just bein a 24 year old. <3

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Me ailani, frankie emila, are walking in the park, along with toulouse, coco, strauss, opheila, siruis. "T! T come hewe" ailani keeps demanding toulouse to be at her side.

nature, daughter, neice, brother, pups, and ailani demanding toulouse ever 5 sec to walk by her calms my soul.
Pic of ailani & toulouse.

"Here belmissma, want your juice" i say as we stop & make a break. "Yes" ailani says reaching for her juice as frankie changes emilas diaper. I then give the pups some water & treats. "Ailani wanna go see grandma & nonna?" I say. "Gwandma non! Gwandma non yes" she squels exitedly. Me and frankie laugh at her cutness, "alright baby, well go see them" i say.

"mother dearest were here!" i say as we all walk in the house. "hi my babies!" joan says kissing ailani and emila. "hi mommy" frankie says hugging my mom. "hi babe" joan says. "hi love" joan says to ari. "hi mommy" i say giving her a kiss. "wheres simon?" joan says taking ailani out of the stroller. "hes working out" frankie replys. "wheres sean?" joan ask. "he had to take fawks to vet he got sick last night" i reply. "awh poor baby" joan says playing with ailani and coco. "wheres nonna?" i ask, "shes walking noel, she should be here soon" joan says.

"hi guys" sean says walking in with fawks. "hows my baby?" i ask taking fawks. "he just had a stomach bug, he just needs to take antibotics for a week and he will be fine" sean says. "phew thank you lord. Thank you baby, for taking him i love you" i say kissing sean. "no problem baby, wheres princess?" sean ask smiling. "shes playing with coco & my mom" i reply with letting fawks down. "hi loves" nonna says coming in. "hi nonna" i say hugging her & giving her a kiss. "hay nonna" sean says hugging nonna. "hi sweet hearts, wheres my ailani & emila" nonna says picking up emila. "so ari, what are you gonna do for your 24th birthday?" joan ask.

"uhm i dont know yet i havent really thought about it" i say grabbing a yougurt. "but your birthday is in 5 days" frankie says laughing. "man i told her we should all go to paulys island and fuckin turn up" sean says. "omg ariana ! That would be so much fun" joan says excitdley. "but who whould watch ailani?" i ask. "uhm its called baby sitters & you have one! Ask angie, thats what shes here for" joan says. "i guess, i just dont want to leave my baby alone with some stranger" i say. "ariana your not pregnant, your turning 24 years old, last year you couldnt celabrate your birthday bc you were pregnant, cmon losen up its gonna be fun! You only turn 24 once have it be special and meormable. Its paulys island who gets to go to paulys island for there birthday!?" joan says. "alright lets do it!!" i say smiling. "wooohoo! Paulys island here we come!!" joan says holding up ailani. "mom i think your too excited" i say laughing as we all laugh.

Ariana's Birthday (woohoo paulys island)

"ma! Ma! Ma!" ailani says clinging on to my foot in bed. "mmm, yes belmissma" i say puttin her on my chest. "i want banan" ailani says refreing to bannana. "okay lets go eat my lil health freak" i say giggling picking her up. We got downstairs and i give her bannanas and strawberries. I fed the pups, and eat some fruit myself. "happy birthday baby" sean says wramping his musclar arms around my waist. "thank you sexy" i say smiling and kissing him. "mmmm i want some fruit now" sean says sticking his tongue in my mouth. "oh yah you can have my strawberry by the way" i say making us both laugh. "da da! Kwiss kwiss!" ailani says chuckling refreing for sean to kiss her. Making us laugh, "hi my baby!! Give daddy a kiss" sean says plotting his lip on hers. She then opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, making me and sean crack up. "no no baby, i only do that with mommy" sean says. "shes a freak" i say giggling. "just like her mom" sean says chuckling getting fruit out of the fridge. "just like her dad" i say plotting a grape in my mouth. "yeah whatever" sean says laughing kissing my temple. "oh its the manaic calling" i say checking my phone. "who?" sean ask putting a piece of pear in his mouth, "joan grande" i reply with, "ohhh that manaic" sean says chuckling.

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