love being home

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What the baby looks like ;


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I have a doctors appointment today to check on the baby, then later on tonight is Ailani's gymnastics recital. "Belmissma" I said going in Ailani's room, "yes mommy" Ailani said playing with her barbies, "do you wanna go to the doctors with me to check on the baby?" I asked smiling. "Ohh yes" ailani said grabbing her purse and tiara, "bring your nursing kit the doctor is gonna need your help" I said, "oh yeah I almost forgot" Ailani said grabbing it from one of her overflowing toy box. "Ready?" I asked holding her hand, "ready" she said smiling.

"Oh so your bringing a nurse with you?" Sean asked holding Nohlan, "yes I am" I said smiling, "bye Nohlan I have togo to work I'll be back later love you" Ailani said kissing Nohlan as he drooled on her "bye lani" Nohlan waved as me and Sean awed. I kissed Sean & Nohlan bye, "cmon princess lets go" I said holding her hand as we left.

We got to the doctors office and the doctors assistant called us back. "Mommy how does she know you name?" Ailani asked, "because my doctor haves a list of all of his patients" I said. "Like how uncle Zeno has a list of all the girls he slept with?" Ailani said innocently as I gasped, "uhm sorta. Baby where did you hear that from?" I asked, "uncle tone" Ailani said taking stuff out her nursing kit. "Okay just don't tell no one else that okay?" I asked, "okay mommy" Ailani said. The doctor then walked in, "hi Ariana how are we?" My doctor asked smiling as he shook my hand, "I'm good doctor tremblington how about yourself?" I smiled, "I'm good. I see your brought your nurse with you on this visit" he smiled at Ailani as she chuckled. "Yeah I thought you could use the extra help" I giggled, "always. Ailani I remember when you were in your mommys tummy" the doctor smiled, "really?" Ailani smiled. "Really, wanna help me put the gel on mommys tummy?" The doctor asked, "sure" Ailani said as she got in his lap. "Okay now I'm gonna turn the monitor on so we can see the baby" the doctor said, "you see that little thing there?" Doctor said to Ailani pointing out me and Sean's little baby. "Yeah" Ailani said amazed, "that's the baby" the doctor said smiling. "Wanna hear it's heartbeat?" The doctor said, "yeah" Ailani said. A loud thumping sound surrounded the room, my heart melted. "That's the baby's healthy strong heart" the doctor said smiling as he moves the instrument around my belly. "That's so cool!" Ailani beamed, I giggled. "When is the baby gonna come out?" Ailani asked, "not for 7 more months. Gotta be a patient nurse with mommy, okay now I gotta make sure mommys healthy, so go hold her hand so she doesn't get scared" the doctor smiled as I pulled my pants down. "Mommy what is he doing?" Ailani asked, "he haves to check my lady area to make sure the baby is not coming out" I said holding her hand, "mommys all good and healthy. You were such a big help today nurse would you like a prize?" The doctor asked washing his hands, handing me my ultrasound pictures. "Yeah" Ailani said jumping up and down, "okay you can pick 2" the doctor said smiling, "what do you say belmissma?" I said smiling, "thank you" Ailani said hugging the doctor, "no thank you. See you on the next visit" the doctor said smiling hugging her back.

