Lemme show you what I mean

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Sean's birthday is now in 2 days. He will be turning 29, my baby is getting old. Lol. So my plan is have a surprise party, I'm acting like I'm not planning anything thou, and that I'm busy, shooting my movie. Today I'm gonna fly my sister in, all his family & friends from Detroit I'm flying in, and all my family & friends. He haves nothing going on currently, so hes talking ailani out with zeno so i can get busy. Zeno knows the plan, so hes taking them out to lunch. I booked the best hotel in Los Angles for our family & friends to stay at. Arielle is gonna stay with us.

Ariana- alright, ready for a fun day with daddy & zeno belmissma?
Sean- shes ready!.
Ariana- alright i packed 2 bottles, apples for fruit, and pea's for veggie, and she can always have her poouch.
Sean- alright, sounds good
Ariana- okay, bye baby have fun with daddy, i love you. Kissing ailani
Sean- bye baby, i love you.
Ariana- i love you, have fun, tell zeno i said hi. Kissing sean.
Sean- i will. One last kiss. Kissing ari.
Ariana- bye sugar lips. Winking.
Sean- bye, sugar p-......uh..never miind. Chuckling.
Ariana- ewww, stooppp giggling

Sean POV

Me, ailani, and zeno are out in the mall shopping. Ailani is smiling away, being perfect as usual. Then she starts getting fussy out of the blue, I check my phone it's time for her to eat. I take out the bottle, and give it to her. She smashes it. "Dayumm" I say as I chuckle. "She sure loves it to eat just like her daddy" Zeno says in reply. "Yup" I say burping her. We then continue shopping and ailani is fine, smiling like before. We then get to the restruant, I change ailani in the car before heading. Once we get in, i put some banna yogurt in her poouch and give it to her to suck on. "Here ya go princess" I say handing it to her, as she grabs it and puts in her mouth. "What is that thing anyway?" Zeno says, looking wired at it. "Its a poouch. There's baby yogurt inside for her to suck on" I say. "Oh God man, the dad world got you sucked up" Zeno said laughing. "Will I am a dad, and I love my daughter. Is that a bad thing?" I say. "No not at all, it's just, it's wired from hearing from 'Big Sean' " Zeno said. "will 'Big Sean' is now a daddy, and im happy either way" i said.. "you go man" zeno said smiling. I then feed ailani her apples and we head to the studio.

"aye man, are yall doing anything for your birthday?" zeno said.

"nah bro, i dont think so. Ariana is too busy, so i think its just gonna be chill" i say.

We then make some pretty dope music with imani. And ailani is amuzed by all these new sounds.

Princess be in the studio w/ her daddy and uncle zeno working w/ the talented @Imanismusic
Pic of ailani.

We then head home. Ariana is not home, we let the pups go outside and use the bathroom. I then get ailani ready for bed, i change her diaper, and get her in pjs. I give her pacifier, and her blankie. I then take my shirt off, and get changed in basketball shorts and cuddle with ailani on the couch. "goodnight princess, i love you" i say as i kiss my lil princess. I admire her looks, damn shes so beautiful. Shes perfect. I love her more then anything. Shes my first baby, and nothing will compare or change what she does to my heart. Shes my princess, and that will never change.

Ariana's POV

Ive been working all day. Everybody will be in by tommrow. I had todo rehearsal for my new movie, rehearsal for my upcoming performance. And then I had to make sure the phtot shoot me & ailani did in new York will be in for Sean's birthday. Then I did a nude shoot, just for Sean's eyes only. I'm so happy. I can't wait to surprise him. I see Sean & ailani cuddling on the couch.

"Hi baby" I say making my way over there.

Sean- hi baby, how was your day? Kissing Ari
Ariana- exhausting, yours?
Sean- fun.
Ariana- will im glad. Im gonna to bed, im so tired, goodnight.
Sean- goodnight baby i love you.
Ariana- love you.

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