back on stage

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*ailani crying*

Ariana- sean its ur turn!
Sean- no ariana I got up last, it's ur turn!
Ariana- no, last time it was ur turn and u never got up so I did so it's ur turn!
Sean - ugh, but theres no more bottles.
Ariana- yes there's 1 left I'll pump when I get up.
Sean- ugh fine.

Sean's POV

I love my baby girl with all my heart don't get me wrong, but why does she have to wake up so early??. I'm exhausted...

Sean- hi princess, daddy's here, chill. Picking up aliani / kissing her

I got her bottle, warmed it up, got a burb rag and fed her. She's so beautiful & perfect just like Ari. I'm so thankful to be her dad & to be arianas man. I thank God for them everyday.

My princess. Beautiful & perfect just like her mom @ArianaAnderson.
Pic of ailani eating.

I then burp her, and get good 4 burps.

Sean- chuckling good job baby

I then change her diaper, and then wrap her in her blankie with a pacifier, and we go in my man cave and turn on family guy. I snuggle aganst my baby, with her in my arms. Watching her amazment of the bright colors on tv, always making me laugh. I can't believe she's already 3 weeks! My baby is almost 1 month, she's growing way to fast. I give her kisses here & there, appreating my baby.

Snuggles with my other baby. #princessAilani #daddysgirl #daddytime #3weeksold
Pic of me & ailani

Arianas POV

I wake up Sean is not in the bed, ailani is not in her crib, they must be downstairs. I go pee, wash my face, and head downstairs.

Ariana- hi babies as the pups approach her

I feed the pups, and let them use the bathroom. Then I get me some fruit salad & a water. Then I check my twitter to see what my loves are up to. I see a cute tweet from Sean, and I get teary.

My princess. Beautiful & perfect just like her mom @ArianaAnderson.
Pic of ailani eating. " when ur husband is the cutest. I love you. RT"

See u soon @Ellendenresshow <3

Snuggles with my other baby. #princessAilani #daddysgirl #daddytime #3weeksold
Pic of me & ailani " my heart, my everything <3. RT"

I then start pumping, so sean can have bottles when I'm gone for today.

Ariana- baby, are you guys down here?
Sean- yeah.
Ariana- hi belmissma. Kissing ailani. Are u having fun with daddy?
Sean- we are having fun. Kissing Ari did u sleep good?
Ariana- I slept very good
Sean- good. Wanna come cuddle with us?
Ariana- yes please. Is that okay belmissma?
Sean- she says yes, but she's not sharing her daddy.
Ariana- mmm, your gonna have to rethink that babe. Gigging
*ailani cries
Sean- chuckling ohhh, nope she doesn't wanna share.
Ariana- laughing this diva! It's gonna be a long 18 years.. Come here belmissma tell mommy your issue holding ailani

I got her to calm down, and we all cuddled, having family time. When she fell asleep, we put her in her baby bouncer, and me and Sean exchanged a few tender kisses. Then I had to get ready to go to the Ellen show.

Danila- hi babe
Ariana- hi baby cakes
Daniel- where's miss. Ailani?
Ariana- ailani come down here uncle Daniel wants to see you!..ailani...ailani Marie Anderson get your ass down here!!
Everybody laughs.
Daniel- I hate you!
Ariana- love youuuu, only 3 weeks old & she's already a rebel. Danila- she gets it from her mama!
Ariana- I guess...

I left my hair naturally curly, had foundation, lip stick, mascara, eye shadow, eye liner, I was wearing tight blue jeans, a black flowing top, and nude heels. I'm wearing of course my wedding ring, Pearl ring from nonna, Pearl bracelets, diamond earrings, and my 'ariana' necklace.

See you like really, really, really, sooooon! @ArianaAnderson" getting more n more excited. x"

*at Ellen show*

Ellen- Hello everyone, thank you for coming to the show. We have a special guest today, a 23 year old mother, wife, singer, actress, Ariana Anderson!!!
Crowd goes crazy
Ariana- "hi everybody!" Hugging ellen
Ellen - hi ariana, thank you for joining us today.
Ariana- "hi Ellen, thank you for having me I love coming on your show it's always a blast"
Ellen- will thank you we love having you. Tell us all about lil ailani we love her!
Ariana- "thank you, I love her too. She's a lil diva! She's only 3 weeks old and shes already a rebel. She's a cutie thou, I call her belmissma just to carry down the name & because she's beyond beautiful"
Ellen- she is beautiful. Are you and Sean gonna have anymore babies?
Ariana- "we plan on it. Down the road, we def wanna have a few. And can I tell y'all a secret?"
Ellen - yes OMG anything
Ariana- "my best friend Alexa is pregnant!!! "
Ellen- OMG how exciting!
Ariana- "yeah, I found out on Thanksgiving so I like had a heart attack. And Frankie & Simon got a carrier and there exepecting too! I'm gonna be a aunt! "
Ellen - oh my God ariana congrats! So many babies. Now on music, you and Sean released a song
Ariana- "yeah we released "only you" it's on iTunes and I love it so much it's so special. "
Ellen - I love it too! And guess what everybody she's gonna perform it!
Ariana- "yas, let's do it"

"Only you"
"Hands on me"

Ellen- Ariana that was amazing!
Ariana- "thank you so much"
Ellen - people want to know why you didn't perform while you we're pregnant?
Ariana- "when I just found out I was pregnant, I went to France for work and I performed, and my body felt horrbile. And I was thinking this can't be healthy for my baby, so I had to just cut it out for awhile but I missed it terrbiley but I'm so happy I'm back on stage ".
Ellen- will we are too. Thank you Ariana for coming I love you, we love you"
Ariana- "thank you for having me, I love you, I love you babies " hugging Ellen.


I'm now about to do a mini concert for my babies.

"Hi my babies, I missed performing for you guys, and I'm so happy I'm back. I'm so thankful for you all, I love you beyond words "

"Only you"
"Everything will be alright"
"Honeymoon ave"
"My everything"
"Hands on me"

"Thank you my babies, I love you, have a good night!!! "

I feel soo grateful. My heart is fufilled for many reasons. Thank you × a million. I love y'all.

Ty @EllenShow, for letting me spill the beans. I love yew <3.

I guess the cat is out of the bag! Me & @SimonGrande are expecting! Were soooo execited!

Excited to be a mommy! Thaaankk you for all the love <3 #muchappreated

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