"Daddy look!" Ailani said running in the house with the ultrasound pictures, "omg look it's our baby" Sean said in awe. "Everything's healthy, the baby haves a nice strong heartbeat" I said kissing Sean. "I'm so happy we have to put these on the fridge" Sean beamed, "yeah" I giggled as I slid them under the magnet. "Ailani go get ready for your bath" I said, "okay" Ailani said running up the stairs, "no running nurse" I said as she stopped. "Soo guess what Ailani told me in the waiting room" I said grabbing an ice tea out of the fridge, "oh god what" Sean sighed. "When the assistant called my name back she asked why she knows my name and I told my doctor haves a list of all his patients. She said like uncle Zeno with all the girls he slept with" I said as Sean laughed "omg where did she get that from" Sean said. "Tone" I said, "omg that fool" Sean laughed. "Sean this isn't funny. Our 3 year old daughter shouldn't know about Zeno fucking girls unresponsiblely" I said as I took a sip of my drink. "Your right I'll talk to tone tonight at her recital" Sean said taking a water of the fridge. "Thank you, now I have to go give our nurse a bath" I said turning around, Sean then smacked my ass "Seannn" I giggled. "I can't help it your ass gets fatter and fatter everyday" Sean said biting his lip, "will if your good you can smack it all you want tonight while I'm riding you" I said smirking. "Ohhhh don't do that to me don't do that to me" Sean said biting his lip once more, I laughed and went upstairs.

"Ready for your bath?" I said as I evened out the temperature. "Yeah" she said throwing her toys in there. "Mommy I wanna a baf" Nohlan said as he started to take off his diaper, "okay get in here" I said as u lifted him in. I then bathed the kids and got them dressed. "Ailani come here we have todo your hair and makeup" I said taking out my makeup kit. "I'm here" Ailani said sitting on my lap, "Sean!!" I yelled, "yeah?" Sean said coming upstairs, "get Nohlan ready and cut his fingernails and toenails" I said brushing Ailani's hair. After getting the kids ready I took a shower and started getting ready then Sean hopped in the shower as I was doing my makeup.

Everyone then showed up at our house, and Toulouse started going crazy. "Toulouse chill" Sean said as he let everyone in. Me and the kids then made it downstairs to greet everyone, "oh look here's the baby's ultrasound pictures" Frankie beamed as he took them off the fridge, "oh yeah I went to the doctors today everything's healthy" I beamed.

Went to sissys house and seen pics of my lil niece or nephew!!. I'm so excited & thanks for inviting me to the appt ari...not. 😩 @ArianaAnderson
Ultrasound pics

Sorry love I'll have plenty more appointments and you'll be the first one on the invitation list, I love you 😭♡ @FrankieJGrande

"Alright now that Frankie and Ariana are done tweeting each other when there literally a foot apart are we ready togo?" Joan asked as we all laughed. "Yes we're ready mother lets go" I said.

We then got in the car and Ailani was getting butterflies, "baby don't be nervous you'll do great. break a leg and we love you" I said as I held her. We then got to the stadium and Ailani saw all of her friends and she felt more comfortable. We then took pictures and watched the other performances, it was then time for Ailani to get backstage. "Alright baby good luck have fun, and we'll be watching you cheering you on. I love you" I said as I kissed her, "mom lipstick" Ailani said making me laugh, "I love you!" I said, "love you too" Ailani chucked.

I then went back to my seat and got a lil emotional my baby is growing up. "Baby she'll do great" Sean said as he pecked my lips, "i know, I'm just so proud of her" I said smiling. Ailani's team then came on stage and did there performance, I was beaming the whole time with tears in my eyes. Then the whole stadium cheered them on once they were finished, "WOOOOO GO AILANI YOU KILLED IT I LOVE YOU!!!" I stood in my seat as my family laughed at me. me and Sean then ran backstage and saw Ailani smiling like crazy, Sean picked her up and swung her around "you did amazing baby I'm so proud of you" Sean said beaming as I spun around with them, "you did more then amazing and I told you would. Did your hear us cheering for you?" I giggled, "yeah and it was so cool" Ailani chuckled as we laughed. We then went back to our seats with Ailani and our whole family grabbed her and gave her a kissing attack with some flowers and chocolates. Afterwords we took pictures and went out to dinner. We then headed home and put the kids to bed since it was kinda late.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Sean asked as I layed down. "Sure" I said turning Netflix on. "Okay I'm gonna get the fruit and cream pick out a movie" sean said getting up.

"How about the conjuring 2?" I asked smirking, "sure" sean said giving me my fruit. He then layed on my belly and I played the movie as I took a bite of my fruit.

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