A trip to Detroit never hurt anyone

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My album is finshed, my heart is complete. Sean finally haves time off so we are gonna head to the D so ailani can see her other family. My sister arielle, my father and his girlfriend are coming as well, so its gonna be fun. we're on the plane now, ailani is not feeling it shes screaming & teething. "I know baby, the medicine will kick in a min" i say rubbing her back trying to soothe her. Sean is trying to find her blankie & fav cartoons. Shes finally fine cuddling with sean with her blankie watching cartoons. I then get some shut eye.


We then land, i go pee, sean changes ailani's diaper as i get the stuff ready. Were in the airport & the paparazzi is there, sean is behind me with ailani in her stroller protecting her from the bright flashes. We get in the car on our way to seans moms house, as i snap a pic of the beautiful city.

We <3 Detroit.

As we get to seans mom house, were greeted by the smell of fried chicken, mac n cheese, corn, mashed potatos & gravy, green beans, and vodka. I then see a bunch of vegan meals. and of course hugs & kisses.

myra- wheres my ailani?!
Sean- shes right here. Go see grandma baby.
Myra- hi grandma's baby! Kissing ailani. Lets go play with morgan & davion!
sean- this food looks bomb as fuck.
Ariana- lets go smash, im starving.

After me & Sean eat, i fix ailani dinner. "Cmon baby you have to eat" i say putting her in her high chair. I feed her mash potatos, corn, and green beans with water. My sister then comes with my dad & his girlfriend. "Ailani look whos here! Its auntie" i say then ailani smiles and crawls over to arielle. Around 10, i give ailani a bottle and get her ready for bed, once shes asleep i take a seat in seans lap and observe everything & just smile. Im so happy.

Family. My heart is happy.
Pic of everyone.

Sean is drinking with his buddies playing poker, im with arielle, myra, my dad his girlfriend and my mom& nonna. were all talking & catching up & laughing. Sean then starts getting loud & routy hes obviously drunk. Im freaking out sean never acts like this and im scared.

Ariana- what the fuck is going on?!
myra- sean lost the game and hes obviously a lil upset.
Ariana- Sean may i speak to you? Sean- not right now ariana im busy.
Ariana- busy doing what?
I snapped back.
Sean- none of your fucking bussness thats what.
He snapped back giving me a evil glare.
Ariana- sean dont fucking speak to me like that! Im your wife!
sean- i dont give a fuck! Ariana you need to leave me alone.
Ariana- Sean stop talking to me like that! Just because your infront of your "niggas" doesnt mean you need to disrespect me to play cool!.
Brett- i got him ma dont worry. Holding sean. Im taking him to a hotel for the night, dont worry we will be fine.
Myra- thank you brett, now get that boy outta here now!. Ariana baby, are you okay?! Holding ari. Ariana- crying. Yes im okay, thank you.
Myra- go to bed baby, ill bring you water. You need rest, everything will be okay hes gone i promise.

I go in the room i check on ailani, shes fine sleeping peacefully. Myra comes in & brings me water, and gets me in bed okay. I cry myself to sleep, im broken.

Next Morning

I wake up to the detroit sun, i go pee, and check on ailani shes still fast asleep. I then think about last night, tears fall my heart sinks. I just wanna leave, get my daughter & get out of detroit. I then hear everyone talking.

Myra- Sean, you really messed up. You were so disrespectful, drunk or not that is your wife. Absoulotley unacceotlable sean.
Sean- i know ma, i messed up. Im so dissapointed in myself. I feel so bad, i love ari, i love my daughter i messed everything up. Crying.
Myra- crying. You have to talk to her sean, you have to talk to her. You have to make things work.

I then walk out the room, hearing everything i need to.

"Hi baby." Sean says smiling weakly.

"Dont call me baby" i snap not even looking at him.

"Cmon brett lets go" myra says as they leave leaving us alone.

"Look ariana, i know i messed up. I was drunk, and im s-" sean said.

"Dont say sorry! Don't even fucking do it!" I say, as i start crying.

"Ari- baby, i feel so bad. Im sorry i messed up. Please dont be mad. I love you, i dont wanna lose you" sean said crying.

"Sean, you shouldve thought of that before you acted like a asshole" i said sharply.

"Im sorry. I dont know what to say. I love you & ailani, it was a terrbile mistake & i will never do it again i promise. I was drunk, i was a asshole. I love you. please" sean said.

"Whyd you do it? Why would your hurt me?" I said crying.

"Baby i never ment to hurt you. Your my everything, i love you. Im so sorry, i promise" sean said hugging me crying.

"I love you. Dont ever do that again. We have to move on from this." I said hugging sean.

"Im sorry baby, never again. I. Love. You." Sean said in between the wet, kisses of his tongue in my mouth.

"I love you" i said kissing him back.

We love eachother, thats how we move on. We got hurt.

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