the hotel to pack up & inform everyone what happened. We then went to the airport & hopped on the jet home, tmz leaked everything that happened so it's now all over the Internet and my babes are mad. I'm upset over it to but my family is my number one priority. I'm gonna do a live stream to explain to my babes everything that happened and they can understand what's going on coming from my lips.

I'm about todo a livestream so everyone tune in 😌

"Hello everyone, uhm so the most of you have gotten the gist of what happened, but I wanna explain it bc I think it's right that you all hear it from my lips. So before the show in Italy 2 days ago, aria was being very active moving around like usual. I then got really bad Braxton hicks, but this my 3rd baby so I knew I was fine. I did the show, we were back at the hotel chillin and the Braxton hicks came back but 10x stronger. I was in so much pain, that I became nauseous and I started throwing up and I couldn't stop. Sean came running behind me, and noticed I left a trail of blood, and it was a lot it soaked thru my clothes. So I knew something wasn't right, at this very moment I had a feeling our baby was gone. We rushed to the hospital, I couldn't stop sobbing, they hooked me to an iv and did an ultrasound. The baby wasn't moving and they couldn't find an heartbeat, I literally broke down like I couldn't handle it but Lexi and Sean were holding on to me. After searching and searching, they found a very weak, heartbeat. I thought my baby was dying, it was all a huge nightmare. The baby still wasn't moving, so they had todo a hand procedure and open my cervix to find the baby and see what's wrong with her. Her embralca cord was wrapped around her neck, cutting off all circulation and oxygen were she almost died, and she was trying to brake my water to try and get out witch caused me so much pain and for the bleeding. But the doctors detangled her and she's now alright and perfectly healthy. But I have to be on bedrest for the next 2 months until she arrives. Since I'm 7 months pregnant, and that happened my body can have a reflex and harm me or the baby, so I cannot preform anymore while being pregnant. I'm so so so sorry, I love you and we will be sending refunds back to the babes that we didn't get to see, and yeah. *sigh* so were heading back home, and I'm gonna rest it up keeping aria & myself heathy. I love you, sorry again, and thank you for making this tour such an amazing experience. A lot to look forward to, aria will be here soon, were very excited, very grateful she's healthy. But yeah, love you & thank you, and talk to you soon bye *blows kiss*."

Thank you babies for the love 💗, we love & live for you.

Back home 🌴

As soon as we got home all the pups greeted us and were very exited to see us. Ailani & Nohlan passed out, me and Sean cuddled on the couch and watched orange is the new black with Toulouse. Aria then stared moving, and I instantly went in to tears, it felt so good to feel our baby move again 💕.

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