the end of to a start ❤

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"Nohlan lemme change your diaper!" I said chasing him around the tour bus as he giggled. "Hey you better be listening to mommy" sean said holding him down as I changed his diaper, "mommy I'm hungry" ailani said playing on her iPad, "your father is right there why don't you tell him" I said trying to catch my breath. "Daddy I'm hungry" ailani said sighing, "what do you want to eat?" Sean said, "some fruit and crackers" ailani said, "okay. Nohlan are you hungry?" Sean asked, "I want chippes" Nohlan said reaching for his snacks, "no you need to eat food" I said picking him up, "sandwich" Nohlan said, "make him a pbj" I said grabbing my phone.

"What are you gonna eat?" Sean asked me, "I just ate some veggies with a tossed salad" I said drinking my water, "oh will I'm starving" sean said handing ailani her food, "I'll make you something what do you want?" I asked, "pancakes" Sean smirked, "you and your weird ass cravings" I giggled as I got the pancake mix out.

We then got to Texas and the babies were wild as always, "hi my babies I love you" I beamed as I took selfies with them all. We then go the hotel, the kids took a nap and me and Sean went to the gym. We then got back to the hotel took a shower and got ready for the stadium.

i already love you Texas ♡ thank you, see you soon. scream your lil asses off please.

We then got to the m&g, and I started to get a lil emotional. It was a mixture of this is the last time we're gonna be doing this for awhile and that I'm pregnant and hormones are all over the place, but it was horrendous.

We then got to the dressing room and got dressed and warmed up dem vocals. "Prayer circle, this is our last one for awhile" Joan said, "shut the fuck up mom" I said making all of us laugh. "This is our last show on this leg. It's been one hell of a journey and in that journey Ariana managed to get pregnant" Joan said making us all laugh, "but I just wanna thank you for all for an amazing experience this first part of the tour and we still have a long ways to go. We're extremely grateful for  everything we have crossed. Tonight our last show on this leg, we have Myra and grandps by our side, wishing us the best of luck. Amen" Joan said "amen" we said in Union. "Yaaaas to us" Brian said, "yaaaaas to us" we said in Union as we laughed, I then got on the lift.

"Texas how y'all feelin" I smiled, as everyone lost it. "This is our last show on this leg, and I'm so grateful for you babies. Y'all are the most supportive and loving and amazing, and I love y'all beyond words and what we have is meant to last forever. And in a month, we will be out of the country to finish off the tour, and I'm kinda sad because this is one of the best things that has ever happened to us. Y'all are our everything, we love you. Let's go!" I said as dangerous women started.

After the show, we did another meet & greet in our hotel lobby, "thank you babies again, I love you" I said hugging them all as we got on the tour bus and left.

Texas, tonight was magical bc of you. it was a sappy kindve night and my heart can't handle this. thank you u.s babies for making this tour a dream 🌧♡ european babes see you soon (: .

We then catched a flight home, everybody went home it was just me and Sean and the kids in our house with pups. "This month off is gonna be so nice. I'm gonna miss the fans but I'm gonna enjoy the time being home with my family" Sean said putting me in his lap, "I know me too. It feels so weird to actually be home and not traveling somewheres" I said pecking Sean's lips. "I love you" Sean said, "I love you too" I said smiling.

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