overwhemled and mushy

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Were back from barabara, it was a lot of fun. Now it's time to work non stop we have exactly a month until we get married and we have TONS to do. The invitations aren't even sent out!. I'm starting to get overwhelmed in this process.

" You are invited to Sean Anderson and Ariana Grande's wedding, on May 23rd 2015, at the xander fon dou roman castle plaza hall. The colors are lavender and black. The ceremony of the two start at 2:30 PM, Save the date! With lots of love, Sean & Ariana soon to be Mr & Mrs. Anderson."

I just sent out the invations to 2,000 people. With a cute pic of me and Sean kissing. Sean is at a performance and I'm waiting patently for him to get back so we leave for cake tasting and food tasting.

If @BigSean don't get here in the next 5 mins so we can leave for cake & food tasting then I might have to kick his ass. love you baby, lmao.

"@arianalovin aw lol, don't kick his ass we want him to look good while he marrys you" awh, can't keep no promises love lol. ly.

"Arianasmoonlight: lol. When is focus coming baeeee??!? Ily" Tommrow! Also a live chat! I love you bunches"

Got so winded up planning to marry the love of my life, I forgot to tell my babies that focus comes out tommrow!!!. I'm so siked. And even more siked to do a live chat I miss you babes. love you sm.

Sean - baby I'm here!
Ariana- hi baby *kissing Sean*
Sean- ready to go?
Ariana - yeah how was your show?
Sean - it was pretty amazing
Ariana- awh, good now let's go

*at the food tasting*
Vanessa- hi love birds
Ariana- hi babe
Sean- hi Vanessa
Vanessa- how was your trip?
Ariana- it was so good
Vanessa- awh good ready to try some cake!?
Ariana- mhm
Vanessa- what is your guys selections
Ariana- will I'm vegan and that's about it
Vanessa- okay so try some vegan chocolate
Ariana- mm this is delicious
Vanessa- Sean try this chocolate
Sean- good
Vanessa- okay so we have regarlaur chocolate and vegan. How about strawberry? We will do doubles of everything
Ariana- that's fine right baby?
Sean- yeah
Vanessa- okay so chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, carrot, lemon, cheesecake, banana, and red Barry?
Ariana- sounds delicious
Sean- I dig it
Vanessa- alright how about frosting?
Ariana- baby you pick this one out
Sean- are you sure?
Ariana- yes. *kissing Sean*
Sean- okay, how about chocolate, strawberry, vanilla.
Ariana- I love it
Sean- thank you *kissing Ari*
Vanessa- perfect. Do you guys want cupcakes, cake pops, ice cream?
Ariana- we want regarluar chocolate and vegan ice cream, strawberry cake pops both kinds, vanilla cupcakes is that okay babe?
Sean- yes baby.
Vanessa- loving it. Now for food and drinks Ariana what do you like?
Ariana- I love vegan meddtarian foods. Like hummus, kale, salads, tofu, spinach, roasted squash, just vegan buffae. Now my family isn't vegan and were Italian, so like pastas spiaggati, lasagna, meat loaf, tons and of meat so like a Italian baffae. Also lots of fruits n veggies.
Sean- for my family, we like chicken, pasta, corn bread, garlic bread, Mac n cheese, corn, meat loaf, just a baffae.
Vanessa- that's fine we can mix it up with vegan baffae, Italian baffae, and a regluar meddtrain baffae. Now for drinks?
Ariana- red wine, grape wine, gladys o petic wine, whiskey, liquor, captain, mix ups, and for light like tea, ice water, lemonade, juice, pop.
Vanessa- and for dessert?
Ariana- baby pick some
Sean- chocolate cake lava, and sundaes
Ariana- yas
Vanessa- perfect and that is finished. Now for honeymoon and bachelor parties??
Ariana- we decided our honeymoon to be in Puerto Rico, and bachelor parties to be in Vegas.
Vanessa- okay, and when can we go for dress fitting, and tux fitting and ring outting?
Ariana- umm, were both extreamly busy tommorow, how about next week?
Vanessa- sounds good. I'll get in touch with bridesmates / grooms men to plan the parties I'll get started in the honeymoon. And by fittings next week, the count down will be 3 weeks. And then the bachelor party at 2 weeks, then wedding rehearsal at one 1 week then you'll be married!
Ariana- its becoming so surreal!
Vanessa- it sure is
Ariana- thank you so much Vanessa! Here's your 2,000 $
Vanessa- thank you guys, I'll see you next week for fittings
Ariana- bye. *hugging Vanessa*
Sean- bye thank you *hugging Vanessa*
Vanessa- bye

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